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放弃治疗:ICU决策的经济影响力   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
对ICU放弃治疗的决策,经济因素不应是主要的。人们完全能够在尊重科学和理性、尊重生命末期价值和意义以及追求社会资源公正分配和有效利用基础上对脑死、植物状态或临终病人的放弃治疗达成共识。目前,重要的是需要制定相关政策和法律,保障ICU放弃治疗的合理实施。  相似文献   
Two experiments showed that American (vs. Chinese) culture priming influences Beijing Chinese undergraduates’ self-construal and its attendant memory strategies. Following American culture priming (vs. Chinese culture priming or control), the participants used relatively more independent self-statements and fewer interdependent self-statements to describe the self (Experiment 1). They also performed more poorly in a delayed recognition test if they had encoded the study materials (personality adjectives) with reference to the mother (Experiment 2). These results demonstrate the activation effect of culture on self-construal and its attendant memory processes. The results also show that biculturals can access different cultural conceptions of the self and change cognitive strategies flexibly in response to cues of changing cultural demands in the immediate context.  相似文献   
马克思的自由观及其当代意义   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
马克思的哲学中,艺术活动始终是人类自由生存的典范状态。在其早期思想中,由于视生产劳动本质上是一种类似于艺术的活动,马克思认为消除了异化的生产实践便是人的自由的实现?而在其晚年思想中,由于认识到物质生产领域始终是一个必然性王国,自由王国便被置于这一必然王国的彼岸,自由的实现也便只能存在于艺术活动之中,但这一自由王国的繁荣又依赖于必然王国借助生产率的提高所提供的自由时间的增长。马克思的这一自由观对于当代人类的自我理解仍有重要的意义。  相似文献   
集体效能:一种团体研究的主体性视角   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
班杜拉于20世纪80年代中期将个体效能研究拓展到集体效能研究,吸引了相当数量研究者的注意。研究发现,集体效能信念在集体活动的因果结构中起着关键的作用,它不但能直接影响集体行为,而且还能作用于其它决定集体行为的因素,如目标设定、抱负水平、结果预期、情感倾向、对社会机遇和社会阻力的知觉等等。该文对近年来的集体效能研究进行梳理,考察不同领域的集体效能研究状况,并初步总结出相应的理论共识,指出该研究的贡献和局限。  相似文献   
纳络酮、地卓西平(MK-801)对大鼠食物渴求的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实验以条件性位置偏爱(CPP)的表达为渴求模型观察纳络酮及MK-801对大鼠食物CPP表达,探讨摄食行为调控的心理机制。48只SD大鼠分成食物组(24)与对照组(24),3轮食物匹配训练后,在CPP表达前分别注射生理盐水、纳络酮(1.0 mg˙kg -1)及MK-801(0.1 mg˙kg -1),观察各组动物在食物匹配训练侧停留时间的变化。结果发现,MK-801促进食物CPP的表达,但纳络酮对食物CPP的表达没有显著影响。以上结果表明MK-801(0.1mg˙kg -1)增强动物的食物渴求至少是其增加摄食量的原因之一,而1.0 mg˙kg -1的纳络酮降低动物的摄食量并不是由于食物渴求的下降导致的。MK-801与纳络酮调节动物摄食行为的心理机制可能不一致。  相似文献   
行为遗传学:从宏观到微观的生命研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
行为遗传学是在多门学科发展的基础上形成的一门交叉学科。从19世纪末期到现在,行为遗传学已跨入第三个世纪。从孟德尔单基因遗传定律到多基因系统与环境交互作用影响复杂的人类行为,从传统的计量遗传学研究到连锁、关联研究再到功能基因组学技术的应用,无论在思想体系还是研究方法上,行为遗传学都取得了突破性进展。尽管行为遗传学在阐明基因究竟怎样影响行为的道路上仍处于起步阶段,但毋庸置疑,这一学科的进步将有助于人类了解自身行为,减轻人类病痛,并最终推动整个社会健康发展。  相似文献   
采用儿童拒绝敏感性问卷与儿童自我知觉量表对596名中小学儿童进行了为期一年的追踪调查,通过交叉滞后回归分析考察儿童拒绝敏感性与多种自我知觉间的预测关系。结果发现:(1)自我知觉的年级差异显著,初中儿童的自我知觉水平较低;(2)在两次测量中,拒绝敏感性与多种自我知觉均呈显著的负相关;(3)控制性别、年级以及自身稳定性之后,第一年的多种自我知觉均可以负向预测第二年的拒绝敏感性,而第一年的拒绝敏感性仅可以负向预测第二年的体貌及一般自我知觉;(4)年级调节了拒绝敏感性与一般和行为自我知觉间的纵向关系,并在小学与初中儿童中表现出不同的模式。研究证实自我知觉是儿童拒绝敏感性形成的重要原因之一,为儿童社会认知及心理健康的相关研究提供新的实证依据。  相似文献   
通过样例和问题求解学习物理──加强对条件的认知   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
这项研究支持了我们先前的研究结果,即知识可以表征为一组产生式规则,产生式规则的学习可以通过考察样例和通过问题求解的方式进行。这项研究特别探讨了加强对于产生式的条件认知加工活动的效果。结果表明了我们这一构思的有效性。此外,还讨论了这一学习模式的学习过程。  相似文献   
A recent forum in JFD (28/3, 2003) evaluated the status of evidence-based practice in fluency disorders, and offered recommendations for improvement. This article re-evaluates the level of support available for some popular approaches to stuttering therapy and questions the relative value placed on some types of programs endorsed by the forum. Evidence-based practice is discussed within the context of emerging concerns over its application to non-medical interventions and suggestions are made for grounding fluency interventions by reference to empirically supported principles of change. A popular, evidence-based intervention for stuttering in young children (the Lidcombe program) is evaluated within the suggested parameters. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: After reading this article, the reader will be able to: (1) evaluate the status of evidence-based practice in fluency disorders; (2) list concerns about the impact of narrow interpretation of EBP on research and practice in the field of fluency disorders and other non-medical domains; (3) articulate the role of theory and basic research in selecting among and evaluating therapy approach options.  相似文献   
The Florida Department of Transportation used a series of changeable-message signs that functioned as freeway guide signs to divert traffic to Universal Theme Park via one of two eastbound exits based on traffic congestion at the first of the two exits. An examination of crashes along the entire route indicated a statistically significant increase in crashes at the first eastbound exit following the actuation of the system. Furthermore, all of the crashes occurred in close proximity to the exit gore (the crosshatched area at exits that drivers are not supposed to enter or traverse) at the first exit. In Experiment 1, behavioral data were collected using an alternating treatments design. These data revealed that reassigning the exit signs was effective in producing a change in the percentage of drivers using each of the two exits. These data also showed that the reassignment of the theme park exit was associated with an increase in the percentage of motor vehicle conflicts that consisted of vehicles cutting across the exit gore. An analysis revealed that the method used for switching the designated or active theme park exit on the series of changeable-message signs led to the presentation of conflicting messages to some motorists, thus resulting in erratic driving behavior (cutting across the exit gore). In Experiment 2, the treatment evaluated the use of a phased method of switching the designated theme park exit to eliminate the delivery of conflicting messages. The new method for switching the designated theme park exit was not associated with an increase in motorists cutting across the exit gore.  相似文献   
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