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Furthering a prior research on two‐person bi‐level multi‐objective decision‐making problems of the leader‐follower Stackelberg game, we present an extended model of bi‐level multi‐objective decision‐making with multiple interconnected decision makers at the lower level. In the model, the upper level decision maker acts as a leader and the lower level decision makers behave as the followers, and inter‐connections and interactions exist among these followers in decision‐making scenarios. Following the rules of leader‐follower Stackelberg game, we develop an interactive algorithm of the model for solving multi‐objective decision‐making problems and reflecting the interactive natures among the decision makers. Finally, the authors exemplify the model and algorithm, and draw a conclusion on points of contributions and the significance of this study in decision‐making and support. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The role of psychological pain in the risk of suicide was explored using a three‐dimensional psychological pain model (pain arousal, painful feelings, pain avoidance). The sample consisted of 111 outpatients with major depressive episodes, including 28 individuals with suicidal histories. They completed the Chinese version of the Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation (BSI), the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), the Psychache Scale, and the three‐dimensional Psychological Pain Scale (TDPPS). A structured clinical interview was conducted to assess the history of suicidal acts. Significant correlations were found among BDI, BSI, and TDPPS scores (p < .01). Stepwise regression analyses showed that only pain avoidance scores significantly predicted suicide ideation at one's worst point (β = .79, p < .001) and suicidal acts (β = .46, p < .001). Pain avoidance was also a better predictor of current suicidal ideation (β = .37, p = .001) than were BDI scores (β = .31, p < .01). Increased levels of pain avoidance during a major depressive episode may be a dominant component of the motivation for suicide. Future clinical assessments for populations at high risk of suicide should include measures of psychological pain to reduce the incidence of suicide.  相似文献   
石晓华 《法音》2020,(3):59-62
中国禅宗自五祖弘忍禅师之后,分南宗和北宗。六祖慧能为南宗创始人,南宗又分五派七流,即临济宗、曹洞宗、沩仰宗、云门宗、法眼宗,以及由临济宗分出的黄龙派和杨岐派。对于南宗禅临济宗在日本的传播,镰仓时代的著名高僧荣西禅师(1141-1215)可谓功不可没,故而被尊称为日本临济宗之祖。荣西自幼跟父亲学习佛教,早年先后修习天台宗和密宗。仁安三年(1168)4月,28岁初次渡海入宋寻求佛法,求得《天台宗新章疏》30部60余卷。  相似文献   
释本性 《法音》2022,(1):73-76
一代高僧、莆田广化寺中兴长者圆拙长老,是佛教界德高望重的老前辈。我虽与长老只有数次会面,交集不深,但我始终敬仰他。长老一生爱国爱教,志行高洁,持律谨严,淡泊名利,慈以待人,以"持戒念佛""笃信因果"接引来学,受其感化者甚众,被视为近代高僧印光大师、弘一大师的衣钵传人。"南山绳律学,灵岩秉净宗",莆田广化寺的这副楹联,体现了圆拙长老的师承与风范,也体现了广化寺重视戒律、弘修净土的宗风。  相似文献   
奘真 《法音》2020,(2):30-30
新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情发生以后,以习近平同志为核心的党中央高度重视疫情防控工作。1月25日,中共中央政治局常务委员会召开会议,对疫情防控工作再研究、再部署、再动员。1月27日,习近平总书记作出重要指示,强调必须牢记人民利益高于一切,不忘初心、牢记使命,紧紧依靠人民群众坚决打赢疫情防控阻击战。这为疫情的防控注入了强大信心和动力。疫情防控工作牵动着全国人民的心。  相似文献   
法不孤起,仗缘而生。去年于中国杭州召开首届世界佛教论坛而形成的《普陀山宣言》提出"人心和善、家庭和乐、人际和顺、  相似文献   
全真道创始人王重阳,建立了以心性修炼为基础的道教内丹思想,力倡每个人都具有平等的心性本体,道性俱足,皆有成仙的可能.这一平等的思想体现在人与自然的关系上,就是万物平等,无有高下;体现在与其他教派的关系上,则是儒、释、道三家圆融平等;而在处世待人上,就要平等待人,不分人之贵贱高低,均须恭敬处之.本文试对这一思想的产生背景、内涵进行探析,进一步揭示其对于悟道、修道和传道的作用和影响.  相似文献   
<正>8月7日夜至8日凌晨,甘肃省舟曲县突发特大山洪泥石流灾害,给当地人民的生命财产造成了重大损失。灾情牵动着全国人民的心,道教界人士也对灾区十分惦念。  相似文献   
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