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任娜  佐斌  侯飞翔  汪国驹 《心理学报》2012,44(6):777-788
使用词汇判断任务和新近发展起来的情感错误归因程序(AMP)研究范式, 探讨大学生对老年人的内隐态度是否具有情境效应。实验一的结果表明, 大学生被试并不认为老年人比年轻人具有更高的专业能力。实验二和实验三采用被试间设计, 在典型的AMP中分别添加了情境因素, 结果都表明被试在职业、家庭、美德等情境中对老年人没有给出更积极的内隐评价; 被试对中性数字启动的做出的内隐评价比对老年人启动的内隐评价的更积极。  相似文献   
以331名初中生为被试,收集学生的家庭社会经济地位、学生感知到的教师支持和父母参与,及学生成绩,以验证父母参与在家庭社会经济地位和学业成绩关系中的中介作用,以及教师支持对父母参与这一中介作用的调节。结果发现:(1)家庭社会经济地位正向预测初中生的学业成绩;(2)在家庭社会经济地位对初中生学业成绩的预测中,父母参与发挥了中介作用;(3)教师情感支持调节了父母参与中介于家庭社会经济地位与初中生学业成绩之间的关系。  相似文献   
Studies have consistently found that East Asian immigrants in North America are less likely to use mental health services even when they experience levels of distress comparable to Euro‐Americans. Although cultural factors that may prevent East Asian immigrants from seeking mental health care have been identified, few studies have explored ways to foster appropriate help‐seeking and use of mental health services. Recent work on mental health literacy provides a potential framework for strategies to increase appropriate help‐seeking and use of services. This paper reviews the literature on help‐seeking for mental health problems among East Asian immigrants living in Western countries to critically assess the relevance of the mental health literacy approach as a framework for interventions to improve appropriate use of services. Modifications needed to develop a culturally responsive framework for mental health literacy are identified.  相似文献   
Chen Na 《Zygon》2016,51(1):21-42
This study attempts to answer the question why Confucianism, the dominant “teaching” among the Three Teachings, is not a religion in contemporary China, unlike the other two “teachings,” Buddhism and Daoism. By examining this phenomenon in the social‐historical context, this study finds its origin in Orientalism. The Orientalist conceptualization of religion became part of the New Culture discourse at the turn of the twentieth century. While China has undergone tremendous social changes over the past century, the old discourse remains.  相似文献   
Although previous work shows that people are strongly motivated to work on a task they choose, little is known on the boundary conditions for this effect. Here, we hypothesized that European Americans work hard on a task they choose in private so as to achieve their independence. In support of this hypothesis, we found that performance in an alleged IQ test increased when the test was chosen in the absence of social-eyes priming for European Americans and, moreover, this effect was more pronounced for independently oriented individuals. We also hypothesized that Asians work hard on a task they choose in public so as to establish their interdependence. In support of this hypothesis, we found that performance in the IQ test increased when the choice was made in the presence of the social-eyes priming for Asians and, moreover, this effect tended to be more pronounced for interdependently oriented individuals. Implications for theories of culture and motivation are discussed.  相似文献   
The development of representations for taxonomic categories is influenced by many factors, such as age, life experiences, and education. It was hypothesized that Mosuos might be aware of taxonomic relations differently than Hans, as indicated by Sha (1996). Three experiments--word associations, lexicon decisions, and semantic categorizations--were conducted on young adults of Mosuos and Hans and consistent results were obtained: the Mosuos were found both similar to and different from the Hans in their experimental performance. They were apparently aware of taxonomic relations less than the Hans among categories of different levels and among categories of basic level, consistent with the conclusion that the uniqueness of a specific culture influences the people's representations for the hierarchically structured taxonomic categories (López, Atran, Coley, Medin & Smith, 1997). The present forms of education did not seem to be as effective as educators expected to help promote Mosuo children's development of knowledge of taxonomic categories. If school education would be available that is compatible with the cultural value of a relatively isolated, small population, such as Mosuos, and is of practical value for the young children to develop a better knowledge of the world, then a study would be of critical value into how educated individuals would be different from uneducated ones in their awareness of taxonomic relations.  相似文献   
针对中医在肥胖2型糖尿病现有的病因病机理论体系上的不完善,以及现有理论在临床应用中的局限,笔者初步总结了肥胖2型糖尿病的发病机制,认为其病位主要在肝、脾、小肠.在此基础上提出肥胖2型糖尿病主要治则:疏肝理气、健脾降浊、通腑泻热.望能丰富中医消渴病理论,在辨证施治的同时提高临床疗效.  相似文献   
Regarding people's reactions to public policymaking, an organizational justice framework has been introduced. Although these studies showed a link between fairness perceptions and attitudes toward public policy and authority, results concerning more behavioral consequences and the moderation of outcome favorability are less clear. The present research explored the voice effect on people's reactions to public policymaking, as well as outcome favorability as a boundary condition to it. Two different settings and use of different designs (a scenario and an experiment) yielded convergent results that people's reactions to public policymaking were more favorable when they had voice than they did not and outcome favorability moderated the voice effect. More precisely, the voice effect was stronger when the outcome was unfavorable than favorable.  相似文献   
旨在考察《中国成年人核心心理健康素质总量表》在农民工群体中的心理测量学特征,了解我国农民工心理健康素质的基本情况,并与全国成年人常模进行比较。采用《中国成年人核心心理健康素质总量表》,对来自于全国六大区域的不同性别、年龄段、教育程度和职业类别的855名农民工有效样本进行问卷调查。结果发现:(1)本次调查中《中国成年人核心心理健康素质总量表》各分量表的信效度符合心理测量学要求;(2)农民工样本核心心理健康素质量表总均分处于中等偏上水平;(3)农民工的情绪性素质得分高于全国成年人常模,其他素质和核心心理健康素质总量表得分与全国常模无显著差异;(4)农民工坚韧性素质得分存在显著性别差异,人际健康和情绪性素质得分存在显著年龄差异,自我概念、坚韧性素质和核心心理健康素质总量表得分存在显著的职业差异。结论:《中国成年人核心心理健康素质总量表》适用于农民工群体;农民工情绪性素质优于全国常模,其他所测心理健康素质的负载量与全国常模处于同一水平。  相似文献   
Fixation on inappropriate concepts is a key barrier to problem solving. Previous research has shown that continuous work is likely to cause repeated retrieval of those concepts, resulting in increased fixation. Accordingly, distributing effort across problems through multiple, brief, and interlaced sessions (distributed effort) should prevent such fixation and in turn enhance problem solving. This study examined whether distributed effort can provide an advantage for problem solving, particularly for problems that can induce fixation (Experiment 1), and whether and how incubation can be combined with distributed effort to further enhance performance (Experiment 2). Remote Associates Test (RAT) problems were used as the problem-solving tasks. Half of them (i.e., misleading RAT) were more likely to mislead individuals to fixate on incorrect associates than the other half. Experiments revealed a superiority of distributed over massed effort on misleading RAT performance and a differing time course of incubation for the massed and distributed groups. We conclude that distributed effort facilitates problem solving, most likely via overcoming fixation. Cognitive mechanisms other than the commonly posited forgetting of inappropriate ideas may occur during incubation to facilitate problem solving. The experiments in this article offer support for the occurrence of spreading activation during incubation.  相似文献   
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