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任钟祥 《天风》1994,(2):44-45
罗冠宗同工主编的《中国基督教三自爱国运动文选》(以下简称《三自文选》)是帮助信徒全面认识三自爱国运动性质和历史的专书。它选载了自1950年至1992年四十多年来曾发表过的具有代表性的,起过一定指导和启发作用的八十一篇文章和五篇附录,帮助我们回顾或了解三自爱国运动的正确性和必要性。  相似文献   
应激和应激系统紊乱概念──躯体和行为内环境稳定综述GeorgeP等虽然人类社会变得更复杂,并在很多方面有更多的需求,但几千年来对逆境状态下的生理机制却无明显进展。今后,看来对社会压力、超负荷信息和快速变化的生理反应会出现危及生命和直接威胁生存的那种情...  相似文献   
In psychological research it can be of interest to differentiate between the categorical (taxonic) vs dimensional (nontaxonic) nature of phenomena, for example in the field of psychopathology. For categorical (taxonic) structures a further differentiation is possible: between categorical structures with dimensional equivalence and a substantial main effect, and structures without dimensional equivalence (independent of the main effect). Previous taxometric studies have not concentrated in an explicit way on the case of nonequivalence. It is shown here that under favorable circumstances both types of categorical structures can be detected using the taxometric procedure L-Mode, but that they cannot be differentiated from one another.  相似文献   
This article proposes an evolutionary model of risky behavior in adolescence and contrasts it with the prevailing developmental psychopathology model. The evolutionary model contends that understanding the evolutionary functions of adolescence is critical to explaining why adolescents engage in risky behavior and that successful intervention depends on working with, instead of against, adolescent goals and motivations. The current article articulates 5 key evolutionary insights into risky adolescent behavior: (a) The adolescent transition is an inflection point in development of social status and reproductive trajectories; (b) interventions need to address the adaptive functions of risky and aggressive behaviors like bullying; (c) risky adolescent behavior adaptively calibrates over development to match both harsh and unpredictable environmental conditions; (d) understanding evolved sex differences is critical for understanding the psychology of risky behavior; and (e) mismatches between current and past environments can dysregulate adolescent behavior, as demonstrated by age-segregated social groupings. The evolutionary model has broad implications for designing interventions for high-risk youth and suggests new directions for research that have not been forthcoming from other perspectives.  相似文献   
“我們不是把世間問題變為神学問題,我們要把神学問題變為世间問題。歷史之被分解為迷信是够久的了,我們要分解迷信為歷史。”任何宗教的滋長、蔓延都有它的社会基礎,誰也不能强把“神”的意志灌输到人民羣众的头腦中去。十八世紀的法國啓蒙運動者,非常简单地肯定說,“宗教是由於傻子和骗子相遇中產生的”。这只是看到了統治階級使用宗教以麻醉尚未觉醒的人民群众这一方面,他們沒有指出宗教產生的社会根源。  相似文献   
1.为何研究科学技术与社会很难设想,一场关于现代世界可能前途的讨论,或一场关于未来人类生活之潜在可能性的讨论,能够不立即集中到科学技术及其对社会变革的作用上来。若不致力于理解科学、技术和社会之间复杂的相互作用,就不能对当今世界所面临的大多数重要问题作出分析。科学技术在许多不同的层次上直接与我们的希望和忧虑联系着。科学技术已经给了我们关于什么叫“舒适”的标准,给了我们以前不敢梦想的技术奇迹。而它们所允诺的就更多。然  相似文献   
Idiom comprehension was assessed in 10 aphasic patients with semantic deficits by means of a string-to-picture matching task. Patients were also submitted to an oral explanation of the same idioms, and to a word comprehension task. The stimuli of this last task were the words following the verb in the idioms. Idiom comprehension was severely impaired, with a bias toward the literal interpretation. Very few errors were produced with words, making impossible to establish a correlation between comprehension of idioms and of individual words. The difficulties in idiom comprehension seemed to be due to the fact that patients rely on a literal-first strategy, accessing a figurative interpretation only when the linguistic analysis fails to yield acceptable results.  相似文献   
The Ten-point Clock Test can be used to identify early forms of Alzheimer's disease because it is reliable, well accepted, and easily administered at the bedside. Nevertheless, its clinical role in the detection of early dementia and its correlations with other cognitive processes is still under investigation. Vascular dementia is an uncertain nosological entity, in which unevenly distributed patterns of cognitive deficits comprising slowing of cognitive processing and impairment of executive function occur. The present study assessed how the Clock Test scores correlated with a number of other neuropsychological and functional tests in a sample of 144 patients with vascular dementia, who were followed for a period of 24 mo. At baseline, at 12 mo. and at 24 mo. subjects were administered a battery of tests, including the Mini-Mental State Examination, word fluency, visuospatial skills, an evaluation of hetero- and autotopognosia (knowledge of self), the Proverbs Test, and the Ten-point Clock Test. For these patients scores on the Clock Test correlated significantly with semantic abilities, with abstract reasoning capacities, visuospatial perception, and with right and left recognition.  相似文献   
Action–object phrases (e.g., “lift the bottle”) are remembered better if they have been enacted rather than learned verbally. This enactment effect is largest in free recall for phrases with objects (e.g., “bottle”) present because these phrases can be interactively encoded with those context objects (interactive context integration) that serve as retrieval cues. The current study investigated whether 6- and 8-year-olds are already capable of interactive context integration. Experiment 1 demonstrated interactive context integration with 8-year-olds. This was hindered in a condition where attention was directed away from context objects. Experiment 2 demonstrated interactive context integration with 6-year-old kindergartners. Taken together, our findings show that even 6-year-olds are capable of incidental context integration through enactment and that this process is attention based.  相似文献   
Do humans integrate experience on specific routes into metric survey knowledge of the environment, or do they depend on a simpler strategy of landmark navigation? The authors tested this question using a novel shortcut paradigm during walking in a virtual environment. The authors find that participants could not take successful shortcuts in a desert world but could do so with dispersed landmarks in a forest. On catch trials, participants were drawn toward the displaced landmarks whether the landmarks were clustered near the target location or along the shortcut route. However, when landmarks appeared unreliable, participants fell back on coarse survey knowledge. Like honeybees (F. C. Dyer, 1991), humans do not appear to derive accurate cognitive maps from path integration to guide navigation but, instead, depend on landmarks when they are available.  相似文献   
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