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分别采用四维度和十五维度Rasch模型分析包含项目内多维度结构的科学测验数据,估计两种维度结构下维度分数的信度.结果表明,对比相应的单维模型而言,四维度与十五维度Rasch模型均能够极大提高各内容维度上分数估计的信度.四维度与十五维度Rasch模型拟合结果的比较表明,对于总长度固定的测验,维度数目的增加能够补偿子维度长度减少引起的信度损失.但是这一作用必须以维度间较高的相关性为前提.  相似文献   
采用选择/无选范式,借助工作记忆成套测验,在两位数乘法估算问题中探讨了工作记忆系统各成分对不同年龄段个体算术策略运用的预测效应。结果显示:(1)工作记忆的不同成分与年龄之间存在明显的相关。表现为,除视空模板成分外,其他各成分得分随着年龄增长而呈现上升趋势;(2)估算策略运用中,年龄与策略选择显著相关,表现为随着年龄增长,策略选择表现明显提高;(3)估算策略运用中,不同年龄个体的工作记忆不同成分和策略选择表现出不同的联系,中央执行均显示出显著的预测效应,语音环路和视空模板的预测效应均不显著。不同年龄个体的工作记忆不同成分对策略执行的预测效应均不显著。上述发现对于深刻理解工作记忆系统在算术认知策略运用中的作用机制具有重要理论含义。  相似文献   
People with an independent model of the self may be expected to develop a spontaneous tendency to infer a personality trait from another person's behavior, but those with an interdependent model of the self may not show such a tendency. We tested this prediction by assessing the cumulative effect of both trait activation and trait binding in a diagnostic task that required no trait inference. Participants first memorized pairings of facial photos with trait-implying behavior. In a subsequent lexical decision task, European Americans showed clear evidence of spontaneous trait inference: When they were primed with a previously studied face, lexical decision for the word for the implied trait associated with that face was facilitated, and the antonym of the implied trait elicited an electrophysiological sign associated with processing of semantically inconsistent information (i.e., the N400). As predicted, however, neither effect was observed for Asian Americans. The cultural difference was mediated by independent self-construal.  相似文献   
采用自由分类法探讨了摩梭人亲属词的概念结构。结果表明:(1)摩梭人亲属词的概念结构有两个维度:"亲属的亲密程度"和"辈分大小"。这与汉族和纳西族亲属词的概念结构既相似,又存在差异。摩梭人亲属词分类的特点反映了独特的母系家庭和婚姻制度。(2)舅权和父权在摩梭人的亲属关系中正在经历着变化。作者对"摩梭母系制是原始母系制的‘活化石’"的观点提出了质疑。  相似文献   
肖二平  张积家  王娟  林娜 《心理学报》2010,42(10):955-969
采用自由分类法探讨了摩梭人亲属词的概念结构。结果表明:(1)摩梭人亲属词的概念结构有两个维度:“亲属的亲密程度”和“辈分大小”。这与汉族和纳西族亲属词的概念结构既相似, 又存在差异。摩梭人亲属词分类的特点反映了独特的母系家庭和婚姻制度。(2)舅权和父权在摩梭人的亲属关系中正在经历着变化。作者对“摩梭母系制是原始母系制的‘活化石’”的观点提出了质疑。  相似文献   
What makes category labels different from feature labels in predictive inference? This study suggests that category labels tend to make inductive reasoning polarized and homogeneous. In two experiments, participants were shown two schematic pictures of insects side by side and predicted the value of a hidden feature of one insect on the basis of the other insect. Arbitrary verbal labels were shown above the two pictures, and the meanings of the labels were manipulated in the instructions. In one condition, the labels represented the category membership of the insects, and in the other conditions, the same labels represented attributes of the insects. When the labels represented category membership, participants’ responses became substantially polarized and homogeneous, indicating that the mere reference to category membership can modify reasoning processes.  相似文献   
In Heidegger’s thinking, a language is neither words nor expressions. The discussion of a language brings not the language itself but rather us into its essence, and makes us gather unto “the genesis of the very language itself.” With snows and vesper bells, Heidegger summoned both heaven and earth and gods and men, making them merge into a single world. Likewise, Zhuangzi used the words of Qixie to summon the fleeting clouds in an endless sky and a dusky earth populated by living beings and dust.  相似文献   
文化差异影响彝、白、纳西和汉族大学生对黑白的认知   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以彝族、白族、纳西族和汉族的大学生为被试,采用颜色相似性判断和颜色再认任务,考察了彝族、白族、纳西族和汉族的大学生对于黑色和白色的认知,意在探究不同民族的黑、白文化是否影响人们对黑、白颜色的认知。结果发现:⑴彝族、白族、纳西族和汉族的黑、白文化影响四个民族的大学生对于黑色和白色的认知;⑵语言和文化对于颜色认知的影响包括间接效应和直接效应。整个研究表明,语言和文化对颜色认知有重要影响  相似文献   
当今,命题模态逻辑作为一种标准的形式工具,已被广泛应用于计算机科学和人工智能的各个领域.然而,与命题模态逻辑不同,通常的一阶模态逻辑语言的表达力是不充分的,这是许多重要问题背后的原因所在,这些重要问题包括:模态逻辑中没能出现与经典逻辑相媲美的赫伯兰(Herbrand)定理、非严格指称问题、同一性问题、罗素的限定摹状词理论、动态逻辑的指派表达等等.美国当代逻辑学家、证明论专家菲汀(M.C.Fitting)充分认识到通常的一阶模态逻辑表达力不充分所产生的弊端,他通过把谓词抽象引入通常的一阶模态逻辑的语形和语义,以一种极其简单和自然的形式加强了一阶模态语言的表达力,从而使上述问题迎刃而解.本文首先介绍谓词抽象的基本思想及其简史,然后重点阐述谓词抽象在模态赫伯兰定理以及其他领域的重要作用.  相似文献   
人工神经网络是对真实神经元网络的粗略模拟,具有容错性、抗干扰性、高效性等特征,具有学习、记忆等强大的认知功能,因此适宜于心理学许多领域的模拟研究。借助神经网络模型不仅可以模拟和验证以往的实验室研究;还能深入探讨感知、联想、学习和记忆等认知过程的具体发生机理,把握其内在机制;它对探讨内隐记忆、内隐学习等无意识认知过程有极大的启发作用。  相似文献   
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