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This paper reports the development and assessment of midi-level behavioral measures of social anxiety in the context of two experiments, one studying an analog student sample, the other a psychiatric sample. Judgments on nine categories of clinically practical midi-level behaviors (e.g. Facial Expression, Orienting, Sense of Timing), based on a review of the literature on human ethology and on pilot research, were compared to global judgments of social anxiety and social skill and to physiological arousal. Intraclass correlations exceeded 0.80 for judgments of the global and midi-level behavioral ratings on both samples. Results of correlational analyses indicated that while there were several significant predictors of global skill and anxiety among the midis, the magnitude of the relationship between midis and globals was stronger for the patient than the student sample. Further analyses based on S's heart rate (HR) reactivity suggested that while global ratings did not significantly predict H R in a high social anxiety situation, one midi-level behavioral rating (self-manipulations) did. The clinical utility of the newly developed measures is discussed with particular attention to their practicality for behavior therapy.  相似文献   
Summary This paper represents an extension of Levinger and Clark's (1961) study, in which it was shown that associations to emotional stimuli were more readily forgotten than those to neutral stimuli, and a replication of Parkin, Lewinsohn and Folkard's (1982) study which demonstrated the reversal of this effect with delayed retention testing. The aim of the present two experiments was to replicate the results of the latter under conditions with minimal deviations from the methodology of either study. The present data indicated that more associations to emotional stimuli were forgotten regardless of the length of the interpolated retention interval. The results are seen as being inconsistent with the Parkin et al. reinterpretation of the Levinger and Clark paradigm and, therefore, as calling for further replication.  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of an in-depth study of parameters characterizing sequenced saccadic eye movements for a group of dyslexic children and a comparative normal control group with ages in the range greater than 8.0 yr. and less than 13.0 yr. No parameters were statistically different for the two groups, which supports the findings of Brown, et al. and contradicts the findings of Pavlidis. Our results indicate that sequenced saccadic eye movements are not diagnostically useful for early detection of dyslexia.  相似文献   
Some relations between maximum likelihood factor analysis and factor indeterminacy are discussed. Bounds are derived for the minimum average correlation between equivalent sets of correlated factors which depend on the latent roots of the factor intercorrelation matrix . Empirical examples are presented to illustrate some of the theory and indicate the extent to which it can be expected to be relevant in practice.  相似文献   
In the first of two experiments, it was demonstrated that an air puff elicited a reliable startle reflex in rats which showed no habituation over 50 trials. In the second study an attempt was made to measure an emotional response by recording startle reactions to the air puff during presentation of a presumed fear-eliciting CS. It was concluded that the air-puff-elicited startle reflex can be employed as an indirect measure of a hypothetical emotional response.  相似文献   
Greeno and Steiner have shown that a three state Markov Chain with a single absorbing state is equivalent to many of the current formalizations of All-or-None learning theories. Distribution statistics and other summary statistics are derived from the general model. Expressions for the maximum likelihood estimators of its parameters and the sampling variances of the estimates are presented. Likelihood ratio tests for several different null hypotheses are derived. These tests permit one to evaluate the usual null hypotheses in terms of the parameters of a process model.This research was supported in part by a USPHS Predoctoral Research Fellowship, 1-F1-MH-31-289-01, by a grant from the Graduate School of the University of Texas, and by grant HD-02212-01 from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development to Dr. John Theios.  相似文献   
Procedures are described for the generation, synchronization. and accurate spacing of discrete dichotic stimulation material. A suggested standard definition of interpair interval is proposed.  相似文献   
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