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The defect evolution of cold-rolled nanocrystalline nickel is quantitatively investigated. We report that the density of dislocations (or stacking faults) first increases and then decreases after an equivalent strain of ~0.30. The density of stacking faults decreases more significantly than that of dislocations when the grain size increases above 35?nm. This is attributed to the grain size dependence of dislocation activity. The roles of texture and deformation twins are also considered to help understanding of the decreasing density of dislocations (or stacking faults).  相似文献   
Objective: Although traditional models posit that negative emotional responses to stress increase cardiovascular reactivity (CVR), laboratory studies have generally not found a strong emotion–CVR association. In this paper, we took a multidimensional approach to examining psychological reactions to stress in three studies.

Methods: In each study we assessed the amount of effort exerted by a participant and the negative affect (NA) felt by the participant with different self-reported measures and an effort behavioural measure.

Results: Our findings consistently demonstrated that NA was associated with CVR when effort was relatively high, but not when effort was relatively low.

Conclusion: This suggests that the weak NA–CVR correlations reported in past research may have been confounded by a third effort-related variable and that CVR is significantly associated with NA under certain circumstances. Furthermore, our findings suggest that by considering the multidimensional nature of psychological responses to stress, we may come to better understand the links between stress-related emotion and physiology.  相似文献   
Smartphones promise great potential for personality science to study people's everyday life behaviours. Even though personality psychologists have become increasingly interested in the study of personality states, associations between smartphone data and personality states have not yet been investigated. This study provides a first step towards understanding how smartphones may be used for behavioural assessment of personality states. We explored the relationships between Big Five personality states and data from smartphone sensors and usage logs. On the basis of the existing literature, we first compiled a set of behavioural and situational indicators, which are potentially related to personality states. We then applied them on an experience sampling data set containing 5748 personality state responses that are self-assessments of 30 minutes timeframes and corresponding smartphone data. We used machine learning analyses to investigate the predictability of personality states from the set of indicators. The results showed that only for extraversion, smartphone data (specifically, ambient noise level) were informative beyond what could be predicted based on time and day of the week alone. The results point to continuing challenges in realizing the potential of smartphone data for psychological research. © 2020 The Authors. European Journal of Personality published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of European Association of Personality Psychology  相似文献   
The microstructure evolution and hardness of nanocrystalline nickel during pack rolling at room temperature have been investigated. It was found that the roll-bonding side (R) and non-roll-bonding side (NR) behaved quite differently. The hardness of side R is higher than that of side NR. No obvious work softening was observed in either side R or side NR until the strain reached ~ 0.611. Quantitative X-ray diffraction analysis indicated that the grain size in side NR increases faster than that in side R, a result confirmed by transmission electron microscopy. Texture analysis showed that (2 0 0) preferred orientation first strengthens but then weakens in both sides NR and R, while a strong (2 2 0) preferred orientation emerges, particularly in side R. Further texture analysis suggests that dislocation slip is responsible for the texture discrepancy between side NR and side R. The dislocation activity, grain rotation and grain growth are discussed based on the experimental results.  相似文献   
中国现代著名作家巴金先生深受俄罗斯文学与文化的影响.而对巴金的小说创作影响最大的,则是极富俄罗斯特色的东正教文化中独有的女性崇拜的文化传统.巴金在其作品中塑造了一个个近乎完美的女性人物形象系列,其中所彰显出来的女性崇拜意识与他所受俄罗斯东正教文化的影响密不可分.  相似文献   
元阳观为茅山名观之一,历史悠久.唐代诗人顾况(727-815)曾寓居此观读书多年,后作有<题元阳观旧读书房赠李范>诗云:"此观十年游,此房千里宿,还来旧窗下,更取君书读."该观后毁于战乱,南宋时复建.据<金坛县志>和元代刘大彬<茅山志>记载,南宋隆兴初(1163),吴兴道人沈善智穴居于此,自称洞主.时有黑虎随之出入,人皆异之.后韩蕲王夫人茅氏与侍从者来访遗迹,果见黑虎随道人周旋起伏,因号沈善智为伏虎真人,随即资助构建殿堂,名为"冲虚庵".庆元年间(1195-1200),请得观额,仍名元阳观.此后该观又历经风雨,几度兴废.  相似文献   
倪梁康 《学海》2008,(2):90-92
威廉·洪堡对语言的思考,既包括结构方面,也包括生成方面,由此为卡西尔、海德格尔的不同解释提供了依据.  相似文献   
Previous research (Andersen & Kim, 2001) has shown that a linear trajectory collision event (i.e., a collision between a moving object and an observer) is specified by objects that expand and maintain a constant bearing (the object location remains constant in the visual field). In the present study, we examined the optical information for detecting a collision event when the trajectory was of constant curvature. Under these conditions, a collision event is specified by expansion of an object and a constant rate-of-bearing change. Three experiments were conducted in which trajectory curvature and display duration were varied while time to contact, speed, and initial image position of the collision objects were maintained. The results indicated that collision detection performance decreased with an increase in trajectory curvature and decreased with a decrease in display duration, especially for highly curved trajectories. In Experiment 3, we found that the presentation of a constant rate-of-bearing change in noncollision stimuli resulted in an increase in the false alarm rate. These results demonstrate that observers can detect collision events on curved trajectories and that observers utilize bearing change information.  相似文献   
《周易》对于客观世界的认识有着一个完整的图式 ,其基本结构是象数 ,其中象是认知经验的形象化和象征化 ,数是形象和象征符号的关系化以及在时空位置上的排列化以及应用化与实用化。在此基础上 ,易象的关系和排列亦即易象的数的关系中呈显的意义凝化为概念并将这些意义和概念发挥为命题及判断 ,即易象、易数、易义的整体化和思辩化 ,这标志着《周易》的思想从最初的原始巫术蜕变为缜密严谨、完整系统的哲学体系。  相似文献   
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