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The study of the orientation systems that people use in different cultures to describe the location of objects in space has drawn some interest of researchers in the fields of anthropology, psycholinguistics, and cognitive psychology. There has been a rethinking of the “linguistic relativity hypothesis,” and some empirical studies tend to support the notion that language is the major determinant of encoding and cognitive performance on spatial tasks. This paper reports a cross‐cultural study carried out with 545 children aged 4 to 14 years, both schooled and unschooled, in India and Nepal. The field sites were selected taking into consideration how reference to spatial locations is organized in the language as well as in the local cultural practices. In a village near Varanansi in India, people organize spatial locations mainly with reference to cardinal directions, but in the city of Varanasi, relative references are also used, although people in both the locations speak the same language (i.e., Hindi). In a village in Nepal, on the other hand, the “uphill‐downhill” geocentric frame of reference is the most compelling. We test the relationship between ecology, culture, and language, encoding of spatial information, and performance on some Piagetian spatial tasks, taking age and schooling into account. Berry's eco‐cultural model is used to discuss the findings that support linguistic relativism at the group but not at the individual level. Les systèmes d'orientation spatiale utilisés dans différentes sociétés pour décrire la localisation d'objets ont attiré L'attention de chercheurs en anthropologie, en psycholinguistique et en psychologie cognitive. L'hypothèse du relativisme linguistique a été remise à L'ordre du jour et des études empiriques ont montré que la langue était un déterminant majeur de L'encodage spatial et de la performance à des épreuves de cognition spatiale. Cet article porte sur une étude interculturelle comparative effectuée avec 545 enfants de 4 à 14 ans, scolarisés ou non, en Inde et au Népal. Les trois terrains ont été sélectionnés en tenant compte de la façon dont les références spatiales sont organisées aussi bien dans la langue que dans les pratiques culturelles locales. Dans un village près de Bénares, en Inde, les objets sont localisés selon les points cardinaux, alors que dans la ville de Bénares, des références relatives (droite, gauche, devant, derrière) sont également utilisées, alors que la langue parlée est la même (le Hindi). Dans un village au Népal, le système spatial le plus utilisé est un cadre de référence géocentrique formé par L'opposition «en haut vers la montagne/en bas vers la vallée». Nous étudions les relations entre L'écologie, la culture et la langue, L'encodage d'informations spatiales et la performance à des épreuves spatiales dérivées de la théorie de Piaget, en tenant compte de L'âge et de la scolarisation. Le modèle éco‐culturel de Berry est utilisé comme cadre théorique pour mettre en perspective les résultats, qui confirment le relativisme linguistique au niveau du groupe mais pas au niveau individuel. El estudio de los sistemas de orientación espacial utilizados en diversas culturas para describir la localización de los objetos ha atraído la atención de los investigadores en antropología, psicolingüística y psicología cognitiva. A partir de una renovación de la hipótesis del relativismo lingüístico, algunos estudios empíricos parecen apoyar la noción de que el lenguaje es el determinante más importante de la codificación y el desempeño cognitivo en tareas espaciales. El presente artículo informa sobre un estudio transcultural comparativo, efectuado con 545 niños de 4 a 14 años, escolarizados o no, urbanos y rurales, en India y en Nepal. Los sitios en donde se llevó a cabo el trabajo de campo se seleccionaron tomando en cuenta la forma en que se hace referencia a localizaciones espaciales en la lengua y en las prácticas culturales. En un pueblo de las planicies del Ganges, los habitantes organizan el espacio de manera geocéntrica, según los puntos cardinales, mientras que en la ciudad de Benares, también se utilizan referencias relativas (izquierda/derecha), aún cuando la lengua es la misma (el hindú). En un pueblo de Nepal, el cuadro de referencia geocéntrica “arriba/abajo” es predominante. El presente estudio examinó las relaciones entre la ecología, la cultura, la lengua, la codificación de la información espacial y el desempeño en algunas tareas espaciales de Piaget, teniendo en cuenta la edad y la escolarización. Este estudio está basado en el marco teórico eco‐cultural de Berry. Los resultados confirman una forma moderada de relativismo lingüístico a nivel grupal, más no así a nivel individual.  相似文献   
The present study examined (a) the predictive effect of disruptive boys' attendance to a prevention program (i.e., dosage) on post-intervention academic achievement and behavior and (b) the potential moderating effects of child and family characteristics in this context. The 3-year intervention program included reading, self-regulation, and social skills training for the boys, parental support and skills training for parents, and teacher support. A multiple-screening procedure selected 58 disruptive, low socioeconomic status boys at the age of 6 years for program participation. Multiple regression analyses and logistic regression analyses showed that the number of program sessions attended did not contribute to the prediction of boys' post-intervention disruptive behavior. However, the number of attended sessions was positively related to boys' post-intervention likability, as well as to their post-intervention writing, reading, math, and human science performances. Interaction terms revealed that family constellation moderated the link between program dosage and likability and math success, respectively, whereas boys' IQ moderated the links between dosage and boys' success in writing and math. The discussion stresses the importance of dosage-effect analysis and the examination of moderating variables in this context.  相似文献   
