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Various studies have found that viewing physical or relational aggression in the media can impact subsequent engagement in aggressive behavior. However, this has rarely been examined in the context of relationships. Accordingly, the aim of this study was to examine the connection between viewing various types of aggression in the media and perpetration of aggression against a romantic partner. A total of 369 young adults completed a variety of questionnaires asking for their perpetration of various forms of relationship aggression. Participants' exposure to both physical and relational aggression in the media was also assessed. As a whole, we found a relationship between viewing aggression in the media and perpetration of aggression; however, this depended on the sex of the participant and the type of aggression measured. Specifically, exposure to physical violence in the media was related to engagement in physical aggression against their partner only for men. However, exposure to relational aggression in the media was related to romantic relational aggression for both men and women.  相似文献   
The ability to discriminate the physical states of others could be an adaptive behavior, especially for social animals. For example, the ability to discriminate illness behavior would be helpful for avoiding spoiled foods. We report on an experiment with Japanese quails testing whether these birds can discriminate the physical states of conspecifics. The quails were trained to discriminate between moving video images of quails injected with psychoactive drugs and those in a normal (not injected) condition. Methamphetamine (stimulant) or ketamine (anesthetic) were used to produce drug-induced behaviors in conspecifics. The former induced hyperactive behavior and the latter hypoactive behavior. The subject quails could learn the discrimination and showed generalization to novel images of the drug-induced behaviors. They did not, however, show discriminative behavior according to the type and dosage of the drugs. Thus, they categorized the behavior not on the basis of degree of activity, but on the basis of abnormality.  相似文献   
The psychometric properties of the original version of the Sensation Seeking Scale (Form V) were analyzed in a sample of 1,006 Spanish university students. The total sample was randomly split into two halves. Exploratory factor analyses were conducted on the calibration sample (n=504), whereas confirmatory factor analysis procedures were performed on the validation sample (n=502). As previous studies have suggested, exploratory factor structure indicated that several items load on a different factor or have loadings lower than .30. Those problems were surpassed when the best five items per factor were factor analyzed again. The confirmatory factor analyses showed that a 4-factor simple structure model gave a clearly imperfect fit. A model of 20 items (5 items per factor) gave a better fit, although with similar problems regarding the low reliabilities of the Experience Seeking and Boredom Susceptibility subscales. The need for improvement of the four-factor structure is discussed.  相似文献   
We examined the role of motor affordances of objects for working memory retention processes. Three experiments are reported in which participants passively viewed pictures of real world objects or had to retain the objects in working memory for a comparison with an S2 stimulus. Brain activation was recorded by means of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Retaining information about objects for which hand actions could easily be retrieved (manipulable objects) in working memory activated the hand region of the ventral premotor cortex (PMC) contralateral to the dominant hand. Conversely, nonmanipulable objects activated the left inferior frontal gyrus. This suggests that working memory for objects with motor affordance is based on motor programs associated with their use. An additional study revealed that motor program activation can be modulated by task demands: Holding manipulable objects in working memory for an upcoming motor comparison task was associated with left ventral PMC activation. However, retaining the same objects for a subsequent size comparison task led to activation in posterior brain regions. This suggests that the activation of hand motor programs are under top down control. By this they can flexibly be adapted to various task demands. It is argued that hand motor programs may serve a similar working memory function as speech motor programs for verbalizable working memory contents, and that the premotor system mediates the temporal integration of motor representations with other task-relevant representations in support of goal oriented behavior.  相似文献   
戴维森对于标准含义的相对主义进行了两种批判.①一是反对图式与内容的二元论.在这一点上我同意戴维'森的批判;另一类就是反对概念图式这一观念的贯通性.  相似文献   
人们越来越清楚地意识到,游戏是早期儿童认知发展的基本源泉.皮亚杰认为,游游经验能帮助儿童对与物体和人有关的空间、因果关系及时间等信息进行同化.维果茨基把游戏作为促进儿童的抽象思维发展的一个重要因素.在儿童的游戏行为中经常提到的认知活动包括两个方面:(1)建构物质世界的能力;(2)理解不同的社公性观点的能力.  相似文献   
一九七五年新出版了马克思恩格斯全集第一辑第一卷,现在又出版了第四辑第一卷。对于马克思一八三九年初至一八四一年三月哲学思想的发展,这两卷提供了一些新的研究成果。这些新的研究成果,修正了这个时期流传下来的手稿——它们同时是马克思研究哲学的最初文献——的形成史,精确规定了这些手稿的形成时间,并确定了原文的编排和翻印。流传下来的手稿包括:关于伊壁鸠鲁的七册摘要笔记(有一部分成了不同题目的独立的补遗)、  相似文献   
现在,有一个很难忽视或很难否认的事实,就是在社会进步和科技进步之间,在社会政治思想即马克思主义思想和科技思想即科技革命之间存在着一种辩证的相互关系。这种关系有两层意思:科技革命通过非常不同、非常复杂的途径,影响着经济、社会政治和文化的发展,归根到底影响着社会生活的一切方面,影响着社会思想;而反过来,社会政治思想也推动着科学技术的发展,对科技活动的开展也发生着冲击,看不到这种推动是不行的。当代科学技术的巨大变化和日益深刻、日益迅速的发展,给所有人提出了这样一个迫切的任务;更  相似文献   
乙、异化和物化这里我们集中论述两个问题:第一,马克思著作中的物化概念;第二,卢卡奇著作中的物化概念。马克思除了使用Entfremdung和Vergegen-standllchung,即“异化”和“客观化”以外,还用了Verdinglichung“物化”(reification)这个词(来自拉丁语“res”——“物”)。这个词无论在马克思的理论中,还是在近年来有关异化问题的论战中都起着重要作用。而且有些人已开始认为“物化”这个概念要  相似文献   
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