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The understanding of a television story can be very different depending on the age of the viewer, their background knowledge, the content of the programme and the way in which they combine the information gathered from linguistic, audio and visual elements. This study explores the different ways of interpreting an audiovisual document considering that, due to a hearing impaired, visual, audio and linguistic information could be perceived very differently to the way it is by hearing people. The study involved the participation of 20 deaf and 20 hearing adolescents, aged 12 to 19 years who, after watching a fragment of a television series, were asked to draw a picture of what had happened in the story. The results show that the graphical representation of the film is similar for both groups in terms of the number of scenes, but there is greater profusion, in the deaf group, of details about the context and characters, and there are differences in their interpretations of some of the sequences in the story.  相似文献   
Eyewitnesses sometimes view more than one lineup during an investigation. We investigated the effects of postidentification feedback following one lineup on responses to a second lineup. Witnesses (N=621) viewed a mock crime and, later, attempted to identify the culprit from an initial (target-absent) lineup and a second (target-present or target-absent) lineup. Prior to viewing the second lineup, some witnesses received accurate feedback stating that the initial lineup did not contain the culprit. A compound-decision, signal detection approach allowed the effects of feedback on identification responses to be described in terms of differences in discriminability and response bias. For witnesses who made an incorrect foil identification from the initial lineup, feedback (vs. no feedback) was associated with poorer discriminability on the second test. For witnesses who correctly rejected the initial lineup, feedback (vs. no feedback) was associated with greater discriminability on the second test. Only witnesses who received feedback after an initial correct rejection performed at a level comparable with a single-lineup control group, suggesting that an initial identification test can impair, but not enhance, performance on a second test involving the same culprit. From a theoretical perspective, the results are consistent with the idea that the way people use memorial information when making memory decisions is flexible. Analyses of preidentification confidence ratings, obtained in a follow-up study (N=133), suggested that the effects of feedback on identification performance may have operated via differences in witnesses' metacognitive beliefs.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study is empirically evaluate a coping response that is thought to be unique among older Catholics - suffering in silence. Two hypotheses are examined. The first predicts that older Catholics will be more likely than older Protestants to suffer in silence when ongoing economic difficulty is encountered. The second hypothesis specifies that the potentially deleterious effects of financial problems on depressive symptoms will be offset for older adults who prefer to suffer in silence. Data from an ongoing nationwide survey of older people in the United States provide support for both hypotheses.  相似文献   
逻辑经验主义对实验心理学的关注并非只是由于其结果的作用或其态度上的相似性,而且由于(或许是更为重要的)对澄清其概念的共同需要。逻辑经验主义对物理概念的分析是一种哲学成就的范式,而他们在心理学中同样的分析工作也被看做是规范科学的疑难解决方案。在这种范式的背后隐藏着统一科学的哲学理想。围绕经验问题,逻辑经验主义与心理学之间在20世纪30年代出现了大量互动;正是根据这个问题,以及在逻辑经验主义对统一科学的强调的关联中,我们才能很好地理解逻辑经验主义的心理学哲学及其对心理学的影响。以卡尔纳普、费格尔和托曼为最初代表,他们提出完全不同的处理方式,把心理学看做经验科学,就可以得到其他科学同样具有的主体间性,因此,这就使得逻辑经验主义获得了它希望得到的地位。  相似文献   
与经验主义或实证主义之前的形式相比,逻辑和数学哲学是最具逻辑经验主义特征的。逻辑经验主义不仅因此得名,而且也为科学经验主义的成功点燃了希望。然而,经验主义者的心理主义与实证主义者的逻辑主义对数学本质的探讨始终不能达成共识。基于这种背景,维特根斯坦《逻辑哲学论》的发表对于维也纳小组的影响深远、意义重大。逻辑经验主义在20世纪20年代的数学哲学都是植根于《逻辑哲学论》的。本文在第一部分阐释了它何以成为该学派在"哲学上的转折点"。而维也纳学派从一开始就试图对《逻辑哲学论》进行革新,使之服务于其本身的纲领。本文在第二部分着重探讨了他们关于这些问题所展开的激烈讨论。这种状况一直持续到1931年卡尔纳普提出了"句法"纲领,该纲领从根本上超越了逻辑经验主义的原有框架。但由于当时欧洲逻辑经验主义者受到纳粹的迫害而四分五散,"句法"观点并未受到广泛关注。本文在第三、第四部分具体分析了逻辑经验主义如何由《逻辑哲学论》向"句法"思想转变的过程。  相似文献   
计划-注意-同时性加工-继时性加工,这些基本PASS概念的提出,是为了给传统上将智力作为一个笼统构念的做法提供某种替代的选择。在这一新的理论途径中,我将一般能力分解为对主要认知过程的研究,其中每个认知过程均有其行为、认知和神经心理成分,而且重要的是,每个认知过程均有相应的一组评估测量任务。PASS模型,这一理论框架能够充分包容体现于教育和组织行为中的广泛一系列认知功能。  相似文献   
This study examined how cell-phone use is related to interpersonal motives for using cell phones, face-to-face communication, and loneliness. A survey of 232 college students who owned a cell phone revealed that affection and inclusion were relatively strong motivations for using voice calls and text messaging, and that interpersonal motives were positively related to the amount of cell-phone use, including calling and texting. The amount of face-to-face interaction was positively associated with the participants' cell-phone use and their interpersonal motives for using cell phones: the more the participants engaged in face-to-face interaction with other people, the higher their motives were and the more frequent cell-phone use was. Loneliness did not have a direct relation to cell-phone use. Instead, the participants with higher levels of loneliness were less likely to engage in face-to-face social interaction, which led them to use cell phones less and to be less motivated to use cell phones for interpersonal purposes.  相似文献   
心理与教育测验中存在着被试作答异常现象(能力测验中的猜测现象和睡眠现象, 人格测验中的非0下渐近线现象和非1上渐近线现象), 会导致被试能力或人格特征的测量偏差。在能力测验中, 研究者已提出了多种方法来纠正猜测现象和睡眠现象, 这些方法往往需要调整或删除被试作答信息, 而四参数模型不需要改变被试作答信息而能有效纠正被试能力高估或低估现象。在人格测验中存在着非0下渐近线和非1上渐近线现象, 四参数模型能增强测验项目拟合性能, 提高人格测验的准确性。  相似文献   
Ecofascism as a tradition in Environmental Ethics seems to burgeoning with potential. The roots of Ecofascism can be traced back to the German Romantic School, to the Wagnerian narration of the Nibelungen saga, to the works of Fichte and Herder and, finally, to the so-called volkisch movement. Those who take pride in describing themselves as ecofascists grosso modo tend to prioritize the moral value of the ecosphere, while, at the same time, they almost entirely devalue species and individuals. Additionally, these ecofascists are eager to reject democracy, the idea of progress in its entirety, as well as industrialization and urbanization. They also seem to be hostile towards individual autonomy and free will. In this short essay I will present and discuss Kaarlo Pentti Linkola's approach to environmental ethics, one that could be well described as the epitome of Ecofascism. I will argue that his arguments are neither sound nor documented, and I will conclude that Linkola's overall approach is, in my view, contrary to the purpose as well as to the very essence of morality.  相似文献   
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