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Ruderman discusses the challenge that contemporary professional women still face in a sexist society and from their own inner critic. She shows how a relational approach to the treatment of women can empower women to overcome both external and internalized sexism. It is suggested that as patriarchy has been challenged, there has been a backlash against feminism. Urban professional men rebel against feminism by aspiring to become playboys who will never stop “playing the field.” The playboy mentality creates a challenge for contemporary professional women who may not wish their boyfriends or husbands to be spending so much time seeking sexual gratification through Internet pornography, lap dances at strip clubs, massages with happy endings, or clandestine affairs.

Lawrence Josephs. Diskussion von: ….

Rudermann diskutiert die Herausforderungen, denen heutige Frauen im Berufsleben begegnen. Einerseits haben sie in einer sexistischen Gesellschaft und andererseits gegenüber ihrer innerpsychischen Selbstkritik zu bestehen. Sie zeigt, wie eine psychotherapeutische Behandlung mit einem relationalen Ansatz, der externe und internalisierte Sexismus überwunden werden kann. Der Gedanke wird angeregt, inwiefern die Infragestellung der patriarchalen Gesellschaft eine Gegenbewegung auslöst, die auf den Feminismus zurückschlägt. Die berufstätigen Männer rebellieren gegen den Feminismus und haben den Ehrgeiz Playboys zu sein, die nicht aufhören können, das Feld zu beackern. Diese Playboy Mentalität ist eine Herausforderung für die heutigen berufstätigen Frauen. Sie sind nicht gewillt zuzulassen, dass ihr Freund oder Ehemann sich sexuelle Gratifikationen durch Internet-Pornographie, Nachtclubbesuche, Massagen und heimliche Affären beschafft.

Lawrence Josephs. Discusión de: Crianza y autosabotage: Perspectivas psicoanalíticas sobre el miedo al éxito en mujeres por

Ruderman discute el reto que las mujeres profesionales contemporáneas todavía enfrentan en una sociedad sexista y desde su propia crítica interna. Ella muestra como una aproximación relacional de tratamiento para mujeres puede fortalecer a la mujer para vencer el sexismo tanto externo como interiorizado. Se sugiere que así como el patriarcado ha sido cuestionado, existe un retroceso contra el feminismo. Hombres urbanos profesionistas se rebelan contra el feminismo aspirando a convertirse en playboys que nunca dejaran de jugar en ese campo. La mentalidad playboy representa un reto para las mujeres profesionistas contemporáneas quienes pueden no desear que sus novios o maridos, Dediquen tanto tiempo buscando gratificación sexual a través de la pornografía en internet, bailes en clubs de striptease, masajes con final feliz, o asuntos clandestinos.  相似文献   

This discussion focuses on two potential dangers in our reaction to the problems associated with years of prejudice and constriction in female gender roles, holding women back from exploring and reaching their personal and career goals. One potential danger is that of creating an equally rigid, unitary system of gender roles that leaves equally little flexibility in women's choices by imitating traditional male gender roles. The other potential danger is that of attributing the main cause of psychological problems to social role constriction when greater pathology is at work.

Susan Klebanoff. Diskussion von Estelle Shanes “Mädchen, ihre Väter und Mütter: Verbindende Muster zu Erfolgsstreben und Verboten im Leben von frauen”.

Die Diskussion konzentriert sich auf zwei mögliche Gefahren in der Reaktion auf Probleme in den ersten Jahren der Entwicklung des weiblichen Geschlechtsverständnisses, die von Vorurteilen und Einschränkungen geprägt sind. Frauen werden in ihrem Erproben und Erreichen von persönlichen Karrierezielen zurückgehalten. Die eine Gefahr besteht darin, dass Frauen durch Imitation der männlichen Geschlechterrollen in ein ähnlich rigides Selbstverständnis wie diese geraten. Die andere Gefahr besteht darin, bei psychischen Problemen als Grund lediglich die Einschränkungen in den sozialen Rollen zu sehen und dabei eine schwerwiegendere psychische Pathologie zu übersehen.

Susan Klebanoff. Discusión de: “Las niñas, sus padres, y sus madres: Modelos de vinculos hacia la ambición y la prohibición en mujeres” de Estelle Shane.

La presente discusión se enfoca en los dos peligros potenciales de nuestra reacción a los problemas asociados a los años de prejuicio y constricción en los roles de género femeninos, impidiendo a las mujeres explorar y alcanzar su metas personales y profesionales. Uno de los peligros potenciales es crear un sistema unitario igualmente rígido, sobre roles de género, que deje igualmente poca flexibilidad en las opciones de las mujeres al tener que imitar los roles tradicionales masculinos. El otro peligro es atribuir la causa principal de los problemas psicológicos a la constricción del rol social cuando se pudiera tratarse de una mayor patología en funcionamiento.  相似文献   
In Germany offenders can be sentenced to forensic addiction treatment which is realized in secure mental hospitals (according to section 64 of the German Penal Code). As a rule the persons concerned are transferred to the treatment institution after having served part of their prison sentence. There is an ongoing debate regarding the appropriate length of time of inpatient treatment. The average time in treatment differs considerably between the States of the Federal Republic of Germany and varies from somewhat over 1 year (Bavaria) to more than 2 years (North-Rhine Westphalia). In the trials mandating the treatment order, psychiatric experts are expected to exactly quantify the appropriate time of treatment for a specific person. For a number of reasons this surpasses expert capabilities as there is little empirical evidence regarding the effects of the duration of long-term treatment on outcome criteria, such as relapse or reoffending. This article discusses relevant aspects and suggests a pragmatic way to handle courts’ expectations in these lawsuits.  相似文献   
This research examined how and why group membership diminishes the attribution of mind to individuals. We found that mind attribution was inversely related to the size of the group to which an individual belonged (Experiment 1). Mind attribution was affected by group membership rather than the total number of entities perceived at once (Experiment 2). Moreover, mind attribution to an individual varied with the perception that the individual was a group member. Participants attributed more mind to an individual that appeared distinct or distant from other group members than to an individual that was perceived to be similar or proximal to a cohesive group (Experiments 3 and 4). This effect occurred for both human and nonhuman targets, and was driven by the perception of the target as an entitative group member rather than by the knowledge that the target was an entitative group member (Experiment 5).  相似文献   

