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我们这篇文章专门用来论讨在直接再现和延缓再现中,记忆和思维相互关系这个当前必须解决的问题А·А·斯米尔诺夫早就证实过,积极的思维活动是提高不随意识记效率的基础。积极思维活动的内容越复杂,就越容易识记。  相似文献   
学校改革——这是历史发展的必然规律的体现。教育是为了使人适应生活而培养人的,而生活又在不断地发展,它对人的要求也在不断地变化,因此,教育也应当不断地变化。这一改革将根据本世纪末、下世纪初发达的社会主义社会对学校教育的要求来进行。  相似文献   
A molar theory of reinforcement schedules   总被引:16,自引:16,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Behavior of subjects exposed to concurrent and individual interval and ratio schedules of reinforcement may be described in terms of a set of expressions relating the value of responses to their durations, a feedback equation relating reinforcement to response duration, and the assumption that subjects allocate their time among various responses so as to maximize value.  相似文献   
六十年代中期,资本主义国家里出现了一场意识形态的运动,七十年代正式形成,此后不断扩大。这场运动基本上是以对马克思的经济学的主要著作《资本论》、《政治经济学批判大纲》的理解为基础,同时又是对马克思的著作,特别是对马克思的早期著作所作的人道主义-存在主义的解释的反映。  相似文献   
词典是知识的宝库。衡量词典的好坏,要看它是否完全反映了研究工作业已达到的水平。因为词典通常有很大的实用范围,所以就迫切需要对它现有的内容作出评价和分析。哲学以及作为哲学的一个分支的、研究一定社会历史阶段的道德行为和相应的道德观念的伦理学,乃是阶级利益在理论上的表现。可是,伦理学词典的编辑者却否定了这个观点。他们忠实于资产阶级伦理学的传统。编者O.霍弗是威尔茨堡大学哲学系教授。他对伦理学问题之所以越来越感兴趣,是因为他想把他的伦理学词典变成为“一个传播知识、同时作出评论的‘建议者”’(第6页)。他认为,当前人们之所以急剧地转向于对个人、社会和政治生活的伦理学问题的讨论,是有各种各样原因的。他认为这些  相似文献   
本世纪六十年代资产阶级科学哲学演变的特点是同在此以前占统治地位的实证主义坚决分道扬镳。“在现代自然科学和社会科学的哲学中,主要倾向是反实证主义”——西方现代逻辑学-方法论的刊物上常常这样说。对这一现象进行历史和哲学的  相似文献   
H.劳纳教授领导的伯尔尼方法论研究所(F.格瑞特联合会)于1980年5月1日至4日召开了一次康德哲学讨论会,有十一篇论文讨论了康德哲学的各种问题。讨论会不但表明了,对康德的解释存在着巨大的困难,而且也表明了,康德的学说仍有着重要的现实意义,对康德学说的兴趣已打破了语言的界限和哲学的传统。在这一方面最突出的例证就是那些试图用(内涵)逻辑的形式方法来解释康德某些著作的论文。 L W.贝克的《康德论自然界的规律性》,E.埃  相似文献   
Pigeons' responses to a uniformly illuminated response key were either reinforced on a variable-interval one-minute schedule of reinforcement or extinguished for one-minute periods. When 1.5 second signals were presented at the beginning of each component, so as to differentially predict reinforcement, the pigeons pecked at the signals, at rates higher than rates during the remainder of the component. When the brief signals were not differentially predictive of reinforcement, pecking in their presence decreased to near zero levels. Similar results were obtained with signals based upon colors and upon line orientations. Changes in rates of (unreinforced) pecking occurred during the signal whether pigeons responded differentially during the remainder of the component or not. Experiment II demonstrated that the presence of the signal correlated with extinction was not necessary for pecking to develop at the signal which preceded the component in which responding was intermittently reinforced. The experiments demonstrated a clear dissociation of respondent control from operant control of a response. In addition, operant behavior was shown to be relatively insensitive to differing rates of reinforcement, as compared to the sensitivity of respondent behavior to differing rates of reinforcement produced by the very same operant behavior.  相似文献   
Concurrent schedules: Spatial separation of response alternatives   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Four pigeons were exposed to independent concurrent variable-interval 20-second variable-interval 60-second schedules of reinforcement. A transparent partition was inserted midway between the two response keys. The length of the partition was systematically manipulated. Increasing partition length produced a decrease in changeover rate in Experiment 1. Over-matching was observed with a partition length of 20 centimeters. In Experiment 2 a four-second limited hold was added to the schedules. Increasing partition length produced a decrease in changeover rate that exceeded the decrease observed in Experiment 1. This manipulation produced nearly exclusive choice of the variable-interval 20-second component. The present results, together with results obtained in related research, suggest that deviation from matching is a function of procedural variables that determine the consequences of a changeover response.  相似文献   
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