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托马斯"实践智慧"及"智德"思想的意义与价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
托马斯(St. Thomas Aquinas,1224/5~1274)作为士林哲学(Philosophia Scholastica;Scholastic Philosophy)的集大成人物,他以前所未有的周详方式与广大篇幅面对并处理prudentia(prudence)课题,肯定它是理智的"明智",更是四枢德的首德-"智德".智德与其它三种枢德(义德、勇德、节德)并举或连用,为伦理德行的"基本德行"(principal virtues).本文拟从四方面阐明托马斯"实践智慧"、"智德"思想的意义与价值.  相似文献   
潘润涵 《学海》2007,1(3):82-84
近年来,从全球史的角度来理解世界历史已经成为史学界学术研究的一种重要方式。同样是对世界历史问题的把握,却出现了许多不同的观点。出于对学术前沿问题的关注,本刊组织了国内学界同仁对1500年以来的世界历史及其相关问题展开讨论,他们通过会议、书信等方式进行交流、沟通,于是便形成了今天这样的笔谈。从总体上看,这一组笔谈有三个方面的特点:一是突出马克思主义史学观的指导意义。无论是对历史形态的把握,还是对历史具体问题的讨论,始终坚持马克思主义的历史思想。二是多元的历史思维方法。对世界历史,尤其是1500年以来充满动荡和冲突的世界历史,坚持从不同的视角、以不同的思维方式和研究方法,而不是以单向思维的方式去认识,对于寻求历史真理来说十分重要。三是平等对话的讨论方式。资深学者和青年学者可以讨论,作者与作者之间可以讨论,作者与学界其他观点可以讨论。在平等的对话中走到学界前沿,寻求对于这一段历史的真理性的认识。  相似文献   
提出制约新农合制度发展的瓶颈有:筹资方式及筹资成本问题、筹资水平、补偿内容的设计问题、过多照搬了城镇职工基本医疗保险的资金管理方式、管理能力与管理手段、位于卫生局内的合管办、无法实现“解决因病致贫、因病返贫”的政策目标。  相似文献   
在生理水平的血管壁切应力属于优性因子,能促进血管重建,抑制内皮细胞凋亡,调节内皮细胞分泌功能,使内皮细胞形态产生适应性变化;而显著升高或降低的血管壁切应力则属于非优因子,导致高血压恶性循环发生、促进动脉粥样硬化及动脉血栓形成。实现切应力非优向优转化的重要途径是降低高血压和选择性阻断切应力对基因表达的调节  相似文献   
浅析肿瘤疫苗   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
肿瘤疫苗作为肿瘤特异性主动免疫治疗的方式,目的是激发启动,调节增强机体固有的免疫功能和抗癌能力以维护机体生理平衡。具有使机体由被动抗癌向主动抗癌转变的特点。  相似文献   
关于我国高等师范院校公共课心理学教材整体改革的构想   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
卢家楣 《心理学报》1992,25(3):106-113
本文在作者实践基础上,从建设新时期具有我国特色的高师公共课心理学教材的高度,提出四点改革构想:1.在教材体系上,围绕师范生今后“教书”和“育人”工作组织心理学基本内容,形成有机联系的“双主线’结构;2.在教材内容上,突出“三个性”——以强调心理学内容对中学教育实践指导意义的实用性,带动理论阐述上的针对性和实践运用上的可操作性;3.在教材论述上,兼顾师范生的认识规律,采用现象—规律—运用的“三段法”程式;4.在教材编写上,提倡专家、高师公共课心理学教师和中学优秀教师“三结合”原则。  相似文献   
In the present study, by using a briefly masked prime display paradigm, we investigated whether the pointing relation (same or different) between two unconsciously perceived arrows in the prime could be processed. Since only motor response priming can reflect unconscious processing of two arrows’ pointing-direction relation (i.e., a relational integration), we could distinguish the motor response priming from the visual priming in this study which in other studies were not separated. We also manipulated the prime-to-target stimulus onset asynchronies (SOA) by using a 70?ms and a 180?ms SOA. In this experiment, two masked arrow signs pointing in the same or different directions (> > or > <) were simultaneously presented in the prime, followed by two arrow symbols also pointing in the same or different directions in the target. The participants were asked to decide whether the two arrows in the target were pointing in the same or different directions. The results did not show any visual priming effect, but did show that the unconsciously perceived pointing relation in the prime elicited a positive motor response priming effect in RT under the 70?ms SOA condition, and a negative motor response priming effect in accuracy under the 180?ms SOA condition. The results were discussed in terms of self-motor-inhibition (or mask-triggered inhibition) and attention mechanisms. Overall, this study indicated that the pointing relation between the two subliminal arrows in the prime could influence the subsequent responses to the target and suggested that people can integrate unconsciously perceived information.  相似文献   
This contribution considers the broad historical and theological category of Reformation and Reformations in relation to the Historic Peace Churches before turning to a more detailed consideration of recent and contemporary meaning of Reformation(s) in selected settings and needs: Mennonites in Taiwan; Friends in East Africa, especially Tanzania; and the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria. Reformation insights of the 16th, 17th, and early 18th centuries continue to inform, inspire, and sustain Mennonite, Quaker, and Brethren communities in contexts quite different from those in which our communities arose and from one another.  相似文献   
采用青少年父母依恋问卷、中学生心理素质问卷(简化版)和生活满意度量表在中国七个省(市)调查1953名初一至高三的学生,通过结构方程模型和bootstrap法考察青少年父亲依恋和母亲依恋对生活满意度的影响及其差异以及心理素质的中介作用。结果表明:(1)青少年父亲依恋、母亲依恋、心理素质和生活满意度之间两两显著正相关。(2)控制性别和学段后,心理素质在父亲依恋、母亲依恋与生活满意度间起部分中介作用。(3)父亲依恋和母亲依恋对生活满意度的影响无显著差异。  相似文献   
该研究以423名高中艺体生为被试,采用问卷法考察了元认知和情绪智力在心理素质与应对方式间的多重中介作用,结果表明:(1)元认知和情绪智力分别在心理素质与问题解决、求助的应对方式间起多重中介作用;(2)情绪智力在心理素质与退避应对间起完全中介作用;(3)相较于情绪智力,元认知在心理素质与问题解决间的中介效应更强。  相似文献   
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