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The relationship between self-criticism and the therapeutic alliance was examined in 169 clients attending counselling in a community clinic. Self-criticism was associated with lower client ratings of the working alliance, suggesting that clients with higher self-criticism had greater difficulties establishing and maintaining a therapeutic alliance. These findings extend previous studies on the working alliance and self-criticism from highly controlled clinical studies to a more ecologically valid community mental health setting. Regression analyses were conducted to examine the mediating effect of additional factors on the relationship between self-criticism and the working alliance. Sensitivity to a perceived subordinate role in therapy did not impact the working alliance, although a general resistance to subordination was related to self-criticism. Implications for counselling self-critical clients are discussed.  相似文献   
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has been found to be associated with aggressive behavior. Recent evidence suggests that the ways in which individuals respond to their emotions may account for this relationship. In particular, to the extent that aggressive behaviors serve an emotion regulatory function, responding to emotions with avoidance (i.e., experiential avoidance) or the active suppression of emotional expression may heighten emotion dysregulation, increasing the risk for aggressive behavior as individuals attempt to regulate that dysregulated state. This study examined whether these two ways of responding to emotions account for the relationship between PTSD symptom severity and self-reported engagement in aggressive behavior among a diverse sample of 113 men with past exposure to interpersonal violence. Experiential avoidance and emotional inexpressivity each accounted for a significant amount of unique variance in aggressive behavior, above and beyond PTSD symptom severity and trait anger. Clinical and research implications of findings are discussed.  相似文献   
Irrelevant clauses in resolution problems increase the search space, making proofs hard to find in a reasonable amount of processor time. Simple relevance filtering methods, based on counting symbols in clauses, improve the success rate for a variety of automatic theorem provers and with various initial settings. We have designed these techniques as part of a project to link automatic theorem provers to the interactive theorem prover Isabelle. We have tested them for problems involving thousands of clauses, which yield poor results without filtering. Our methods should be applicable to other tasks where the resolution problems are produced mechanically and where completeness is less important than achieving a high success rate with limited processor time.  相似文献   
Search for a colour-form conjunction target can be facilitated by presenting one set of distractors prior to the second set of distractors and the target: the preview benefit (Watson & Humphreys, 1997). The early presentation of one set of distractors enables them to be efficiently filtered from search. We report two studies investigating the time course of the preview benefit. In Experiment 1 we use a standard reaction time analysis to show that the benefit has a relatively slow time course; old items need to precede the new set by 600 ms or more in order to be fully filtered from search. Furthermore, the reductions in reaction time across time in the preview condition varied nonlinearly with the display size, suggesting that old items were discounted from search in parallel. In Experiment 2 we examined the neural locus of this filtering effect over time, using positron emission tomography (PET). We show that regions of parieto-occipital cortex are selectively activated in a preview search condition relative to a detection baseline. These regions also increase in activation as the preview interval increases (and search then becomes easier), consistent with them modulating the parallel filtering of distractors from targets in spatial search. Interestingly, the same areas as those activated in preview search were also active in conjunction search relative to its own detection baseline. Thus these regions either modulate parallel filtering in conjunction search too, or they modulate different behavioural functions according to task constraints.  相似文献   
Patient satisfaction plays a central role in treatment alliance and outcome. Investigating patient expectations and experiences of treatment sheds light on its importance. This study examines adolescent anorexia nervosa patients and their parents' satisfaction with family‐based treatment. Patients and parents answered a questionnaire at the eighteen‐month follow‐up focusing on expectations and experiences of treatment, therapists, aims of treatment and accomplishment. The results show that 73 per cent of the patients and 83 per cent of the parents felt that their pre‐treatment expectations had been fulfilled. The majority agreed that individual patient sessions and parental sessions were of great help, while the patients valued family therapy sessions as being less helpful than did parents. In overall terms, parents were more pleased with the therapists than were the patients. These data suggest that family‐based treatment with individual sessions for patients, in parallel with parental sessions combined with family sessions, corresponds well to patients' and parents' treatment expectations.  相似文献   
In pastoral counseling, the practitioner and client face the most difficult human problems. An authentic encounter and subsequent connection with one's fundamental Being often occurs, creating a direct existential knowing of what is. Because there are no directions or steps in a protocol to follow in this process, it is helpful for the client to reframe his/her existential search for Being as a Rite of Passage, comprising three distinct, but not separate stages—the separation phase, the initiation phase, and the return or integration phase. Such a process permits the individual a realization of what is through his/her own life circumstances, as a meaningful progression of spiritual growth.decorated Vietnam combat veteran and a marriage, family, and child counselor specializing in treatment of PTSD  相似文献   
Regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) was studied by single photon emission computerized tomography (SPECT) of inhaled xenon-133 in six normal volunteers during various language, articulatory, and control conditions. Language production increased rCBF in predominantly left-sided cortical and subcortical areas. The involved regions were anatomically related to a left frontal area (Broca's), to both caudate nuclei, to a left thalamic/pallidal area, and bilaterally in retrorolandic areas. The failure to demonstrate lateralized retrorolandic activity is thought to reflect the complexity of the tasks.  相似文献   
The case of a 57-year-old congenitally deaf man who suffered a cerebral vascular accident is presented. Resultant symptomatology included right hemiplegia and aphasia. The authors' findings and conclusions concur with a small, but slowly growing, body of literature which suggests that the fundamental linguistic processes are the same for the congenitally deaf and for the normal hearing population.  相似文献   
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