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宋代紫阳真人所著《悟真篇》在道门内丹学里,是一部重要的著作。我们知道,修炼内丹,有正道,也有很多旁门。一些内丹著作,在阐明修炼正道时,往往要费些笔墨批判那些似是而非的修炼理论与方法。那么《悟真篇》所反对的是什么呢?  相似文献   
以医疗团队模式下医护关系的构建为切入点,从传统思想观念、管理机制、团队规范和沟通方式方面分析了当前医护关系中存在的医护角色模糊、互动协调不足、地位不平等的原因,并从转变思想观念、改革医护管理方式、强化医护沟通和明确医护责权方面探讨了医护关系和谐发展的有效途径.  相似文献   
This study investigated whether or not the temporal information encoded in aspectual morphemes can be used immediately by young children to facilitate event recognition during online sentence comprehension. We focused on the contrast between two grammatical aspectual morphemes in Mandarin Chinese, the perfective morpheme –le and the (imperfective) durative morpheme –zhe. The perfective morpheme –le is often used to indicate that an event has been completed, whereas the durative morpheme –zhe indicates that an event is still in progress or continuing. We were interested to see whether young children are able to use the temporal reference encoded in the two aspectual morphemes (i.e., completed versus ongoing) as rapidly as adults to facilitate event recognition during online sentence comprehension. Using the visual world eye-tracking paradigm, we tested 34 Mandarin-speaking adults and 99 Mandarin-speaking children (35 three-year-olds, 32 four-year-olds and 32 five-year-olds). On each trial, participants were presented with spoken sentences containing either of the two aspectual morphemes while viewing a visual image containing two pictures, one representing a completed event and one representing an ongoing event. Participants’ eye movements were recorded from the onset of the spoken sentences. The results show that both the adults and the three age groups of children exhibited a facilitatory effect trigged by the aspectual morpheme: hearing the perfective morpheme –le triggered more eye movements to the completed event area, whereas hearing the durative morpheme –zhe triggered more eye movements to the ongoing event area. This effect occurred immediately after the onset of the aspectual morpheme, both for the adults and the three groups of children. This is evidence that young children are able to use the temporal information encoded in aspectual morphemes as rapidly as adults to facilitate event recognition. Children’s eye movement patterns reflect a rapid mapping of grammatical aspect onto the temporal structures of events depicted in the visual scene.  相似文献   
In this study of ethical ideology and religiosity, 1,255 physicians from Canada, China, Ireland, India, Japan and Thailand participated. Forsyth’s (1980) Ethical Position Questionnaire and Rohrbaugh and Jessor’s (J Pers 43:136–155, 1975) Religiosity Measure were used as the survey instruments. The results demonstrated that physicians from India, Thailand and China reported significantly higher rates of idealism than physicians from Canada and Japan. India, Thailand and China also scored significantly higher than Ireland. Physicians from Japan and India reported significantly higher rates of relativism than physicians from Canada, Ireland, Thailand and China. Physicians from China also reported higher rates of relativism than physicians from Canada, Ireland and Thailand. Overall, religiosity was positively associated with idealism and negatively associated with relativism. This study is the first to explore the differences between ethical ideology and religiosity among physicians in an international setting as well as the relationship between these two constructs. Both religiosity and ethical ideology are extremely generalized, and the extent to which they may impact the actual professional behaviour of physicians is unknown. This paper sets up a point of departure for future research that could investigate the extent to which physicians actually employ their religious and/or ethical orientation to solve ambiguous medical decisions.  相似文献   
目的:探讨护士群体面临哪些工作要求和工作资源,为护士预防工作倦怠提供依据.方法:对120名护士初始测试后进行探索性因素分析,然后对360名护士正式测验结果进行验证性因素分析.结果:探索性因素分析结果表明,护士工作要求问卷包括工作量、倒班、情感要求、环境、心理和时间六个因素;护士工作资源问卷包括社会支持、奖励、技能多样性、工作控制和决策参与五个因素.验证性因素分析结果表明,护士工作要求问卷所提取的六个因素、工作资源问卷所提取的五个因素与构想模型拟合较好.结论:护士工作要求-资源问卷具有良好的信度和效度.  相似文献   
作为“以下属为中心”的领导力理论,领导力的社会认同理论是社会心理学与领导力研究结合的代表.该理论采用社会认同解释领导力产生和发挥作用的过程,主要命题为:(1)群体成员通过社会认同选择有效的领导,具有高群体原型代表性的领导者最具有效性;(2)领导者可以通过塑造下属成员的社会认同来实施领导.除了以上内容外,还对该理论的实验证据及优缺点也进行了系统阐述,同时与其它领导力理论进行了整合,最后提出了未来研究的方向.  相似文献   
Microstructure and deformation mechanisms at a nanoindentation in the lamellar colony of high Nb containing TiAl alloy have been studied using the focused ion beam and the transmission electron microscopy. Considerable deformation twins are observed around the nanoindentation, and a strain gradient is generated. A continuous change in the bending angle of the lamellar structure can be derived, and a strain-induced grain refinement process is observed as various active deformations split the γ grains into subgrains. In addition to all possible deformation mechanisms (ordinary dislocation, super-dislocation and deformation twining) activated due to the heavy plastic deformation, a 6-layer hexagonal (6H) long-period stacking ordered structure is identified for the first time near the contact zone and is thought to be closely related to the glide of partial dislocations.  相似文献   




党的十八大提出“倡导人类命运共同体意识”。人类命运共同体信念的心理结构尚不清晰,亦缺乏有效的测量工具。研究一和研究二分别采用词汇自由联想和质性研究对人类命运共同体信念进行结构探索。研究三编制了人类命运共同体信念量表,并检验其信效度。结果显示,人类命运共同体信念包含四个因子,分别为和平共处、休戚与共、合作互助和可持续发展。人类命运共同体信念量表具有良好的信、效度,符合心理测量学标准,可用于人类命运共同体信念的测量。  相似文献   
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