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各位代表、各位同志: 中国佛教协会是全国各民族、各教派佛教徒共同的爱国组织,是团结、进步的组织。中国佛教协会高举爱国爱教的旗帜,维护信徒的合法权益,贯彻党和国家的宗教信仰自由政策,开展同各国佛教界人士的友好交往,做了大量的工作。在过去的四十年里,佛教界人士同信仰其他宗教的公民和不信仰宗教的公民同呼吸共命运,为祖国的繁荣富强作出了应有的贡献。  相似文献   
重建权利和义务的平衡   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以往我们过多地强调权利而忽视义务的教育使一些人错误地认为人们只有权利而不必尽义务。第二次世界大战后第二代人的一个代言人曾经提出一种新的、来自责任方面的自由,这种自由是指,人  相似文献   
我与我的朋友Z.皮利辛在饭后曾进行过一场辩论。它涉及皮利辛(Pylyshn)所提出的下述论断:“如果没有一个关于心理表征的内容同一性的精确规定的概念,那么认知心理学就是不可能的。”后来我想到,拒绝这一论断的理由直接与D.戴维森对于意义理论和心智哲学的众所周知的影响有联系,因而在皮利辛的允许和宽恕(但愿如此)下,我便决定在本文中主要阐述我反对他的论点的理由。  相似文献   
1982年12月,美国哲学学会在东部分会年会上就我的著作《理性,真理和历史》(《Reason,Truth,and History》)举行了一次专题讨论会。H.菲尔德和G.哈曼所写的评论文章已在1982年10月号的《哲学杂志》上发表,而其中只有我所作答复的一个简短摘要。下面是我的整个答复,以前从未全文发表过。  相似文献   
在今天这个已变得如此狭小的世界上,我们所面临的全球性问题,尤其是核灾难对人类的威胁,要求在各民族之间建立起一种理性的共存格局。从现实主义角度来看,用理性来协调人们的行为举止,不是由于其自身,而是由于明显的物质方面的生存危机,今天具有前所未见的发展机遇。最迟自十八世纪启蒙运动开始,科学已经被看作是最佳的理性  相似文献   
《哲学问题》1992年第2期上刊登了C.и.雅科夫连柯一篇内容丰富的文章《论自然界中的组织作用和破坏(随机的)作用,该期还登载了B.и.阿尔申诺夫和я.и.斯维尔斯基的文章《从涵义的读出到涵义的产生》。按照编辑部的意图,后一篇文章大概是前一篇文章的评论。但我以为,这篇文章并没有起到多大的评论作用,因为这篇论涵义的有趣  相似文献   
In a discrete-trial conditional discrimination procedure, 4 pigeons obtained food reinforcers by pecking a key with a short latency on trials signaled by one stimulus and by pecking the same key with a long latency on trials signaled by a second stimulus. The physical difference between the two stimuli and the temporal separation between the latency values required for reinforcement were varied factorially over four sets of conditions, and the ratio of reinforcer rates for short and long latencies was varied within each set of conditions. Stimulus discrimination varied directly with both stimulus and response differences and was unaffected by the reinforcer ratio. Sensitivity to reinforcement, estimated by generalized-matching-law fits to the data within each set of conditions, varied directly with the response difference but inversely with the stimulus difference arranged between sets of conditions. Because variations in stimulus differences, response differences, and reinforcer differences did not have equivalent effects, these findings question the functional equivalence of the three terms of the discriminated operant: antecedent stimuli, behavior, and consequences.  相似文献   
In a previous study of two-choice reactions, pairings of spatial stimuli with bimanual presses made on a keyboard and verbal stimuli with unimanual aimed movements made on a display screen showed higher set-level compatibility than the opposite pairings; element-level compatibility (i.e., mapping) effects were also larger for the conditions with high set-level compatibility than for those whose set-level compatibility was low. In the 4 experiments described here, the relevant factors were isolated, allowing the determinants of those compatibility differences to be evaluated in more detail. Forty-eight students participated in Experiment 1, and 24 each in Experiments 2, 3, and 4. The primary determinant of the set-level compatibility variation was whether the response alternatives involved 1 or 2 effectors, but the differences in element-level compatibility effects were determined primarily by the distinction between responding on the screen as opposed to on the keyboard. Implications for models of stimulus-response compatibility are examined.  相似文献   
试答无法回答的问题让·多尔梅松著萧俊明译联合国教科文组织去年在巴黎以“我们不知道什么?”为主题召开了第一届哲学座谈会,取得了巨大的成功。《第欧根尼》第169期刊登了一些与会者的论文。第二届会议于1996年3月27—30日召开,讨论的问题如同前一届一样...  相似文献   
This paper examines ethical issues related to medical practices with children and adults who are members of a linguistic and cultural minority known as the DEAF-WORLD. Members of that culture characteristically have hearing parents and are treated by hearing professionals whose values, particularly concerning language, speech, and hearing, are typically quite different from their own. That disparity has long fueled a debate on several ethical issues, most recently the merits of cochlear implant surgery for DEAF children. We explore whether that surgery would be ethical if implants could deliver close to normal hearing for most implanted children, thereby diminishing the ranks of the DEAF-WORLD. The ethical implications of eugenic practices with the DEAF are explored, as are ethical quandaries in parental surrogacy for DEAF children, and their parallels in transracial adoption.  相似文献   
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