This study examined both the meanings and sources/causes of stress from the perspectives of lesbians and gay men (n=30), using a series of focus groups. The findings suggest that stress is considered a part of life itself, and is perceived to contain both negative (e.g. detrimental effects on health and overall functioning, unfairness, out-of-control), and positive (e.g. a motivator, growth-facilitator) elements. The sources/causes of stress (i.e. stressors) identified include stress experienced from the “coming out” process, stress in family relations and intimate relationships, conflict over one's sexuality given society's homophobic and heterosexist attitudes toward lesbians and gay men, as well as stress from financial and work-related issues. More importantly, this study suggests that culture/ethnicity, gender, and aging, which are interconnected with one's sexual identity, play an important role in shaping the experiences of stress among lesbians and gay men.  相似文献   
This article examined the predictive role of perceived control in long-term changes in disability among 1541 independently living older persons. Disability referred to self-reported difficulties with (instrumental) activities of daily living. Perceived control referred to the extent to which one assumes oneself as having control over one's life chances, unlike the fatalistic assumption that one's life is ruled by external factors. Data on disability and perceived control were collected in 1993 and recollected in 2001. Covariates included age, gender, living arrangement, level of education, and the number of chronic medical conditions. Regression equations were estimated with disability in 2001 as outcome and the selected variables as predictors. The level of perceived control decreased and the level of disability increased significantly over an 8-year period. The predictive role of perceived control for subsequent change in disability was statistically significant but not very strong. The association between perceived control in 1993 and disability in 2001 was stronger for older persons (>65 years) compared to younger persons (≤65 years).  相似文献   
A great deal of research in legal decision making has overlooked the influence of affect on the decision‐making process. The present study measured the fluctuation of emotions across five time points of a capital trial and tested the overall relationship between changes in emotion and sentencing decisions. The results showed that across all participants, anger initially increased and then decreased during the course of a capital punishment trial. Most importantly, the more individual mock jurors' anger increased during any stage of the trial, the more likely they were to assign a death sentence. Furthermore, when jurors' anger increased, they rated mitigating factors presented by the defense as weaker and the weaker mitigation mediated the relationship between change in anger and sentencing. The paper ends with a discussion of theoretical explanations and policy implications. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Objective: Evaluate neuropsychological functioning in children with non-syndromic cleft of the lip and/or palate (NSCL/P) through profile variance within type of cleft and comparisons to controls.

Methods: Children ages 7 to 17 years participated; 66 had a diagnosis of NSCL/P and 87 were healthy controls. Neuropsychological tests of language, visual-perceptual, executive functioning, and memory skills were administered. Between- and within-group differences were assessed.

Results: Within cleft types, children with NSCLP had an even profile with equal Verbal and Performance IQ (VIQ and PIQ, respectively). Children with non-syndromic cleft palate only (NSCP) had significantly lower VIQ than PIQ, while children with non-syndromic cleft lip only (NSCL) showed a nonsignificant trend for higher VIQ than PIQ. Overall, subjects with NSCL/P performed lower on measures of expressive language and verbal memory than controls.

Conclusions: While deficits in verbal and memory skills for children with NSCL/P remain apparent, there is still uncertainty around the possible influence of cleft type on the pattern of deficits.  相似文献   
Our research examines how prior group collaboration modulates later individual memory. We recently showed that repeated collaborative recall sessions benefit later individual recall more than a single collaborative recall session (Blumen & Rajaram, 2008). Current research compared the effects of repeated collaborative recall and repeated collaborative recognition on later individual recall and later individual recognition. A total of 192 participants studied a list of nouns and then completed three successive retrieval sessions in one of four conditions. While two collaborative recall sessions and two collaborative recognition sessions generated comparable levels of individual recall (CRecall-CRecall-I Recall ~ CRecognition-CRecognition-I Recall , Experiment 1a), two collaborative recognition sessions generated greater levels of individual recognition than two collaborative recall sessions (CRecognition-CRecognition- IRecognition > CRecall-CRecall- I Recognition , Experiment 1b). These findings are discussed in terms of two opposing mechanisms that operate during collaborative retrieval—re-exposure and retrieval disruption—and in terms of transfer-appropriate processing across collaborative and individual retrieval sessions.  相似文献   
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