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Esta investigación estudia el proceso de deliberación del jurado. Un conjunto de sujetos, representativos, miembros de distintos jurados, asistieron a la proyección de un vídeo de un juicio que presentaba tres delitos, deliberaron en grupos de seis miembros, dieron un veredicto para cada uno de los cargos, y rellenaron un cuestionario posdeliberatorio que evaluó el proceso de juicio de cada sujeto. Las deliberaciones se recogieron en vídeo y se analizó su contenido. Los resultados indicaban que la distribución del voto inicial permitía una buena predición del veredicto final: las mayorías tendían a prevalecer. El contenido de la deliberación se centró en dos temas básicamente: a) los hechos del caso y b) las expresiones favorables al veredicto de culpabilidad o no culpabilidad. El Análisis de Pautas sugirió que las decisiones relativas al primer cargo se basaban en conjunto en el contenido de las deliberaciones y en la distribución del voto grupal, en tanto las decisiones sobre los restantes cargos se basaban básicamente en presiones de carácter normativo. El que los jurados hubieran cambiado o no de veredicto durante la deliberación afectaba a sus impresiones acerca del juicio tras la deliberación.  相似文献   
Researchers considering novel or exploratory psycholegal research are often able to easily generate a sizable list of independent variables (IVs) that might influence a measure of interest. Where the research question is novel and the literature is not developed, however, choosing from among a long list of potential variables those worthy of empirical investigation often presents a formidable task. Many researchers may feel compelled by legal psychology's heavy reliance on full-factorial designs to narrow the IVs under investigation to two or three in order to avoid an expensive and unwieldy design involving numerous high-order interactions. This article suggests that fractional factorial designs provide a reasonable alternative to full-factorial designs in such circumstances because they allow the psycholegal researcher to examine the main effects of a large number of factors while disregarding high-order interactions. An introduction to the logic of fractional factorial designs is provided and several examples from the social sciences are presented.  相似文献   
This experiment examines the influence of expert psychological testimony on juror decision making in eyewitness identification cases. Experienced jurors and undergraduate mock jurors viewed versions of a videotaped trial, rated the credibility of the eyewitness and the strength of the prosecution's and defense's cases, and rendered verdicts. In the absence of expert testimony jurors were insensitive to eyewitness evidence. Expert testimony improved juror sensitivity to eyewitness evidence without making them more skeptical about the accuracy of the eyewitness identification. Few differences emerged between the experienced jurors and undergraduate mock jurors.  相似文献   
Forty-four undergraduates were shown one set of slides of persons in the beginning of the session and a second set of slides at the end. During the second slide presentation subjects gave recognition judgements for each slide and confidence judgements for each decision. The disguise of the to-be-recognized (TBR) persons was varied and the distinctiveness and attractiveness of the TBR persons were assessed. The relation between subjects' confidence judgements and their face recognition accuracy was stronger if the TBR persons were not disguised and if the TBR persons had distinctive characteristics. Attractiveness was unrelated to face recognition accuracy. Base-rate information, which referred to the number of persons the subjects expected to recognize, affected decision criterion but had no effect on confidence judgements.  相似文献   
The overjustification effect suggests that external rewards may decrease intrinsically reinforced behaviors; however, this conclusion is often drawn from pre‐ and post‐assessment data. The majority of studies published in this area do not take repeated measures of behavior. In addition, previous research has not distinguished between the use of rewards and reinforcers by demonstrating a reinforcement effect; hence, it is possible that the occurrence of the overjustification effect varies depending on the nature of the stimuli that are used. This study extended previous research by evaluating whether the overjustification effect was relevant to the use of non‐reinforcing stimuli, reinforcers, or both. The effects of verbal praise were also evaluated in relation to the overjustification effect. Results indicated that behavior did not decrease below baseline levels following the contingent delivery of non‐reinforcing stimuli, reinforcers, or verbal praise. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Previous research has suggested that the availability of high-preference stimuli may override the reinforcing efficacy of concurrently available low-preference stimuli under relatively low schedule requirements (e.g., fixed-ratio 1 schedule). It is unknown if similar effects would be obtained under higher schedule requirements. Thus, the current study compared high-preference and low-preference reinforcers under progressively increasing schedule requirements. Results for 3 of the 4 participants indicated that high-preference stimuli maintained responding under higher schedule requirements relative to low-preference stimuli. For 1 participant, high-preference and low-preference stimuli were demonstrated to be equally effective reinforcers under increasing schedule requirements. Implications with respect to rate of performance and response patterns are discussed.  相似文献   
Nonadversarial Methods for Sensitizing Jurors to Eyewitness Evidence   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Tested the effects, on juror decision making, of court-appointed expert testimony and judge's instructions designed to sensitize jurors to eyewitness evidence. Subjects ( N = 144) viewed a videotaped trial in which the primary evidence was the testimony of and identification by an eyewitness. Three levels of expert advice (court-appointed expert, judge's instructions, no expert advice) were crossed with two levels of witnessing and identification conditions and two levels of witness confidence The court-appointed expert produced skepticism toward the identification but did not improve juror sensitivity to the eyewitness evidence. The judge's instructions produced neither skepticism or sensitization effects.  相似文献   
Few studies have examined the effects of the high‐probability instructional sequence in the treatment of food selectivity, and results of these studies have been mixed (e.g., Dawson et al., 2003 ; Patel et al., 2007 ). The present study extended previous research on the high‐probability instructional sequence by combining this procedure with low‐probability demand fading with 2 boys with autism (9 and 10 years old) who had a history of food selectivity and engaged in active food refusal behaviors when presented with novel foods. Response requirements were faded gradually from responses the child would tolerate (e.g., touching the food) to the final requirement of chewing and swallowing the food. The antecedent‐based intervention was implemented in the absence of escape extinction and was effective in increasing food consumption for both participants. Possible mechanisms responsible for the effectiveness of the intervention are discussed along with directions for future research.  相似文献   
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