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Stimulus overselectivity occurs when only one of potentially many aspects of the environment controls behaviour. In four experiments, human participants were trained and tested on a trial-and-error simultaneous discrimination task involving two two-element compound stimuli. Overselectivity emerged in all experiments (i.e., one element from the reinforced compound controlled behaviour at the expense of the other). Following revaluation (extinction) of the previously overselected stimulus, behavioural control by the underselected stimulus element emerged without any direct training of that stimulus element. However, while a series of extinction manipulations targeting the revaluation of the overselected stimulus produced differential extinction of that stimulus, they did not result in differential emergence of the previously underselected stimuli. The results are discussed with respect to the theoretical implications for attention-based accounts of overselectivity.  相似文献   
Managing and reducing attrition during the first term of enlistment is a continuing priority for the services. Over the past decade, attrition rates in the Army have averaged between 25% and 30% during first-term periods of enlistment. Historically, the services have relied on education credentials, with special emphasis on possessing a high school diploma, as a primary indicator of completion rates after enlistment and as a proxy for the ability to adapt to a military lifestyle. A primary purpose of this paper is to describe Army research to develop new indicators of adaptability to augment the current system based on education credentials. This work has focused primarily on noncognitive, personality measures and how such measures can be combined with other existing measures for attrition screening during enlistment processing. These advances represent a new paradigm that relies less heavily on education credentials and can provide a more comprehensive and inclusive approach. This new approach incorporates advances in testing methodology to make it more viable for use in large-scale, high-stakes testing applications.  相似文献   
Taking decisions during the development of a new drug requires combining many and varying pieces of information. The interconnections between these different pieces of information are often only partially known and in some cases merely conjectured. Despite this uncertainty, decisions must be taken – often with regard to the balance of risk and benefit – in order to make progress. A clear, consistent and efficient methodology for describing the structure of a project and the comprehensive state of knowledge at any point in time is required in order to add transparency to the decision process. A viable methodology must allow for a natural characterization of the uncertainty inherent in the drug development process and a relatively easy implementation. We present a possible solution that satisfies these requirements. The foundation of the proposed approach is based on a beta‐binomial update mechanism well known in Bayesian statistics. This work provides a consistent framework for solving hierarchical multicriteria decision problems. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This paper contributes towards a lay ethics of nanotechnology through an analysis of talk from focus groups designed to examine how laypeople grapple with the meaning of a technology ‘in-the-making’. We describe the content of lay ethical concerns before suggesting that this content can be understood as being structured by five archetypal narratives which underpin talk. These we term: ‘the rich get richer and the poor get poorer’; ‘kept in the dark’; ‘opening Pandora’s box’; ‘messing with nature’; and ‘be careful what you wish for’. We further suggest that these narratives can be understood as sharing an emphasis on the ‘giftedness’ of life, and that together they are used to resist dominant technoscientific and Enlightenment narratives of control and mastery which are encapsulated by nanotechnology.  相似文献   
This article describes a research approach to investigating the ways in which therapists understand the nature of therapeutic change. The research was based in qualitative, narrative approaches to in-depth analysis of vignettes provided by drama therapists. The article describes the approach to the generation of data through the internet by aMSN messenger. It reports on the approach taken to the analysis of data along with samples from the findings.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the comparison of individual variables of bereavement, depression, and stress with variables associated with the couple relationship, including cohesion, adaptability, communication, satisfaction, and partner support. In total, 24 couples completed self-report instruments within 2 weeks after a miscarriage. Mothers had significantly stronger grief reactions than fathers. Fathers and mothers perceived their relationships similarly as highly functional. Except for mothers' depression and their satisfaction with the couple relationship, the correlations between individual and relationship variables were rather weak. Implications of the results for family professionals are discussed.  相似文献   

In the late 1930s Heidegger makes allusions to ‘the wild’ and ‘the mild’ in connection with a human liberation that he understands as a steadfast response to the claim that historical being (Seyn) makes upon us. The following paper elucidates these allusions in terms of the overturning of metaphysics that they entail.  相似文献   
Close parallels are pointed out between the Jewish and the psychoanalytic way of structuring central patterns in their respective thinking. The central power in existence is The Undescribable One or That which is undescribable. The primary task of enlighted man is to remember and hope. An arch is raised from the past into the future and the creation appears as a so-far unfinished process—the final answers will be given first with the return of the profet Elias and Messiah. Thus, the preliminary nature of all our attempts at solutions is underscored.  相似文献   
Stimulus overselectivity occurs when only one of potentially many aspects of the environment controls behavior. Adult participants were trained and tested on a trial-and-error discrimination learning task while engaging in a concurrent load task, and overselectivity emerged. When responding to the overselected stimulus was reduced by reinforcing a novel stimulus in the presence of the previously overselected stimulus in a second trial-and-error discrimination task, behavioral control by the underselected stimulus became stronger. However, this result was only found under certain circumstances: when there was substantial overselectivity in the first training phase; when control by the underselected stimulus in the first phase was particularly low; and when there was effective reduction in the behavioral control exerted by the previously overselected stimuli. The emergence of behavioral control by the underselected stimulus suggests that overselectivity is not simply due to an attention deficit, because for the emergence to occur, the stimuli must have been attended to and learned about in the training phase; but that a range of additional learning factors may play a role.  相似文献   
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