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Along the lines of the evidence-based recommendations, we developed a multi-disciplinary intervention for overweight children 7- to 12-years-old, primarily aiming at helping children to adopt healthier eating habits and a physically active lifestyle. The program combined nutrition intervention, based on a non-dieting approach, with physical activity intervention, implemented through the basic principles of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), along with parental support. The program was conducted by dieticians with the collaboration of child psychiatrists and pediatricians. Training and regular supervision upon CBT priniciples application was intended to enhance dieticians' efficiency. The intervention is currently being evaluated to determine its effectiveness in treating childhood obesity.  相似文献   

El tema de la personalidad, en su sentido lato, es retomado en este artículo para proceder a justificar comprensivamente su utilización en Psicología Multivariada, tanto teórica como aplicada.

Tras definir la personalidad como paradigma de configuración y pronóstico (a partir de los repertorios y predisposiciones comportamentales reincidentes), se establecen ocho axiomas básicos que sustentan cualquier investigación con metodologías multifactoriales. Asimismo se perfila el marco disciplinar que conecta la Teoría Multidimensional de la Personalidad con otras áreas y logros experimentales en Psicología General.

Finalmente se apuntan los ejes re-interpretativos de la personalidad a la luz de las aportaciones de la Teoría General de Sistemas, entendiéndola como supra-sistema dinámico de transformación e integración del individuo en su medio. Así los rasgos, más que constructos hipotéticos, son considerados focos moduladores de influencia, direccionabilidad y ajuste.  相似文献   

Durante el período de estabilidad factorial de EGB (cuarto, sexto y octavo), se analizaron los cambios cuantitativos en los tres factores encontrados: Visualización Estática, Visualización Dinámica y Razonamiento Abstracto (Prieto y Vega, 1979). Las puntuaciones Factoriales de los diferentes grupos con una estructura Factorial idéntica se trataron por medio de un Análisis de varianza. Se encontraron tendencias lineales y cuadráticas significativas. Se analiza la relación entre cambio cuantitativo y cambio cualitativo desde diferentes contextos teóricos.  相似文献   

En este trabajo se delinean los modelos teóricos, así como algunos de los procedimientos empíricos que permitirán un enfoque científico-profesional en el amplio cúmulo de tareas que suele absorber y ocupar al psicólogo del trabajo. Todo ello centrándose en un criterio clave, tanto en la órbita pública como privada, y que desde sus inciertos orígenes ha guiado los esfuerzos, observaciones y constataciones de los psicólogos diferenciales: el rendimiento a través de los logros. En otros contextos se alude a este criterio, como si de una novedad psicológica se tratara, con un término tan rebuscado como sugestivo: “validez ecológica”.  相似文献   
The effects of inpatient treatment, including manual-guided cognitive-behavioral treatment (CBT), were examined for 36 adolescents (12–18 years) with chronic school absenteeism and mental health problems. Using a within-subject control group design, no changes were noted during the untreated waiting period, whereas there was a strong, statistically significant reduction in school absence rates and mental health problems from the start to the end of inpatient treatment. At discharge, 88.9% of adolescents attended school regularly or were employed (86.1 and 63.9% at 2- and 9-months follow-up, respectively). Self- and parent-reported mental health problems were significantly reduced during treatment and remained stable during follow-up.  相似文献   
Numerous findings have documented the adverse effects of stereotypes on those negatively portrayed by the stereotypes. Less is known about the ramifications of stereotype exposure on those who are not the objects of the stereotypic depictions. Two studies examined the effect of exposure to an American Indian sports mascot on the stereotype endorsement of a different minority group. Study 1 used an unobtrusive prime, while Study 2 used a more engaged prime. Study 2 also investigated the effect among those unfamiliar with the controversy regarding American Indian sports mascots. Results from both studies show that participants primed with an American Indian sports mascot increased their stereotyping of a different ethnic minority group.  相似文献   
Based on the theory of interpersonal defense (Westerman, 1998, Westerman, 2005 and Westerman and Steen, 2005), an interpersonal conceptualization of defense processes, we conducted a set of studies to investigate (a) implicit lay beliefs (i.e., implicit beliefs widely held by people in our culture) about the effects of defensive behavior on short-term interaction events, and (b) individual differences in implicit beliefs about the costs and benefits of defensive behavior and their relation to behaving defensively. In these studies, participants imagined themselves in several interpersonal situations presented in a paper-and-pencil protocol and responded to questions about what they expected would happen after they behaved defensively or nondefensively. As predicted, results indicated that, according to participants’ implicit lay beliefs, defensive behavior as compared to nondefensive behavior makes short-term clear-cut feared occurrences less likely, reduces the likelihood of clear-cut wished-for short-term outcomes, and affects how these outcomes will be experienced when they do take place. Also, findings indicated that there was an inverse association between self-reports of behaving defensively and the extent to which participants appreciated the short-term costs of defensive behavior. Alternative models for explaining this association are considered, including the idea that expectations minimizing the costs of defensive behavior develop because they support previously established, emotionally charged interpersonal behavior patterns.  相似文献   
Our study's objective is to determine whether substance use disorders’ association with aggression differs according to the type of substance and/or the form of aggression, within the same population. We used data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health across 2008–2014, with a pooled sample of 270,227 adult respondents. We used regression models to estimate the odds ratios for those having alcohol and/or drug use disorder(s) perpetrating (a) each form of aggression compared with no aggression and (b) other-directed compared with self-directed aggression. Alcohol use disorder alone and drug use disorder(s) alone were both associated with significantly increased odds of committing self-directed, other-directed, and combined aggression. Individuals with drug use disorder(s) alone were more likely to commit other-directed than self-directed aggression (adjusted odds ratio = 1.46, 95% CI = 1.04–2.05). Individuals with alcohol use disorder alone were not likely to commit one over the other (adjusted odds ratio = 1.20, 95% CI = 0.90–1.61). In conclusion, the integrated model of aggression based on the stress–diathesis model is a relevant framework to study risk factors for aggression. Further research is needed to identify longitudinal predictors of directionality of aggression.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung  Der Brustkrebs erzwingt geradezu unsere Aufmerksamkeit mit seiner hohen Prävalenz—30% aller Krebsneuerkrankungen bei nordamerikanischen Frauen sind Brustkrebs—, und er ist die zweithäufigste Todesursache bei Frauen in Nordamerika. Weiße nordamerikanische Frauen haben ein Risiko von 1:9, im Laufe ihres Lebens an Brustkrebs zu erkranken. Es gibt zahlreiche Anknüpfungspunkte, darunter genetische und familiäre Prädisposition, primäre Krebserkrankung/Langzeitüberleben und rezidivierende oder metastasierende Krankheit. Brustkrebs ist eine Krankheit, bei der jede Form der Krebsbehandlung eingesetzt wird—Chirurgie, Chemotherapie, Bestrahlung, Hormontherapie und die viel versprechenden, kürzlich entwickelten immunologischen Interventionen. Zugleich ist die Brust als Körperteil kulturell hochgradig besetzt und als Symbol der Weiblichkeit, der Attraktivität, der Sexualität und der Fortpflanzung aufmerksam und emotional viel beachtet. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Anwendung von Gruppenpsychotherapien auf dieses Spektrum klinischer Belange diskutiert.
Molyn LeszczEmail:
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