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This paper documents the research methods adopted in a series of workshops on Pierre Rivière that took place at the University of Bristol. A group of scholars from Europe and Australia used philosophical, narrative, performative and artful approaches to re-examine the life of Pierre Rivière and family as documented by Michel Foucault (1975) and his team. They watched the film of the book (Allio, 1976) listened to emerging papers and wrote themselves into pivotal moments within the narratives they heard. They conducted narrative family therapy sessions with the ‘Rivière family’ and wrote themselves into the ensuing moments of evocation and connection. They made dolls, and wrote themselves into the voices of those dolls, and they gave presentations about how Pierre Rivière might be positioned within contemporary therapeutic, educational and media discourses. They wanted to find out if different kinds of knowledge might emerge from these ways of doing research differently. And yet it seemed that whatever form of inquiry they undertook, other subliminal, imaginary, fantasy and folk and fairy tale narratives seeped under efforts to produce rational, coherent academic texts. This paper explores this dual process of investigation in real time accompanied by eruptions into imaginary folklore and fairy story times, with segues into contemporary, fantastical stories of horror and murder. Each step the research team took became a doubled step, involving doubled listening and doubled knowing. To this end they have represented their research process (after Lather, 2007) as a doubled text and yet they have still not fully captured the emotional space of the workshops they inhabited. It was as if they were, for the short, intense period of time they were working together, collectively emotionally disassociated.  相似文献   
The present study demonstrated that Winter's (1973) power arousal procedure and scoring system for the need for power, which were developed in the United States, are valid for English-speaking South African female graduates. Subjects in whom the need for power had been aroused by a prerecorded inspirational speech (n = 20) had significantly higher n Power scores than matched nonaroused subjects (n = 20), T 2(8, 31) = 56.17, p ≤ .01. Further, it was argued that the fear of assertiveness is a component of the need for power, and a scoring system for measuring this motive was suggested. Fear of assertiveness was shown to correlate significantly with various behavioral and dispositional measures of assertiveness, relating especially to a dependency pattern of behavior.  相似文献   

It is argued that J. M. Barrie's ‘Neverland’ represents a latency phantasy of flight to a world apart from that of adults, in which there is scope for both a denial of, and a tentative exploration of, the coming realities of adolescence. Celebrated for his ability to stay a boy forever, Peter Pan can be understood as a character who embodies the narcissistic need of some individuals to retreat from the realities of the adult world. Reactions to Peter Pan have been curiously divided, and it is suggested that this split can be understood in terms of Barrie's highly ambivalent attitude towards childhood – in which sentimental nostalgia quickly turns to bitterness and a sense of exclusion from the maternal object.  相似文献   
The frequently observed link between maternal depressive symptoms and heightened maternal reporting of adolescent externalizing behavior was examined from an integrative, systems perspective using a community sample of 180 adolescents, their mothers, fathers, and close peers, assessed twice over a 3-year period. Consistent with this perspective, the maternal depression-adolescent externalizing link was found to reflect not simply maternal reporting biases, but heightened maternal sensitivity to independently observable teen misbehavior as well as long-term, predictive links between maternal symptoms and teen behavior. Maternal depressive symptoms predicted relative increases over time in teen externalizing behavior. Child effects were also found, however, in which teen externalizing behavior predicted future relative increases in maternal depressive symptoms. Findings are interpreted as revealing a tightly linked behavioral-affective system in families with mothers experiencing depressive symptoms and teens engaged in externalizing behavior and further suggest that research on depressive symptoms in women with adolescent offspring should now consider offspring externalizing behaviors as a significant risk factor.  相似文献   
Both behaviourist and social learning theory emphasise the importance of the consequences of a behaviour on its subsequent frequency of occurrence [e.g., Bandura, 1973, 1977; Skinner, 1953]. Despite this, very little is known about the types of consequences children receive when they aggress towards other children. The present study employed a wireless microphone and hidden camera to record victim and peer responses to primary school children's physical, verbal, indirect, and relational forms of aggression. The results showed that the most frequent consequences of aggression were victim retaliation or withdrawal, and peer support. In addition, the results showed limited support for the suggestion that sex differences in the use of different types of aggression arise due to differential reinforcement from victims and/or peers. The implications of the results for the development of interventions aimed at reducing aggression are considered along with alternative explanations for sex differences in aggression. Aggr. Behav. 31:00–00, 2005. © 2005 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Thirteen and fifteen year old Swedish and English secondary school pupils (n = 210) completed a questionnaire designed to measure attitudes towards, and conceptions of, bullying. The older participants also provided peer nominations of classmates thought to be bullies and victims. Significant differences between pupils from the two countries, between younger and older pupils, and between girls and boys emerged on a number of these variables. For example, a significantly larger percentage of English pupils than Swedish pupils indicated that name calling is bullying, whereas the reverse was true for leaving somebody out. These results suggest that findings concerning incidence of, and beliefs about, bullying may not generalise from one group of pupils to another. Overall, participants tended to express anti-bullying attitudes. The present results also add to the small but growing set of findings which suggest that pupils' attitudes concerning bullying and their actual involvement in bullying are associated concurrently. Attitudes were found to significantly predict involvement in bullying even after the variance shared with participants' sex had been controlled. Specifically, those pupils that expressed the weakest anti-bullying attitudes were found to be most often nominated by peers as a bully. The implications of these results for anti-bullying interventions were discussed.  相似文献   
Motion thresholds were determined at 9 degrees eccentricity in infants (mean = 14 weeks old). The stimuli used were computer-generated sinusoidal gratings presented through a 7.45 degrees aperture at a contrast ratio of .83. The range of velocities (.5, 1, 2, 4, and 6 degrees per s) was examined at only one spatial frequency (1 cycle per degree). At low velocities (less than 2 degrees per s), the infants showed no clear preference for the moving stimulus over the stationary stimulus. At faster velocities (2-6 degrees per s), the infants exhibited a clear preference for the moving stimulus. The results were interpreted as indicating that infants at 3 months of age are relatively insensitive to slow motions for low spatial frequency stimuli.  相似文献   
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