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Numerous disclosure studies have demonstrated that individuals randomly assigned to write about emotional topics evidence improved physical health compared with those who write about superficial topics. The writing samples from three previously published studies of 74 first-year students, 50 upper-division students, and 59 maximum-security prisoners were reanalyzed using Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) to explore possible relationships of writing content and style to changes in frequency of physician visits following the disclosure intervention. LSA revealed that flexibility in the use of common words—particularly personal pronouns—when writing about traumatic memories was related to positive health outcomes. The findings point to the importance of the role of discussing the self and social relationships in writing and, at the same time, to the remarkable potential of techniques such as LSA.  相似文献   
More Americans try to change their health behaviors through self-help than through all other forms of professionally designed programs. Mutual support groups, involving little or no cost to participants, have a powerful effect on mental and physical health, yet little is known about patterns of support group participation in health care. What kinds of illness experiences prompt patients to seek each other's company? In an effort to observe social comparison processes with real-world relevance, support group participation was measured for 20 disease categories in 4 metropolitan areas (New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Dallas) and on 2 on-line forums. Support seeking was highest for diseases viewed as stigmatizing (e.g., AIDS, alcoholism, breast and prostate cancer) and was lowest for less embarrassing but equally devastating disorders, such as heart disease. The authors discuss implications for social comparison theory and its applications in health care.  相似文献   
Most current models in health psychology assume that stress adversely affects physical health. We re-examined this assumption by reviewing extensive data from the literature and from six samples of our own, in which we collected measures of personality, health and fitness, stress, and current emotional functioning. Results indicate that self-report health measures reflect a pervasive mood disposition of negative affectivity (NA); self-report stress scales also contain a substantial NA component. However, although NA is correlated with health compliant scales, it is not strongly or consistently related to actual, long-term health status, and thus will act as a general nuisance factor in health research. Because self-report measures of stress and health both contain a significant NA component, correlations between such measures likely overestimate the true association between stress and health. Results demonstrate the importance of including different types of health measures in health psychology research.  相似文献   
Individuals with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) and their healthcare practitioners believe that extreme blood glucose (BG) fluctuations are characterized by changes in subjective mood states and emotional behavior, as well as physical symptoms. This study examined relationships between BG levels and self-reported mood in a group of 34 IDDM adults. The method followed a within-subject, repeated-measures design employed in previous studies of physical symptoms associated with diabetic glucose. Four times each day, participants completed a mood/symptom checklist just prior to a self-measurement of BG until 40 checklists had been completed. Half the items on the checklist described physical symptoms and half described mood states. In addition, half the mood items described negative states and half described positive states. Within-subject correlations and regressions showed that moods were related to BG for the majority of participants and that, like physical symptoms, mood-BG relationships were highly idiosyncratic. Low BG levels tended to be associated with negative mood states, primarily self-reported "nervousness." Positive mood items were almost always associated with high BG. High BG levels also frequently correlated with negative mood states, although the negative mood items that tended to relate to high glucose (anger, sadness) differed from those that tended to relate to low BG. The implications of these findings for self-treatment and glucose perception in the IDDM individual are discussed.  相似文献   
A technique that allows researchers to simultaneously record typed text and link each typed word with up to four channels of autonomic nervous system activity is described. The computer-based system is useful for studying the biological correlates of language production. The system, which works with J&J biofeedback equipment, can be adapted to virtually any monitoring equipment that can provide A/D conversion. Suggestions for data analyses are included.  相似文献   