It has been commonplace in epistemology since its inception to idealize away from computational resource constraints, i.e., from the constraints of time and memory. One thought is that a kind of ideal rationality can be specified that ignores the constraints imposed by limited time and memory, and that actual cognitive performance can be seen as an interaction between the norms of ideal rationality and the practicalities of time and memory limitations. But a cornerstone of naturalistic epistemology is that normative assessment is constrained by capacities: you cannot require someone to do something they cannot or, as it is usually put, ought implies can. This much we take to be uncontroversial. We argue that differences in architectures, goals and resources imply substantial differences in capacity, and that some of these differences are ineliminable. It follows that some differences in goals and architectural and computational resources matter at the normative level: they constrain what principles of normative epistemology can be used to describe and prescribe their behavior. As a result, we can expect there to be important epistemic differences between the way brains, individuals, and science work.  相似文献   
To study the relationship between cancer and emotional adjustment, investigation of situation-specific coping behaviors with respect to narrowly defined Stressors has recently been promoted. The development and validation of shorter instruments, designed to facilitate completion by clinical populations, has also been recommended. The current study examined the coping skills used by French-Canadian women undergoing radiation therapy for breast cancer. A factor analysis of the 28-item shortened COPE (Carver, Scheier, & Weintraub, 1989) yielded the following eight factors: disengagement, self-distraction, active coping, using emotional support from husband/ partner, using emotional support from friends, turning to religion, humor, and substance use. The test-retest and Cronbach alpha internal consistency reliability coefficients of the French-Canadian shortened COPE were actually higher than those observed in the full-length version of the instrument. In addition, the eight factor-based scores correlated in a theoretically meaningful manner with existing measures of coping skills with illness (Coping with Health Injuries and Problems; CHIP) and mood disturbance (Profile of Mood States; POMS), thus suggesting good construct convergent and concurrent criterion validity. In particular, the disengagement COPE scale was correlated highly with anxiety, depression, and anger. While further validation is recommended, the results show promise for the shortened COPE in assessing coping in women with breast cancer, and also provide continued evidence for the notion that specific coping skills are associated with particular mood states.  相似文献   
We conducted three experiments to study the role of instrumental (e.g. knife–bread) and categorical (e.g. cake–bread) relations in the development of conceptual organization with a priming paradigm, by varying the nature of the task (naming – Experiment 1 – or categorical decision – Experiments 2 and 3). The participants were 5‐, 7‐ and 9‐year‐old children and adults. The results showed that on both types of task, adults and 9‐year‐old children presented instrumental and categorical priming effects, whereas 5‐year‐old children presented mainly instrumental priming effects, with categorical effects remaining marginal. Moreover, the magnitude of the instrumental priming effects decreased with age. Finally, the priming effects observed for 7‐year‐old children depended on the task, especially for the categorical effects. The theoretical implications of these results for our understanding of conceptual reorganization from 5 to 9 years of age are discussed.  相似文献   
Recently, Thibault and colleagues described the Duchenne marker as a cultural dialect for the perception of smile authenticity. The current study had the goal to follow up on this finding and to investigate the cues that French Canadian children use to evaluate the authenticity of smiles from members of three ethnic groups. The authenticity of six smiles differing in intensity and presence of orbicularis oculi (Duchenne marker) was rated by 1206 children from 4 to 17 years of age. No differences were found as a function of encoder group. All children perceived medium Duchenne smiles as more authentic than equally intense medium non-Duchenne smiles. Furthermore, results suggest a decrease in the reliance on intensity across the age span. Younger children use the intensity marker along the whole continuum to infer authenticity. In contrast, older children (14- to 17-year-olds) rated all smiles that did not contain the Duchenne marker as roughly equally low in authenticity.  相似文献   
Observers encoded the spatial arrangement of two or three horizontal line segments relative to a square frame presented for 150 ms either in left or right visual field and either above or below the horizontal midline. The target pattern was selected on the basis of colour (red vs. green) from an equivalent distractor pattern in the opposite left–right visual hemifield. After a retention interval of 450 or 650 ms a test pattern was presented at fixation. The task was to decide whether the test was the same as the encoded pattern or different. Selection of the to-be-memorised pattern produced an N2pc response that was not influenced by the number of line segments nor by the length of the retention interval, but that was smaller in amplitude for patterns presented in the upper visual field compared with patterns presented in the lower visual field. A sustained posterior contralateral negativity (SPCN) followed the N2pc. The SPCN was larger for patterns with three line segments than for two, was larger for patterns encoded from lower visual field than from upper visual field, and returned to baseline sooner for the shorter retention interval than for the longer interval. These results, and others, provide an interesting and complex pattern of similarities and differences between the N2pc and SPCN, consistent with the view that N2pc reflects mechanisms of attentional selection whereas the SPCN reflects maintenance in visual short-term memory.  相似文献   
Several prior studies (e.g., Shea, Wulf, Whitacre, & Park, 2001; Wulf & Schmidt, 1997) have apparently demonstrated implicit learning of a repeated segment in continuous-tracking tasks. In two conceptual replications of these studies, we failed to reproduce the original findings. However, these findings were reproduced in a third experiment, in which we used the same repeated segment as that used in the Wulf et al. studies. Analyses of the velocity and the acceleration of the target suggests that this repeated segment could be easier to track than the random segments serving as control, accounting for the results of Wulf and collaborators. Overall these experiments suggest that learning a repeated segment in continuous-tracking tasks may be much more difficult than learning from a repeated sequence in conventional serial reaction time tasks. A possible explanation for this difference is outlined.  相似文献   
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