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采用基于最大信息量法的多维项目反应理论模型估计计算机模拟心理咨询病例系统(CCSPC)的合成分数及四个模块分数,并收集效标效度证据、成长变化效度证据和内容效度证据,结果表明:五个指标与心理咨询师考试三级技能成绩的相关均达到显著,且高于其与三级理论成绩的相关;所有指标得分均随着心理学学历升高而升高;多数指标分数随心理学本科年级提高而提高;获得心理咨询师资格认证的被试在CCSPC上有更高的得分.  相似文献   
This research examined the association between naive dialectical thinking and creativity, measured as originality in problem construction and reframing (types of problem finding). Ethnic identity (Caucasian vs. Asian/Asian American) was examined as a moderator. Two correlational studies and one experimental study revealed a complex pattern of results: For problems with low inherent contradiction, naive dialectical thinking decreased originality on problem finding tasks, whereas for tasks with higher contradiction, there was no or even a slight positive effect. Furthermore, these relationships were found for Caucasian participants but not for Asian or Asian American participants. This research built upon the long-standing notion that dialectical thinking is positively associated with creativity, but suggests the relationship might be culture-, task-, and process-specific. The nature of dialectical thinking as involving the acceptance of contradiction or necessitating the resolution of tension should be explored.  相似文献   
The present study aims to explore the influence of emotional context on word evaluation. Participants were asked to read an “adjective + noun” phrase, where the adjective could be a positive or negative word, and the noun could be a positive, neutral or negative word, and then to make an emotional evaluation on the emotional tone of the target noun based on a 9-point Likert scale. In a control condition, an isolated noun was presented with no context. Results showed that positive context made the evaluation of target words bias toward positive tone, while negative context shaped the evaluation of target words toward negative tone. The modulatory effect of negative context was greater than that of positive context in shaping evaluation of emotional words with opposite valence. Moreover, the modulatory effect of emotional context was constrained by the inherent meaning of target word. The present study demonstrated the flexibility as well as the relative stability of emotional meaning of word.  相似文献   
Empirical studies have validated that basic needs satisfaction supported by video game play predicts motivation and engagement outcomes. However, few studies specifically manipulated game features for each of the three basic needs specified in the self-determination theory (SDT) to examine how the game features impact players' need satisfaction and game experience. The current study employed an in-house developed exergame and manipulated the game features in a 2 (autonomy-supportive game features: on vs. off) × 2 (competence-supportive game features: on vs. off) experiment to predict need satisfaction, game enjoyment, motivation for future play, effort for gameplay, self-efficacy for exercise using the game, likelihood of game recommendation, and game rating. The manipulated game features led to the corresponding need satisfaction. Manipulated autonomy-supportive and competence-supportive game features had main effects on most motivation and engagement outcomes. Need satisfaction of autonomy and need satisfaction of competence were both found to be mediators for the relationships between the game features and the motivation and engagement outcomes. The findings add evidence to support the underlying mechanism postulated by SDT for media enjoyment and motivation as well as the emerging entertainment research conceptualizing enjoyment as need satisfaction. The findings also have practical implications for intervention effort that intends to capitalize the motivational pull of video games.  相似文献   
选取大学本科生33名,采用情绪启动范式与再认范式相结合,要求被试依次完成情绪词识记、目标面孔性别判断及情绪词再认任务,探讨保存于工作记忆中的情绪性刺激对面孔性别判断任务的影响。结果显示:(1)在中性和恐惧情绪启动刺激条件下,被试对目标面孔性别判断的反应时要显著长于悲伤条件。(2)在愉悦情绪启动词条件下,线索提示有效性差异显著;在无效线索提示条件下,启动刺激的不同情绪效价差异显著。(3)对情绪面孔性别与被试性别一致性/非一致性两种条件下反应时对比发现,男、女被试在情绪面孔性别判断任务中均表现出异性相吸效应。综上所述,保存在工作记忆中情绪刺激会对面孔性别的识别产生自上而下的影响。  相似文献   
采取整群抽样的方法,对成都及重庆两地591名流动儿童和272名城市儿童进行问卷调查,考察流动儿童疏离感的特点及其与应对方式和学校态度的关系。结果发现:(1)流动儿童疏离感各维度显著高于城市儿童;流动初中生的疏离感显著高于流动小学生,且男生的疏离感显著高于女生;(2)流动儿童疏离感的三个维度之间存在显著差异,其中社会疏离感最高,其次是环境疏离感,人际疏离感最低;(3)流动儿童疏离感对学校喜欢有显著的负向影响,而对学校回避有显著的正向影响;应对方式在流动儿童疏离感对学校态度的影响中起着部分中介作用。  相似文献   
以40个中文词和20个非词以及相应的英文译词为材料,以词汇判断中的重复效应为研究途径,对32名外语系本科生进行了中—英双语读者词汇表征的研究。结果发现,当单词以相同的语言重复呈现时(在语言内重复条件下),被试对重复词的判断时间显著缩短,判断准确性显著提高。而当单词以不同的语言重复呈现时(在语言间重复条件下),对重复词的反应时间与错误率与对新词的反应相比无显著差异。我们得到的语言内的重复效应与独立存储的假设相一致。我们认为,中—英双语读者对来自两种语言的词汇信息是分别存储在两个独立的言语存储系统中的。  相似文献   
培训迁移效果影响因素的初步研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
王鹏  杨化冬  时勘 《心理科学》2002,25(1):69-72
本研究通过访谈、问卷调查和现场研究等多种方法,考察了中学教师在接受一种新的教学方法培训后。组织气氛和个人特征对其迁移行为的影响。如果发现:(1)受训者对迁移气氛的知觉直接影响迁移行为发生的次数。(2)受训者对训练内容实用性的看法是影响迁移行为发生的重要环境因素,而受训者对训练内容实用性的看法会受到零反馈、自己的灵活性和自我效能的影响。(3)领导有无反馈、时间支持和同事支持等因素是区分培训迁移气氛类型的关键指标。  相似文献   
新加坡中小学的公民道德教育及借鉴   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
借鉴新加坡中小学公民道德教育的成功经验,加强我国学校中的道德教育工作,必须提高认识,加强领导;改进德育课的教学方法,灌输和启发相结合;在各科教学中进行德育渗透;构建学校教育、社会教育、家庭教育一体化的德育网络;注重东西方德育经验的综合利用;强化道德实践,完善学校德育教育质量评价标准。  相似文献   
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