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This study examined age differences in performance of a complex information search and retrieval task by using a simulated real-world task typical of those performed by customer service representatives. The study also investigated the influence of task experience and the relationships between cognitive abilities and task performance. One hundred seventeen participants from 3 age groups, younger (20-39 years). middle-aged (40-59 years), and older (60-75 years), performed the task for 3 days. Significant age differences were found for all measures of task performance with the exception of navigational efficiency and number of problems correctly navigated per attempt. There were also effects of task experience. The findings also indicated significant direct and indirect relations between component cognitive abilities and task performance.  相似文献   
Mirror writing: An advantage for the left-handed?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Performance of dairy cows responding under concurrent variable-interval variable-interval schedules of food delivery was examined, with results analyzed in terms of the generalized matching equation. In Experiment 1, bias measures indicated that crushed barley was preferred over meatmeal when these foods were available under the alternative schedules. For whole-session data, substantial undermatching of response and time-allocation ratios to obtained reinforcement ratios was evident. Postreinforcement pause time ratios approximately matched obtained reinforcement rates. Subtracting these times from total time-allocation values yielded net time-allocation ratios that undermatched obtained reinforcement ratios to a greater degree than did whole-session time-allocation ratios. In Experiment 2, substantial undermatching was evident when the same foods (hay for 2 cows, crushed barley for 2 others) were available under the alternative schedules. Food-related activities and other defined behavior not related to food were quantified by direct observation, and were found to occupy a substantial proportion (roughly 40% to 80%) of experimental sessions. Subtracting the time spent in these activities from the time allocated to each component schedule did not reduce the degree of undermatching obtained. Across all conditions in both experiments, slopes of regression lines relating behavioral outputs to environmental inputs characteristically were below 0.6, which agrees with prior findings and suggests that, contrary to suggestions in the literature, undermatching in dairy cows is not the result of using different foods under alternative schedules or differential pausing under those schedules.  相似文献   
In this paper we discuss our conceptualisation of a 'health-enabling social environment', and some of the strategies we are currently using to build social contexts most likely to support effective HIV/AIDS management in southern Africa. In developing these ideas, we draw on our on-going collaboration with residents of Entabeni, a remote rural community in South Africa where 43% of pregnant women are HIV positive. The aim of this collaboration is to facilitate contextual changes that will enable more effective community-led HIV/AIDS management in an isolated area where people have little or no access to formal health or welfare support, and where HIV/AIDS is heavily stigmatised. We give an account of the three phases of collaboration to date. These include research; the dissemination of findings and community consultation about the way forward; preliminary project activities (skills training for volunteer health workers; partnership building and a youth rally) as a way of illustrating what we believe are six key strategies for facilitating the development of 'AIDS-competent' communities: building knowledge and basic skills; creating social spaces for dialogue and critical thinking; promoting a sense of local ownership of the problem and incentives for action; emphasising community strengths and resources; mobilising existing formal and informal local networks; and building partnerships between marginalized communities and more powerful outside actors and agencies, locally, nationally and internationally. We discuss some of the triumphs and trials of this work, concluding with a discussion of the need to set realistic goals when working at the community level in highly conservative patriarchal communities to tackle problems which may be shaped by economic and political processes over which local people have little control.  相似文献   
What motivates minority group members to support other minorities, rather than compete for resources? We tested whether inclusive victim consciousness —i.e., perceived similarities between the ingroup's and outgroups’ collective victimization—predicts support for other minority groups; and whether personal and family experiences of group‐based victimization moderate these effects. Study 1 was conducted among members of historically oppressed groups in India. As hypothesized, inclusive victim consciousness predicted support for refugees. Personal experiences of group‐based victimization moderated this effect. Conceptually replicating these findings, in Study 2 (among Vietnamese Americans, mostly second‐generation immigrants) inclusive victim consciousness predicted less hostility toward other refugees and immigrants, and greater perceived responsibility to help victims of collective violence. This effect was moderated by family experiences of victimization.  相似文献   
Voici un résumé et un compte rendu évaluatif du XXV Congrès International de Psychologie Appliquée (ICAP) qui s'est tenu du 7 au 12 juillet 2002 au Suntec Convention Center à Singapour. Ce sont au total 1659 personnes provenant de 66 pays qui se sont inscrites au Congrès. Le programme scientifique comprenait 54 communications de personnalités invitées, 884 propositions individuelles d'intervention orale ou de poster et 130 symposiums d'une demi-heure répartis dans 12 sessions parallèles. Différents critères peuvent être retenus pour évaluer le succés de cette recontre. Une première pour ce Congrès fut l'exploitation des nouvelles technologies dans la conception et al réalisation du programme scientifique par un comité international. Ce rapport examine les points où des améliorations seraient envisageables et conclut sur des recommendations dont les futurs Congrès pourront tirer profit.
This is a summary and evaluation report on the XXV International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP), held from 7 to 12 July 2002 at the Suntec Convention Center, Singapore. A total of 1,659 persons from 66 countries registered for the Congress. The scientific program included 54 invited addresses, 884 individual submissions for oral and poster presentations, and 130 1–2 hour symposia in 12 concurrent sessions. Various criteria are suggested as possible indexes to evaluate the success of the Congress. A first for this Congress was the harnessing of global electronic technology in the development and delivery of the Scientific Program by an international committee. The report details possible areas for improvement, and concludes with recommendations for future ICAP congresses.  相似文献   
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