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This study adds to the growing literature linking children's experiences in the environment to individual differences in their developing skills in attention, memory, and planning. The authors asked about the extent to which stimulating and sensitive care in the family and in the child-care or school environments would predict these cognitive outcomes. The authors also questioned the primacy of experiences in the first 3 years of life. Data from a sample of 700 first graders whose experiences in the home and in child care or school were evaluated since early infancy revealed that the cumulative quality of the child-rearing environment was related to attention and memory but not to planning and that the quality of the family environment was more strongly associated with outcomes than was the quality of child care and of school. The quality of both children's early (6 through 36 months) and later (54 months and first grade) environments predicted performance on the attention and memory tasks.  相似文献   
分析中国伪生命科学产生的文化原因和背景,指出其致命的谎言、骗术与危害;揭露其理论上的荒谬与科学上的无知。并强调开展对这类伪科学产品进行批判运动的意义;同时重新对科学、非科学、伪科学、宗教、神话、迷信等进行划界和定义。医学研究需要正义、需要哲学的引导;在事实的世界之上,必须由价值和意义的世界来把握;医学理论不允许任意杜撰和加工,从这个意义上,医学科学还需要法律来维护其正义  相似文献   
现行《医疗事故处理办法》颁布实施10 年之久,新形势下需要对其进行修改和完善。“办法”的修改应该体现平等保护医患双方合法权益原则,合理界定医疗事故范围,调整医疗事故鉴定委员会的组成,建立完善的证据管理制度,明确医疗事故损失赔偿的范围和额度。  相似文献   
A child-and-family oriented community mental health center of necessity is concerned with the manner in which the school system in its community is providing for the psychological, social, and emotional development of children. Fortunately, over the last decade, the number of school systems that are aware of their responsibility in this regard has greatly increased, and many affluent and enlightened school systems have moved to develop extensive pupil personnel services, functioning in many ways as in-house mental health programs. Where there are mental health providers both within the community and within the school system, however, problems may develop such as professional competition, overlapping functions, and differences with regard to how mental health problems are best dealt with. This paper will examine the relationship of a town-supported mental health program and the town's public school system. Highlighted will be the variety of problems which develop, including those mentioned above, and strategies adopted to resolve the problems.  相似文献   
论新的医学人文观   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
人文观念有其不同的发展形态。新的医学人文观要点有三:关爱与敬重生命;尊重人的生命权与健康权;医学科学与医学人文的结合。向医学科学注入医学人文精神,同时将医学人文精神注入科学精神,医学科学学者与医学人文学者的合作,是当前我国医学人文精神建设的根本任务。  相似文献   
本实验探讨了影响深度觉及距离判断的有关因素。实验分三部分:一、双眼正视(0°)和双眼斜视(45°)条件的深度觉辨别实验;二、双眼正视(0°)条件下不同距离相对判断实验;三、双眼斜视(45°)条件下的相对距离判断实验。实验结果表明:在双眼正视条件下(0°),深度觉辨别最准确,双眼斜视(45°)条件下,误差值明显增加,而单眼正视条件下,误差值最大。双眼斜视(45°)条件下的相对距离判断的误差值明显较之双眼正视(0°)条件下的为大。对2/4的相对距离判断的准确性均较之对1/4和3/4的距离为高。在双眼斜视条件下,眼肌调节发生变化,睫状肌紧张度增加,视觉易于疲劳可能是造成深度觉及距离判断准确性降低的主要原因。  相似文献   
汉字词笔划数对短时记忆容量的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
短时记忆容量的测量有两种主要观点,即组块说和复诵回路说。本报告通过三项实验表明对汉字词短时记忆容量的测量应考虑字词的笔划复杂性。实验一使用频率相同的少笔划和多笔划汉字相比较,笔划少的字比笔划多的字记忆广度大;实验二用笔划数相近但音节长度不同的日本汉字相比较,发现音节长短对容量影响无显著差别;第三项实验是语音掩蔽对汉字词视听短时记忆的影响。结果表明视、听容量都下降,但视觉仍比听觉好。再一次指出汉字词短时记忆容量的测量应考虑其视觉特点。最后对汉字词笔划复杂性影响短时记忆容量的可能原因进行了讨论。  相似文献   
用微机化的伪随机点立体图对发生器产生静态和动态随机点立体图对(RDS),显示在左右两个示波器上。RDS图形中的元素密度可以改变。具有正常立体视的10名被试通过立体镜观察这些图形,测量双眼融合能产生完整立体图形感知所需最小的元素密度,即密度容限。 设计了三个实验用以检测改变RDS图形的空间参数对密度客限的影响。第一个实验,在静、动态RDS图形下,改变视差图形面积;第二个实验,改变视差图形的形状;第三个实验,改变视差图形的周长。 实验结果表明,双眼深度感知要求一定的元素密度容限,视差图形的大小和形状对密度容限有一定程度的影响。静态和动态RDS图形的密度容限也不相同。 本文利用RDS的整体立体感知特性和空间频率通道理论对实验结果进行了讨论。  相似文献   
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