Both diabetic patients and health care practitioners often assume that the subjective symptoms of extreme low and high blood glucose (BG) levels are easily recognized. This study tested the accuracy of BG symptom beliefs in a group of 26 insulin-dependent diabetic patients. A within-subject, repeated measures design was used to identify symptoms related to low and high glucose levels for individual subjects. On three occasions over a 1-year period, subjects completed symptom checklists just prior to 40 consecutive self-measurements of BG (an average of four times per day for 10 days). At the end of the year, subjects reported which symptoms they believed were related to their own low and high glucose levels. After determining whether each checklist item was empirically related to glucose levels and believed to relate to glucose levels, symptom beliefs were categorized as hits, false alarms, misses, or correct rejections. Across subjects, the frequency of accurate beliefs (hits and correct rejections) was higher than the frequency of inaccurate beliefs (false alarms and misses). Symptom belief accuracy differed greatly for individual subjects, however, and every subject had at least one inaccurate belief. False alarm beliefs were the more common type of error. Female subjects' symptom beliefs yielded more hits, as well as more false alarms. Males missed more symptoms, especially low BG symptoms, than females. Symptom belief accuracy was greater if symptom-glucose relationships remained stable across time.  相似文献   
Previous studies have found that writing about upsetting experiences can improve physical health. In an attempt to explain this phenomenon, 72 first-year college students were randomly assigned to write about either their thoughts and feelings about coming to college or about superficial topics for three consecutive days. Measures of language use within the writing samples and cognitive measures of accessibility and schematic organisation were collected in the weeks before and after writing. As in previous studies, writing about college was found to reduce health centre visits for illness and to improve subjects' grade point average. Text analyses indicated that the use of positive emotion words and changes in words suggestive of causal and insightful thinking were linked to health change. Improved grades, although not linked to these language dimensions, were found to correlate with measures of schematic organisation of college-relevant themes. Implications for using written language to understand cognitive and health processes are discussed.  相似文献   
A theory of inhibition and psychosomatic disease suggests that the failure to confide traumatic events is stressful and associated with long-term health problems. We investigated the short-term autonomic correlates of disclosing personal and traumatic experiences among two samples of healthy undergraduates. In Experiment 1, subjects talked into a tape recorder about extremely stressful events that had occurred in their lives, as well as what they planned to do following the experiment. Skin conductance, blood pressure, and heart rate were continuously measured. Based on judges' ratings of subjects' depth of disclosure, subjects were classified as high or low disclosers. Talking about traumatic events was associated with decreased behavioral inhibition, as measured by lower skin conductance levels among high disclosers. Disclosing traumatic material was also associated with increased cardiovascular activity. In Experiment 2, subjects both talked aloud and thought about a traumatic event and about plans for the day. Half of the subjects were alone in an experimental cubicle and talked into a tape recorder; the remaining subjects talked to a silent "confessor" who sat behind a curtain. Among high disclosers, both talking and thinking about traumatic events produced lower skin conductance levels than did thinking or talking about plans for the day. The presence of a confessor inhibited subjects' talking. Implications for understanding the nature of confession and the development of an inhibitory model for psychosomatic processes are discussed.  相似文献   
Blood pressure estimation and beliefs among normotensives and hypertensives   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although health professionals believe that blood pressure (BP) is asymptomatic, most diagnosed hypertensives are confident that they experience specific symptoms and emotions that help them detect their BP levels. Several months after screening interviews that elicited subjects' BP beliefs, 14 medicated hypertensives, 15 nonmedicated mild hypertensives (diastolic BP greater than or equal to 90 mm Hg), 39 normotensives, and 13 hypotensives (systolic BP less than or equal to 100 mm Hg) participated in a 1- to 2-hr laboratory experiment that assessed each subject's symptoms, moods, and estimates of systolic BP (SBP) relative to actual SBP levels. Several self-reports and autonomic measures were collected 45 times during and after each of 22 tasks. Subjects never received SBP feedback during the experiment. Within-subject correlations indicated that all subject groups could estimate SBP at levels greater than chance (mean estimated SBP-actual SBP correlation = .25). Further, 68% of the subjects evidenced at least one significant symptom-SBP correlation. Although medicated hypertensives believed they could estimate their BP more accurately than other groups by using their symptoms and emotions, they were actually no more accurate than the other groups. They also evidenced far fewer empirically derived symptom-SBP and emotion-SBP correlations than any other group. Overall, BP beliefs were largely inaccurate. If these erroneous beliefs can be eliminated, subjects may be able to estimate BP fluctuations more accurately.  相似文献   
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