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This study compares levels of systemic thinking between Chinese and German systemic family therapists when conceptualizing a clinical case. Furthermore, it explores the relationships between levels of systemic thinking and several variables of clinical training and practice. Eighty-two Chinese and seventy-six German systemic family therapists participated in this study. Significant differences in levels of systemic thinking and significant predictors for these levels were found. Limitations of this study and implications for future research and clinical practice are discussed. This study is one of the first to compare the case conceptualizations between systemic family therapists in China and Germany.  相似文献   
The influence of individual differences on learners' study time allocation has been emphasised in recent studies; however, little is known about the role of individual thinking styles (analytical versus intuitive). In the present study, we explored the influence of individual thinking styles on learners' application of agenda‐based and habitual processes when selecting the first item during a study‐time allocation task. A 3‐item cognitive reflection test (CRT) was used to determine individuals' degree of cognitive reliance on intuitive versus analytical cognitive processing. Significant correlations between CRT scores and the choices of first item selection were observed in both Experiment 1a (study time was 5 seconds per triplet) and Experiment 1b (study time was 20 seconds per triplet). Furthermore, analytical decision makers constructed a value‐based agenda (prioritised high‐reward items), whereas intuitive decision makers relied more upon habitual responding (selected items from the leftmost of the array). The findings of Experiment 1a were replicated in Experiment 2 notwithstanding ruling out the possible effects from individual intelligence and working memory capacity. Overall, the individual thinking style plays an important role on learners' study time allocation and the predictive ability of CRT is reliable in learners' item selection strategy.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study is to examine whether stress moderates the association between action-state orientation and goal internalization. People estimated how autonomous (vs. controlled) they would feel if they pursued goals of either an extrinsic or an intrinsic type. Measures of action orientation and stressful life events were also taken. Results showed that autonomy of goal motive for action orientation was moderated by stress (failure-related and demanding) situation. Action-oriented people have less internalized goal than state-oriented people in stress situation. Implication for self-determination theory and action-control theory is discussed.  相似文献   
与现实自我相对,网络自我是个体在网络世界中的自我。在网络生活日益普及的今天,探讨网络自我与现实自我之间的关系具有重要意义。综合自我身份、外形及人格等方面的研究,可以得知网络自我在一定程度上是现实自我的虚拟投射,但对于一些容易受到社会评价的特征,个体会对网络自我进行适度的理想化。同时,网络平台属性以及用户个人特征都会影响网络自我与现实自我之间的关系。未来研究可以结合不同平台与场景、多种研究方法、在不同文化背景下对网络自我与现实自我之间的关系进行进一步探索。  相似文献   
温聪聪  史秋衡 《心理科学》2022,45(5):1230-1242
在传统的多组验证性因子分析中,进行因子均值比较的前提条件是模型满足强测量不变性假设,但该假设在实证研究中很难满足。这时,Asparouhov和Muthén(2014)提出的对齐法是一种可供备选的多组分析法。通过蒙特卡洛模拟研究,探究了在对齐法精确估计模型参数前提下所允许的不等参数率范围。研究发现:在平均组样本量充足,识别算法为固定识别算法等理想状态下,对齐法在单因子模型多组比较中所允许的不等参数率可以是100%;在三因子模型中所允许的不等参数率上限是20%至30%;在此范围内,对齐法允许更多高程度不等参数;在组数目从30、15或9降至3时,对齐法能允许更多的不等参数在模型中。  相似文献   
释本性 《法音》2022,(1):73-76
一代高僧、莆田广化寺中兴长者圆拙长老,是佛教界德高望重的老前辈。我虽与长老只有数次会面,交集不深,但我始终敬仰他。长老一生爱国爱教,志行高洁,持律谨严,淡泊名利,慈以待人,以持戒念佛笃信因果接引来学,受其感化者甚众,被视为近代高僧印光大师、弘一大师的衣钵传人。南山绳律学,灵岩秉净宗,莆田广化寺的这副楹联,体现了圆拙长老的师承与风范,也体现了广化寺重视戒律、弘修净土的宗风。  相似文献   
This study empirically examined the proposition that supervisors' exchange relationships with their own supervisors (i.e., leader-leader exchange, or LLX) are related to their subordinates' work-related outcomes through 3 mechanisms: (a) leaders modeling their LLX to develop and maintain their exchange relationships with their subordinates (i.e., leader-member exchange, or LMX), (b) motivating the team and its members, captured by team and individual empowerment, and (c) facilitating the relationships between LMX and individual outcomes. Analyses of multisource and lagged data from 104 team supervisors and 577 subordinates showed that LMX mediated the positive relationship of LLX on subordinates' individual empowerment. Furthermore, team empowerment and individual empowerment sequentially mediated the positive relationships between LLX and subordinates' job satisfaction and job performance. The authors also found that the indirect relationships of LMX with job satisfaction and job performance via individual empowerment were stronger when LLX was higher. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   
在近年出土的战国楚简中,“性”和“情”及其表达的思想特别引人注目,这不能不使我们重新思考传统文献特别是《荀子》中“性”“情”思想的含义。荀子论性,一面认同性乃自然成就,一如白纸;一面又认为它既有恶的倾向,又有善的倾向。荀子论情,是把它放在后天的位置上,并赋予广泛的内容,使之具有善恶一体、两端相对的特征。荀子论性情关系,一个在先,一个在后,经由心的统摄而联为一体,没有性,情无所出,没有情,性无由见。荀子的所谓性恶论,更准确地说应该是情恶论,这一层应该引起特别的注意。  相似文献   
2006年9月11日.在中国社科院世界宗教研究所.中国无神论学会召开了第二次关于在大学进行科学无神论教育问题的座谈会。来自北京师大、北京科技大、北京语言大学、巾央社会主义学院、中国科技馆、中网国际文化交流中心的教师和学者,与《科学与无神论》杂志编辑部的专家,共同交流了如何将无神论宣传与教育引领到大学校园去,获得很多好的建议与启发值得继续探索。以下简略介绍他们的发言。  相似文献   
军校医学生心理应激影响因素的通径分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨军校医学生心理应激的影响因素及其相互作用方式。方法选用军校医学生日常困扰评定量表、应付方式问卷、特质焦虑问卷、自尊量表和流调中心用抑郁量表对935名军校医学生进行测试,采用SPSS10.0对数据进行统计分析。结果日常困扰主要通过间接作用影响军校医学生的心理应激;自尊和特质焦虑对心理应激具有直接作用和间接作用。应付方式是日常困扰、个性特点影响心理应激的中间环节。结论维护军校医学生的身心健康,可以把优化其个性结构,加强应对训练作为一个切入点。  相似文献   
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