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We measured changes in physical activity in 2 obese preschool children when a package intervention was evaluated in a reversal design. Physical activity was measured via direct observation and pedometers. Although the intervention produced only modest increases in activity, the results provide preliminary concurrent validation for the dependent measures used, in that the two measures covaried and a similar degree of change was observed with each across baseline and intervention phases.  相似文献   
The current study examines the role of callous/unemotional (CU) traits in response to treatment among children with conduct problems (CP) and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Fifty-four children with CP/ADHD and 16 controls (age = 9.48, SD = 1.58) took part in a summer treatment and research program. Simple correlations showed that CU and CP were associated with a number of treatment outcome measures. When examined together in regression analyses, CU and CP were uniquely associated with three treatment outcomes each (CU—improvement in social skills and problem solving, negative behaviors in time-out; CP—time-outs per day, peer ratings, peer dislike). The implications for these findings with regard to treatment response in children with CP/ADHD with and without CU traits are explored.  相似文献   
Bimanual in-phase and anti-phase patterns were performed in the transverse plane under optimal and degraded proprioceptive conditions, i.e., without and with tendon vibration. Moreover, proprioceptive information was changed midway into each trial to examine on-line reorganization. In addition to the proprioceptive perturbation, the availability of visual information was manipulated to study to which degree sensory information from different modalities interact. Movement patterns performed under identical sensory conditions were compared, i.e., the first 15 s (control) and the 15 s following a change in afferent input (transfer). In the control and transfer conditions, movements with vibrations were less accurate than those without vibrations indicating the influence of optimal proprioceptive information in the calibration and recalibration of intrinsic bimanual movement patterns. Furthermore, pattern stability was affected by the nature of the transfer condition. This indicated that the degree of fluctuations in a sensory transfer situation depended upon the quality of the proprioceptive information experienced in the initial conditions. The influence of visual information was not without importance, although the nature of the coordination mode must be taken into account. In the control conditions, in-phase movements were less stable when vision was absent, whereas anti-phase movements were more stable when vision was not present. This observation was made independent of the available proprioceptive information revealing differences in visual guidance between both coordination modes. In the transfer conditions, pattern stability was similar during the vision and no-vision conditions suggesting a limited influence of visual information in the recalibration process.  相似文献   
Excess body weight, especially obesity, is a problem of increasing social significance, and weight gain is often correlated with age. Because physical activity can both decrease current body weight and prevent weight gain, it is an especially suitable target for behavioral intervention. A package intervention consisting of self‐monitoring, goal setting, and feedback was used to increase the physical activity of healthy adults. A combined multiple‐baseline and reversal design was arranged to evaluate the effects of the intervention on the number of steps taken each day by participants, as recorded by a pedometer. The intervention increased the number of steps taken across participants, but there were no changes in participant body weight during the intervention. The results suggest that a relatively simple and low‐cost intervention can be used to increase the physical activity of some adults. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The capacity to incorporate significant words into the existing vocabulary and to use these words to form sentences with more mature syntactic structures emerges over a considerable time course in young deaf children who have undergone a cochlear implantation. The purpose of this follow-up study is to document the nature and time span of language production--in morphosyntactic and lexical skills--when a child's first experience with language sounds is provided artificially through electrical stimulation. To examine the development of these two aspects of linguistic processing, five deaf French children, all enrolled in similar postimplantation educational settings, were individually assessed at 6-month intervals over a period of 18 months. Computerized analyses were derived from their spontaneous speech in a 20-min standardized play session. Results for mean length of utterance and vocabulary revealed gradually improving performance for most children, in spite of the generally low starting point. Both measures of production nevertheless remained well below the norms established for normally hearing children. Although the achievement of higher production scores, which underlies more effective interpersonal exchanges, is evident after only 1 year of device use, it is clear that improvement does not always occur at the same pace, as shown by two of the children. This emphasizes the importance of longitudinal studies in documenting intersubject variability and intrasubject stability throughout the experience with an implant.  相似文献   
A healthy diet is a key ingredient to good health and can help prevent a number of adverse health conditions. Although many people can describe a healthy diet, they often cannot accurately report the nutritional content of their own diets. In this study, daily dietary feedback consisting of recommended daily nutrient values accompanied by estimated calorie and fat data of daily food purchases was provided to four college undergraduates. The estimated calorie and percentage of calories from fat data were based on records of participant purchases at university dining establishments. The introduction of daily dietary feedback resulted in the students purchasing fewer calories and fewer calories from fat per day. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We combined several single‐subject designs to assess the effects of contingent and noncontingent token reinforcement on moderate‐to‐vigorous physical activity (MVPA) exhibited by 4 preschool‐aged children. Higher overall levels and longer bouts of MVPA reliably occurred when tokens were delivered contingent on MVPA for 3 of the 4 children when compared to baseline (no token) and for 2 of the 4 children when compared to noncontingent‐token conditions. The present study demonstrated that the delivery of tokens contingent on MVPA can increase and maintain MVPA exhibited by preschool‐aged children, resulting in more MVPA than in baseline conditions and conditions in which tokens are awarded without respect to MVPA. These results demonstrate that token economies can be used to increase MVPA and they add to the evidence base supporting the use of token economies to address a range of behavior problems.  相似文献   
We established a general genetic counseling clinic (GCC) to help reduce long wait times for new patient appointments and to enhance services for a subset of patients. Genetic counselors, who are licensed in Tennessee, were the primary providers and MD geneticists served as medical advisors. This article describes the clinic referral sources, reasons for referral and patient dispositions following their GCC visit(s). We obtained patients by triaging referrals made to our medical genetics division. Over 24 months, our GCC provided timely visits for 321 patients, allowing the MD geneticists to focus on patients needing a clinical exam and/or complex medical management. Following their GCC visit(s), over 80 % of patients did not need additional appointments with an MD geneticist. The GCC allowed the genetic counselor to spend more time with patients than is possible in our traditional medical genetics clinic. Patient satisfaction surveys (n?=?30) were very positive overall concerning the care provided. Added benefits for the genetic counselors were increased professional responsibility, autonomy and visibility as health care providers. We conclude that genetic counselors are accepted as health care providers by patients and referring providers for a subset of clinical genetics cases. A GCC can expand genetic services, complement more traditional genetic clinic models and utilize the strengths of the genetic counselor health care provider.  相似文献   
Although there is no consensus as to the specific skills that constitute critical thinking, there is general agreement that identifying logical fallacies is an important component skill. Clearly defined logical fallacies are suited to teaching arrangements that focus on establishing conditional discriminations, as is the case with equivalence‐based instruction (EBI) methods. EBI methods have been successfully delivered using web‐based course management software and have rapidly produced socially significant learning outcomes. The purpose of the current study was to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of a web‐based EBI program for teaching students to recognize and identify logical fallacies by comparing the outcomes of EBI to a self‐instruction and a no‐instruction control group. EBI was more effective and more efficient when compared to both self‐instruction and no‐instruction controls. Additionally, untrained relations were evident only after EBI.  相似文献   
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