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1、阿茂正传自从阿茂出城工作之后,光阴迅速,转眼已经过了六、七年。他开了什货小店辛勤地工作,又过了两年,赚了点钱,娶了太太,生了小孩,并且从乡下接了阿婆出来一同居住。茂:阿婆,乡下的祥哥近况如何?我不见他有很多年啦。婆:他还不是老样子,在乡下能有什么变化呀!他常来帮我做一些粗活。茂:他真是一个大好人,我和他从小一块玩。婆:不用说,他一定比你粗壮。虽然你赚钱比他多,但是你现在这么瘦弱,又患胃病,还带上了近视眼镜,看起来,你比阿祥老了四、五年。茂:他有没有女朋友呢?婆:他太老实,他爹也替他着急!哎,…  相似文献   
即便你不是一位天才,但只要认真探悉天才大师们的超常创造性思维策略并巧妙嫁接于已,你就极有可能大大激活自身创造性潜能而扬起你未来人生成功的希望风帆。人们可能对那些天才大师们是如何去进行创造性思维的具体过程颇感神秘,对悠悠历史长河中大师级巨匠爱因斯坦、爱迪生、达·芬奇、达尔文、毕加索、米开朗琪罗、伽利略、弗洛伊德、莫扎特等人的创造性思维策略都各有何不同特点、“蒙娜·丽莎”名画和“相对论”理论的创造大师们在思维运用上有何共性点、及我们可从中思悟学会些什么迫切希望得知一二,那就不妨看看一些专门研究这一课…  相似文献   
骨折痊愈之后生成的骨痴,其牢靠程度甚于正常骨骼;手术切除一个肾之后,另一个肾的体积使异常增大;鼠疫过后,老鼠的繁殖能力显著增强;每逢大规模战争,由于男子数量锐减,战后胎儿的性别比率就会发生神秘变化:男胎数量显著增多.盲人的听觉、嗅觉和触觉格外发达.失去双臂的少年上能用脚写一笔好字。凡此种种,可谓生理、生物学上奇妙的补偿现象。有趣的是,灿若繁星的名家中,许多人往往双瑜并见,他们辉煌的业绩背后,伴随着的是盲、聋、跋、瘫、疾,政治上的失意,考场上的落榜,家道中落,情场失恋,不一而足。不朽的音乐大师贝多…  相似文献   
曾经成功地指导雀巢公司度过经济危机的世界著名公关策划专家帕根曾说:“我是用智慧挽救了雀巢。”他的智慧就是一系列开拓市场的金点子。在市场风云变幻中,无数的金点子脱颖而出,它既给企业带来了财富,也给人们以思维和智慧的启迪。一细一托福鼎泽东。_一毛泽东,一代伟人。春汽车司机纷纷悬挂毛泽东像以镇邪恶,点子专家计上心来:产品开发何不托毛泽东的福?某地表厂,名气不扬,后突然在香港发迹,港人纷纷争购该厂产品,以致土气大振,经济效益腾飞。原因何在?原来厂家采纳了“托福毛泽东”的点子,策划了“毛泽东纪念表”的开发…  相似文献   
在泰戈尔的哲理诗中,青一首格外引入关注:“当你把所育的错误都关在门外,真理也就被拒绝了。”说的真她!因为,这充满哲理的小诗分明在昭示着一条真理:苦涩的错误也能结出芳香的果。笔者就听说过这样一个故事:一家卖钢琴的商店,在标价时把一架钢琴的价格写错了,少写了一个零。编编有位气古怪的太太看中了这架琴,非要按这个价格买琴,怎么办?如果实,明明是哑巴吃黄莲,白赔一笔;如果不实,价目卡上又分明大字赫然,一旦发生争执,肯定会弄得双方都尴尬。营业员正在犯愁、聪明的老板已断然决定:“卖!”而目在卖出钢琴的同时,老…  相似文献   
The kinematic parameters of to and fro forearm movements in the horizontal plane were investigated in 5- to 7-year-old boys. In one condition, the period of the movements was induced by an acoustic stimulus, while the amplitude was left free. In a second condition, the amplitude of the swing was suggested by a visual frame, but the movement was self-paced. In both conditions, the unconstrained variable (amplitude and period, respectively) was found to covary spontaneously with the constrained variable. The results suggest that, within the age range considered here, motor control processes do not conceive of amplitude and velocity as two independent variables.  相似文献   
赵继光阿訇,原籍河南禹县山货乡山货村人。16岁开始学习阿文,20岁荣任阿訇。1952年聘请到洛宁县长水方任阿訇。30多年来他和洛宁回、汉族群众结下了深厚的友谊,在人民群众中享有较高的威望。1955年  相似文献   
Two experiments were carried out in which children's sensitivity to changes in reinforcer density (number of reinforcers per session) was measured in a choice paradigm. In Experiment 1, 24 girls (ages 6, 9, and 12 years) performed on concurrent-chain schedules of reinforcement. The initial links were variable-interval 10-s schedules. One terminal link always gave three tokens after 30 s, but the parameters associated with the other were varied. Independent manipulations of reinforcer size (two tokens or four tokens) and prereinforcement delay (25 s or 65 s) led to equal changes in the relative density of tokens that could be earned on the schedules. Subjects at all ages were sensitive to changes in reinforcer density brought about by changes in reinforcer size, whereas only 3 12-year-olds showed sensitivity to the changes brought about by manipulation of prereinforcer delay. In Experiment 2, titration procedures were used to test the extent of this insensitivity to delay in 32 6- and 12-year-old children. In these procedures, a repeated choice of the large reinforcer increased the delay to its delivery, and a repeated choice of the small reinforcer reduced the delay to the delivery of the large reinforcer. Whereas 6-year-old boys and girls tended to maintain a strong preference for the large reinforcer, so increasing the delay to its delivery, 12-year-olds tended to distribute their responses to both alternatives, thus producing a stable level of delay to the large reinforcer. The results from the two experiments support the idea of two stages in the development of adaptive intertemporal choice.  相似文献   
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