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《道德经》是讲道的。中国文化上下五千年其实都来源于这个道,所以中国文化的中心要点就是一个"道"字。"道"这个字是广义的,用现在的话说就是宏观  相似文献   
视觉搜索过程中的眼跳及其机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文对视觉搜索过程中的眼跳及其时间进程、神经机制及相关的理论与模型等方面研究进行了回顾。发现内外源性眼跳得到了研究者的普遍关注,对眼运动记忆、返回抑制及眼跳时间进程的研究尚存在分歧。关于眼跳的神经机制,额叶眼动区与上丘分别被认为是眼跳的关键区与指令发出者。尽管不同的眼跳理论与模型对眼跳现象给出了各自的解释,但都不尽完善,尚需对这些理论进行整合或者提出新的解释模型。文章还对未来的研究进行了展望  相似文献   
Book review     
Nan Bredar 《Group》1996,20(1):91-94
心理理论在社会交往中起着关键作用,其认知过程包括对自我和他人的心理状态进行推断及预测下一步行为.心理理论在不同个体间具有差异,这种差异可能部分归因于与心理理论相关的神经化学物质如多巴胺、五羟色胺、催产素、血管加压素等.来自不同群体的研究结果还发现,与这些神经化学物质有关的基因多态性,如儿茶酚胺氧位甲基转移酶、多巴胺D4受体基因、5-羟色胺受体基因、催产素受体基因等都与心理理论的表现有关.  相似文献   


陈伟  林小裔  李俊娇  张文曦  孙楠  郑希付 《心理学报》2021,53(10):1082-1093
基于记忆再巩固理论的提取消退范式能够有效地削弱非适应性恐惧记忆。性别差异是个体差异性研究的关键变量, 但在提取消退范式的研究中仍然比较少见关于性别差异的探索。因此本研究以立体几何图形作为条件刺激, 腕部电击作为非条件刺激, 皮肤电反应为恐惧反应指标, 探究提取消退范式在恐惧消退效果上是否存在性别差异。结果表明, 在恐惧自发恢复测试中, 提取消退范式的所有被试都成功抑制了恐惧复发, 但恐惧重建测试中只有女性被试抑制了恐惧复发。这说明, 提取消退范式在抑制恐惧自发恢复方面效果显著, 在恐惧重建上女性的消退效果显著优于男性。  相似文献   
彭坚  侯楠  庞宇 《心理科学进展》2019,27(7):1297-1306
员工绿色行为决定了组织环保成效, 是促进组织可持续发展的关键。员工绿色行为是指员工实施的一系列旨在减少对环境造成负面影响、有助于环境可持续的行为。首先, 介绍了员工绿色行为的概念、结构; 其次, 基于自我决定理论、情感事件理论、计划行为理论、社会认知理论和社会学习理论解释了员工绿色行为影响因素; 最后, 提出未来研究可以从概念界定、研究层次、研究视角(均衡视角、动态视角)三大方面做进一步拓展。  相似文献   
由中国逻辑学会因明专业委员会主办,内蒙古师范大学与内蒙古警察职业学院、杭州佛学院共同承办的“第五届全国因明学术研讨会”于7月29日至30日在美丽的草原青城内蒙古呼和浩特市成功召开。来自全国各个省、市、自治区的藏、蒙、汉因明专家和学者50余人参加了这一研讨会。在这次盛会的开幕式上,  相似文献   
There are biases in perceptual matching between shapes and labels referring to familiar others, compared with when the labels refer to unfamiliar people. We assessed whether these biases could be affected by differential feedback (using the differential outcomes procedure [DOP]) compared with when feedback is provided using a nondifferential outcomes procedure (NOP). Participants formed associations between simple geometric shapes and labels referring to people the participant did or did not know (self, best friend, other). Subsequently, the task was to match a label to one of two shapes shown on a trial. When feedback for correct responses was given following the NOP condition, matches were faster to known people (self and friend) compared with those to an unknown person (stranger). However, this advantage for known personal relations was eliminated when participants were given feedback for correct responses following the DOP condition. The data are consistent with prior work showing that the DOP can facilitate the learning of taxing associations (for the stranger stimuli relative to the familiar self and friend stimuli). In addition, the results suggest that the facilitated perceptual matching for stimuli associated to individuals known personally may reflect better individuation of the association between the shape stimulus and the label, a process enhanced by using a DOP for associations with unfamiliar people.  相似文献   

Divorce has been conceptualized as a process. Research has extensively demonstrated that it is pre/postdivorce family environment factors that primarily account for the variability in children’s adaptation over parental divorce process rather than the legal divorce per se. Amongst various factors, interparental conflict has been consistently identified as a prominent one. Surprisingly, a single source is still lacking that comprehensively synthesizes the extant findings. This review fills this gap by integrating the numerous findings across studies into a more coherent Divorce Process and Child Adaptation Trajectory Typology (DPCATT) Model to illustrate that pre/postdivorce interparental conflict plays crucial roles in shaping child adaptation trajectories across parental divorce process. This review also summarizes the mechanisms (e.g., child cognitive and emotional processes, coparenting, parent–child relations) via which pre/postdivorce interparental conflict determines these trajectories and the factors (e.g., child gender and age, child coping, grandparental support) that interact with pre/postdivorce interparental conflict to further complicate these trajectories. In addition, echoing the call of moving beyond the monolithic conceptualization of pre/postdivorce interparental conflict, we also review studies on the differential implications of different aspects (e.g., frequency versus intensity) and types (e.g., overt versus covert) of interparental conflict for child adjustment. Last, limitations of prior studies and avenues for future research are discussed. The proposed framework may serve as a common knowledge base for researchers to compare/interpret results, detect cutting edges of the fields, and design new studies. The specificity, complexity, nuance, and diversity inherent within our proposed model await to be more fully revealed.

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