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生命意义是人类生命存在的永恒追求。东西方的理论均认为意义源于个体内在的自我结构,即自我概念。为了验证自我概念对生命意义的影响,对68名大学生进行实验研究。现场实验结果显示,控制生命意义基线水平和正负情绪后,自我概念仍显著预测生命意义;且自我概念提高组的生命意义得分显著高于降低组。行为实验结果显示,在高、低生命意义词汇记忆任务中,相比于低生命意义词,自我概念提高组对高生命意义词的再认率更高;相比于高生命意义词,自我概念降低组对低生命意义词的再认率更高。这些结果均表明,自我概念影响生命意义。结果暗示构建积极的自我概念形成强大的内心才是个体生命意义构建的根本途径。  相似文献   
意义疗法是以存在积极心理学为理论基础,以构建个体生命意义为目的,实现生活正负两极性的动态平衡,从而解决其心理困扰获得心理治愈与成长的一种整合性心理咨询与治疗方法。起源于Frankl意义学说的意义疗法是通往人类美好生活的路径,它源于对苦难生活所隐含意义的本质认识。在理论上,意义疗法以意义定向看世界为中心,以意义管理理论和双系统模型为支架; 在方法上,为保障意义获得,应遵循8个基本问题和12条原则,充分发挥意义源的作用,实现意义获得的双路径统一; 在技术上,灵活采用趋向性(PURE)策略、回避性(ABCDE)策略、以及双视角双通道策略或其它策略的整合。意义疗法因包含了精神成分而超越了心理动力学和个体心理学等传统心理治疗方式。未来研究还需明确意义疗法整合了哪些流派的具体方法和技术,细化意义疗法主要的技术与策略的操作步骤,考察成熟幸福感量表在中国文化下的适用性,以及充分整合质性与量化研究方法检验意义疗法在中国的适用性  相似文献   
4月28日,国家宗教局在银川召开"2010年朝觐工作联席会议暨2009年朝觐工作总结表彰会议"。会上,国家宗教局隆重表彰了14名在2009年朝觐工作中做出突出成绩的先进个人。这14名先进工作者,有的是多年从事基层宗教工作的干部;有的是第一次参加朝觐安保工作的"新兵";有的是专门负责朝觐穆斯林卫生防疫、医疗救护工作的白衣天使……在朝觐期间,他们视朝觐穆斯林为亲人,甘作铺路石、甘当孺子牛,在加强安保、组织服务、制止零散朝觐等方面做了大量工作,付出了辛勤劳动,为实现2009年朝觐工作政治安全和人身安全两大目标做出了积极贡献。近期,部分先进工作者(马淑琴、穆卫宾事迹已在本刊今年第6、7期分别刊登)结合自身工作为本刊撰写了获奖感言。通过他们真诚、朴实的笔触,生动反映了朝觐工作团的精神风貌,展示了朝觐工作队伍的良好形象。我们希望,通过奖掖先进,让社会更多地了解和支持朝觐工作,使朝觐事务管理向着机制化、规范化、常态化的方向迈进。  相似文献   
恰达也夫的《哲学书信》引起了一场争论。该信断言,俄国与其他国家不同,它没有任何深厚而又牢固的历史传统,它的历史也缺乏任何共同的思想和发展规律。俄国社会还是第一次见到有人对祖国的历史持这种观点,尽管这种观点流露出深深的痛苦和无法掩饰的悲观情绪。社会对上述观点不能不作出反应。在1830—1850年间,历史传统问题在俄国的思想争论中占有重要地位。  相似文献   
The authors explored the contribution of individual differences in attachment orientations to the experience of sexual intercourse and its association with relationship quality. In Study 1, 500 participants completed self-report scales of attachment orientations and sexual experience. The findings indicated that whereas attachment anxiety was associated with an ambivalent construal of sexual experience, attachment avoidance was associated with more aversive sexual feelings and cognitions. In Study 2, 41 couples reported on their attachment orientations and provided daily diary measures of sexual experiences and relationship interactions for a period of 42 days. Results showed that attachment anxiety amplified the effects of positive and negative sexual experiences on relationship interactions. In contrast, attachment avoidance inhibited the positive relational effect of having sex and the detrimental relational effects of negative sexual interactions. The authors discuss the possibility that attachment orientations are associated with different sex-related strategies and goals within romantic relationships.  相似文献   
In two experiments, we examined the representation, treatment, and attention devoted to the members of reference (i.e., club members) and nonreference (i.e., not club members) categories. Consistent with prior work on category interrelatedness (e.g., Goldstone, 1996; Goldstone, Steyvers, and Rogosky, 2003), the findings reveal the existence of asymmetric representations for reference and nonreference categories, which, however, decreased as expertise and familiarity with the categories increased (Experiments 1 and 2). Participants also more readily judged two reference exemplars as being the same than they did two nonreference exemplars (Experiment 1) and were better at detecting reference than nonreference exemplars in a set of novel, category-unspecified exemplars (Experiment 2). These findings provide evidence for the existence of a feature asymmetry in the representation and treatment of exemplars from reference and nonreference categories. Membership in a reference category acts as a salient feature, thereby increasing the perceived similarity and detection of faces that belong in the reference, in comparison with the nonreference, category.  相似文献   
Women are bombarded with images of women's sexual submission and subservience to male partners. The authors argue that women internalize this submissive role, namely, they associate sex implicitly with submission. The authors propose that this association leads to submissive sexual behavior, thereby reducing sexual autonomy and arousal. Study 1 found that women implicitly associated sex with submission. Study 2 showed that women's implicit association of sex with submission predicted greater personal adoption of a submissive sexual role. Study 3 found that men did not implicitly associate sex with submission. Study 4 demonstrated that women's adoption of a submissive sexual role predicted lower reported arousal and greater reported difficulty becoming sexually aroused; sexual autonomy mediated these effects.  相似文献   
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