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杨珲  彭聃龄  谭力海 《心理学报》2000,32(2):144-151
该文探讨了汉字语音激活的多层次性、普遍性、整字与声旁语音激活资源之间的交互作用等问题。以启动一命名为实验范式,结果表明:在汉字加工早期,汉字的语音得到了显著激活,而且这一激活发生在整字和声旁两个水平、高频和低频两种汉字中;整字与声旁的语音激活存在交互作用,而该交互作用受到整字与声旁的相对频率的影响。根据实验结果,该文提出:汉字整字和声旁的语音激活之间遵循“整字优先”和“高频优先”的原则交互作用。  相似文献   
汉语双字多义词的识别优势效应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用词汇判断法、命名法考察汉语双字多义词的识别优势效应。结果发现,在词汇判断任务中存在着多义词较单义词的识别优势,但这种识别优势只表现在低频词中。在命名任务中未发现多义词的识别优势。作者根据分布表征模型的观点对双字多义词的识别优势效应做出了可能的解释。  相似文献   
结果偏差又称结果效应,它是发生在决策评估中的一种偏差式判断,即当决策结果与决策质量不存在实质性联系时,评估者仍根据结果信息评估决策质量.针对这一判断谬误的产生根源,研究者们提出了认知解释和申辩模型.结果偏差的影响因素主要包括动机、情境因素和评估手段等.基于先前研究存在的问题和不足,今后的研究应着眼于改进研究手段,理清与其他现象的关系并提出有效的应对策略.  相似文献   
在一般人眼里,修道者总是孤独与寂寞的.他们总是过着晨钟暮鼓,清灯伴黄卷,形单影孤的清淡生活,与世无争,常表现为孤独与寂寞的样子.但是为何多少年来,都有不少修道者,愿意过着这种生活方式呢?这种孤独与寂寞的生活方式里面,有什么原因值得这些修道者耗上毕生精力去做呢?是注定他们的生活方式就得这样呢?还是另有什么原因让他们有理由过上这种生活?下面就谈谈自己的看法.  相似文献   
彭华 《宗教学研究》2006,(4):117-122
佛教研究曾经是陈寅恪学术研究的一个重镇,也是他最为拿手的好戏之一,并且业已取得了为世人所瞩目的成就;但他最终还是放弃了对佛教的研究。本文首先概述陈寅恪学习、研究佛教的经历,然后论述其佛教研究论著,并且做出几点价值判断,最后剖析陈寅恪为什么放弃了对佛教的研究。  相似文献   

The failure of children to acknowledge mixed, contradictory emotions is equally of developmental and clinical interest. Developmentally, children do not ordinarily acknowledge the existence of mixed emotions until late in middle childhood. Clinically, the failure to recognise mixed feelings toward others or self is a common presenting problem. The question addressed here is, how readily can such limitations be corrected in children of different ages. Two studies are reported showing that children as young as 6 and 7 years, who initially revealed little understanding of mixed feelings, showed more insight after a short training session. In Experiment 1. two groups of children were equated for their inability to diagnose the mixed feelings of a story character. Subsequently, both groups were presented with a second story containing a similar conflictual event, but only one group was prompted to consider the character's emotional reaction to each component of the conflict. Children in the prompted group were more accurate in diagnosing the character's emotional reaction at the end of the story than the control group, and they maintained their superiority on a post-test story where no prompts were given. Experiment 2 included a similar training procedure. but with a more stringent measure of post-test generalisation: Children were asked to describe or invent their own examples of emotionally charged conflictual situations. Four- and five-year-olds showed little benefit from the training session, but six- and seven-year-olds again showed considerable benefit. Taken together, the two experiments suggest that young school age children often fail to acknowledge mixed feelings because they engage in a cursory appraisal of the elements of an emotionally charged situation; highlighting the elements is sufficient to improve performance. Preschool children, however, appear to suffer from more basic limitations in their ability to integrate the relevant information.  相似文献   
本文从柏拉图书简入手,关注柏拉图有关"建议"的论述,并细致分析了柏拉图《书简七》中有关"建议"的原则,力图通过对比柏拉图给人和城邦提建议的原则,揭示柏拉图在政治生活中究竟是怎样一位哲人。  相似文献   

Research has shown that observers often spontaneously extract a mean representation from multiple faces/objects in a scene even when this is not required by the task. This phenomenon, now known as ensemble coding, has so far mainly been based on data from Western populations. This study compared East Asian and Western participants in an implicit ensemble-coding task, where the explicit task was to judge whether a test face was present in a briefly exposed set of faces. Although both groups showed a tendency to mistake an average of the presented faces as target, thus confirming the universality of ensemble coding, East Asian participants displayed a higher averaging tendency relative to the Westerners. To further examine how a cultural default can be adapted to global or local processing demand, our second experiment tested the effects of priming global or local processing orientation on ensemble coding via a Navon task procedure. Results revealed a reduced tendency for ensemble coding following the priming of local processing orientation. Together, these results suggest that culture can influence the proneness to ensemble coding, and the default cultural mode is malleable to a temporary processing demand.  相似文献   
作为宋代理学的奠基人和洛学的开启者,程颢、程颐兄弟在儒学思想发展史上占有重要地位。关于二程思想的关系,二程自认为相同,他们的弟子及后世多数学者也不认为有什么重要区别。[1]但由于二程性格的差异及思想酝酿时期的长短不同,二程在人生境界及理论阐发上均表现出了明显的不  相似文献   
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