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马珂  田喜洲 《心理科学进展》2016,24(10):1636-1646
组织中的高质量联结(HQC)指工作中短期的积极互动关系。它能使交往双方体验到活力、积极关照与相互交融, 并具有高情感承载力、关系张力与联结力三个特征。目前, HQC已成为积极组织行为学关注的热点问题之一, 它不仅对个体生理健康、工作态度、学习行为具有积极影响, 还能通过组织过程、高管团队的决策与张力、团队创新力作用于组织。而认知、情感和行为机制是构建与强化HQC的重要方法。未来HQC研究需要对其影响因素、构建与强化机制间关系做进一步讨论。  相似文献   
民族社会化觉察是指少数民族孩子对父母向他们传递的有关民族特征信息的认知。采用问卷调查、情境实验和故事补全任务考察景颇族初中生对母亲传递的民族社会化信息的觉察及特征。结果表明:(1)景颇族初中生觉察到的民族社会化信息包含促进和睦、文化社会化、促使不信任和偏见准备; (2)景颇族初中生对不同信息的觉察存在差异, 对促进和睦的觉察显著多于文化社会化和偏见准备, 对促使不信任的觉察最少; (3)在冲突情境中, 有无偏见线索影响被试对偏见准备的觉察; (4)被试的民族社会化觉察存在性别差异, 女生更多地觉察到促进和睦, 男生更多地觉察到促使不信任。整个研究表明, 青少年的民族社会化觉察存在着文化差异, 与美国少数族裔青少年觉察到母亲偏重于传递文化社会化、偏见准备不同, 景颇族初中生觉察到母亲偏重于传递促进和睦。  相似文献   
通过中国古代绘画考试与最新发现成果一氧化氮(NO)之间内在关系的比较,探讨医学科研思路方法学的意义,比较两者的思维方法和发现过程,绘画考试与发现成果一氧化氮(NO)之间从方法学上观察具有共通之处.科学研究中学术思想才是最重要的.  相似文献   
现代医学教育中应注重自然科学与人文学的统一   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
现代高等医学教育中缺乏人文精神的养成,对人文学与自然科学之间的关系缺乏正确理解。自然科学在崇尚客观与理性的同时可能忽视物质世界以外的精神世界,而单纯的人文学也可能走向狭隘和极端化,自然科学与人文学应在互制互利下统一。医学生教育阶段加强人文精神的培养十分有利于帮助他们在未来工作中明确科学研究的正确价值取向,正确处理好人与科技的关系。  相似文献   
注意缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)的发病群体多为5岁以后的儿童,主要临床表现是多动、冲动,注意力无法集中,对一项任务不能够有规划进行下去,而且脾气暴躁、易怒.近年来.心理学界、神经科学界和教育学界等对ADHD的研究取得了很多进展.本文概括性地介绍了ADHD病症的基本特征,目前对于患者脑机制损害的研究,并从药理学和行为学等方面讨论了ADHD的治疗方法和手段.  相似文献   
大学生心理健康普查和建档工作的理性思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文针对目前高校心理普查和建档中存在的问题,深入探讨了心理普查和建档的目的、资料内容的构成、科学性与有效性的影响因素、能否筛查出心理障碍和心理危机者、结果的保密性和使用,以及投入与产出的问题等等,以期引起各方对此的深入思考,并科学地对待心理普查和建档工作。  相似文献   
Task-switching studies show no behavioral benefit of partially informative cues. However, ERP evidence of an early cue-locked positivity elicited by both fully and partially informative cues suggests that both cues trigger an anticipatory component of task set reconfiguration (Nicholson, Karayanidis, Davies, & Michie, 2006). We examined this apparent discrepancy using a cued-trials task-switching paradigm with three tasks. The ERP finding of an early cue-locked positivity was replicated for both switch-to cues, which validly predicted an upcoming switch trial and specified the new task set, and switch-away cues, which validly predicted an upcoming switch trial but not the new task set. This component was not elicited by a noninformative cue that did not specify whether the task would switch or repeat. Switch-away cues resulted in more accurate but not faster responding than did noninformative cues. Modeling of decision processes confirmed a speed-accuracy trade-off between these conditions and a preparation benefit for both switch-to and switch-away cues. These results indicate that both fully and partially informative cues elicit an early anticipatory component of task set reconfiguration that is reflected in the early cue-locked positivity. We argue that the pattern of results is most consistent with a task set inhibition account of this early anticipatory component of task set reconfiguration.  相似文献   
The contention of this paper is that the context of social and therapeutic problems is critical to their resolution, and that many of them stem from historical and structural injustice. It focuses on the contextual issues of cultural, gender, and socioeconomic equity as providing important insights into authentic notions of social inclusion and well-being, and encourages therapists, service providers, researchers, and policy makers to take responsibility to ensure that these injustices are addressed, and become part of the public discourse about the sources and solutions of endemic social problems. Critique and deconstruction of institutional power in our public, private, and voluntary services is encouraged in a manner that honors diversity and enables sensitive therapy, other forms of service delivery and policy making that genuinely reflect the range of cultural, gender, and socioeconomic experiences of citizens.  相似文献   
The association between current level of suicidal ideation and physical activity was tested in a broad sample of veterans seeking care from the Veterans Health Administration. It was hypothesized that the two variables would be significantly inversely related. It was further hypothesized that the relationship would be mediated by depressive symptoms, disturbed sleep, and a measure of heart rate variability based on existing research regarding physical activity and sleep. Due to the first hypothesis not being supported, the second could not be tested. Post hoc correlation analyses did find associations between physical activity and depressive symptoms, in expected directions, and are discussed. Possible explanations for the negative findings along with recommendations for future research to continue exploring links between suicide risk and physical activity are presented. We conclude by suggesting that physical activity may have promise as a risk reduction intervention and that prospective data are more likely to yield significant results than the cross‐sectional methodology employed in the current study.  相似文献   
The trajectory of suicidal ideation across early adolescence may inform the timing of suicide prevention program implementation. This study aimed to identify developmental trajectories of suicidal ideation among an urban cohort of community‐residing African Americans (AA) longitudinally followed from middle school through early adulthood (ages 11–19 years). Subtypes based on the developmental course of suicidal ideation from late childhood through mid‐adolescence were identified using longitudinal latent class analysis (LLCA) with 581 AA adolescents (52.7% male; 71.1% free or reduced school meals). The developmental trajectories of suicidal ideation were then used to predict suicide attempts in young adulthood. Our LLCA indicated two subtypes (i.e., ideators and nonideators), with 8% of the sample in the ideator class. This trajectory class shows a peak of suicidal ideation in seventh grade and a steady decline in ideation in subsequent grades. Additionally, suicidal ideation trajectories significantly predicted suicide attempt. Results of these analyses suggest the need for suicide prevention approaches prior to high school for AA youth.  相似文献   
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