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In a previous study assessing the modulation of visual processing by attention, Bonnel, Possami, and Schmitt showed that, when discriminating line-length, subjects precisely shared processing resources between two pairs of lines presented to the left and right of fixation. In a close replication requiring the detection of luminance increments instead of line-length differences, subjects were unable to follow the instructions and to allocate attention differentially, thus supporting the claim that light detection is fundamentally different from shape discrimination. In a subsequent experiment, we tested and rejected the possibility that luminance perception was not open to modulation by attention due to its physical nature. Replacing brightness detection by brightness identification allowed voluntary control on the quality of processing to be evidenced. The similarity between the latter results and the data from line-length discrimination suggests that task requirements may be crucial in determining the distribution of attention.  相似文献   
It has recently been reported that forward inferences from if p then q sentences (i.e., from antecedent to consequent) were faster than backward inferences from consequent to antecedent (Barrouillet, Grosset, & Lecas, 2000). The standard mental model theory assumes that this directionality effect is a figural effect due to the order the information enters working memory, whereas we claim that it results from the nature of the mental models that represent oriented relations from hypothetical values introduced by the word If. We tested these hypotheses in an experiment in which adult participants evaluated conditional syllogisms from either if p then q, p only if q, or p if q statements. Contrary to the predictions resulting from the standard theory, the three forms of the conditional provoked a reversed directionality effect and denial inferences took longer to endorse than affirmative inferences for all the forms of conditionals. We argue from these results that mental models of the conditional represent oriented relations instead of mere co-occurrences between events.  相似文献   
Although the negative effects of abusive supervision are well documented, less is known about the individual differences that drive supervisors to be abusive. We use a self‐control perspective to understand the unique roles of both psychological and neurological characteristics of supervisors in the prediction of abusive behavior. Specifically, we find a positive relationship between narcissism and abusive supervision, whereas political skill and intrinsic neurological connectivity in executive control regions of the brain negatively relate to abusive supervision. Our results further show that the relationship between narcissism and abusive supervision diminishes for those who are strong in terms of political skill. In addition, neurological executive control moderates the relationship between political skill and abusive behavior. When connectivity in executive control regions of the brain is lower, political skill becomes a more important factor in reducing the display of abusive behavior. Overall, we demonstrate how combinations of characteristics (both psychological and neurological) can provide a more in‐depth understanding of the emergence of abusive supervision.  相似文献   
Research has indicated that as many as 10% to 15% of primary care patients have symptoms that are not well explained medically. These patients could be labeled as “somatizers.” This study assessed the extent to which underlying psychological characteristics contribute to a person's level of somatization and service utilization. The Social Cognition and Object Relations Scale–Global Rating Method (SCORS–G; Stein, Hilsenroth, Slavin-Mulford, & Pinsker, 2011; Westen, 1995) was used to rate early memory narratives of 100 patients in a suburban primary care setting. Using principal axis factoring, the SCORS–G was divided into 2 components and these components (cognitive and affective) were used in subsequent analyses. The affective component was significantly negatively correlated with 2 measures of somatization and positively related to physician ratings of global health. The affective component also showed a trend toward significance on overnight hospital stays and patient-rated health. The cognitive component showed a trend toward significance with both measures of somatization, but it was not correlated with other measures of health. This study demonstrates the value of assessing underlying processes (via SCORS–G ratings of early memory narratives) that contribute to increased rates of somatization and health care utilization. Clinical implications for the relationship between affect and physical health are explored.  相似文献   
Recent work shows that post-encoding wakeful rest, in contrast to a cognitive task delay period, supports memory performance. The present study aimed at investigating whether study time modulates the impact of post-encoding rest on delayed memory performance. Healthy young adults were allocated to one of two “study time” groups (fixed-paced vs. self-paced). Participants encoded two word lists. After immediate recall of one word list, participants wakefully rested for 8?min, after the other, they performed a visual problem solving task. A delayed recall took place at the end of the experimental session (Experiment 1) and again after 7 days (Experiment 1?+?2). We found that participants in the self-paced group outperformed those in the fixed-paced group. In Experiment 1, participants showed higher memory performances after 7 days in the resting condition independent of study time. No significant differences between post-encoding (rest vs. problem solving) and study time conditions were found in Experiment 2. Combined analyses of both experiments revealed that an additional recall (Experiment 1) supported memory retention in both post-encoding conditions. Our findings suggest that resting is beneficial over the long term, but only when the encoded information is repeatedly retrieved at the end of a learning session.  相似文献   
In the literature relating to visuo-motor control, controversial data are found concerning the consequence of enriching the visual scene in the specification of the target's spatial coordinates. In this paper four experiments were carried out to unravel this issue. Based on spatio-temporal analysis of pointing movements carried out in an open loop condition, the effect of appending contextual elements in the vicinity of a visual target was investigated, taking into account (1) their location in the visual field, (2) the extent of the movement, and (3) their presence during the planning and/or execution period of the movement. Taken as a whole, results showed that enriching the visual scene gave rise to a decrease of perceptual underestimation of distance (with no effect on the direction parameter), as otherwise observed (dark environment). Though not deeply affecting reaction and movement time, this effect held whatever the target position, provided that the contextual elements were situated between the initial and terminal position of the hand trajectory. The magnitude of the effect was, however, dependent upon the space conferred to the visual context. Furthermore, a higher spatial performance was observed when the latter was provided during the planning of execution period of the movement. Both effects combined when contextual elements were provided during the entire movement, which suggests a continuous updating of target coordinates during the whole motor performance. Altogether these findings underline a dynamic aspect of space perception, originating, in part, in the functional use of contextual cues in the coding of target distance. They also suggest that, provided the visual environment is structured, the retinal signal is widely used in the perception of target distance in visuo-manual tasks.  相似文献   
Recent advances in the cognitive neuroscience of action have considerably enlarged our understanding of human motor cognition. In particular, the activity of the mirror system, first discovered in the brain of non-human primates, provides an observer with the understanding of a perceived action by means of the motor simulation of the agent's observed movements. This discovery has raised the prospects of a motor theory of social cognition. In humans, social cognition includes the ability to mindread, and many motor theorists of social cognition try to bridge the gap between motor cognition and mindreading by endorsing a simulation account of mindreading. Here, we question the motor theory of social cognition and give reasons for our skepticism.  相似文献   
According to many models of conditional reasoning, correct responses to the uncertain forms affirmation of consequent (AC) and denial of antecedent (DA) rely on the retrieval of an alternative antecedent from semantic memory. The main prediction issuing from this hypothesis of online retrieval is that the associative strength of the relevant information in long-term memory affects the latency of its retrieval and then of the correct response of uncertainty to AC and DA. This prediction was tested in 64 adults who performed a syllogism evaluation task with familiar causal conditional premises. As predicted, correct responses of uncertainty to AC and DA were not only more frequent but also faster when the antecedent term was weakly rather than strongly associated with the consequent. In line with the semantic framework, we also observed that this strength effect in response times was reversed for incorrect responses of certainty to AC.  相似文献   
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