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Therapists sometimes encounter cases of intense marital discord in which the disaffected spouse seems unable to specify the reason for his or her discontent except in the vaguest, most general terms. Such cases may be extraordinarily difficult to treat, as the disaffected partner may seem impervious to any attempt at negotiation, to the point of dissolution of the marriage. The reason for the disaffected spouse's intransigence may seem unclear to the other spouse, to the therapist, and even to herself/himself. We hypothesize an explanation for this phenomenon in terms of the disaffected partner's experience of having suffered humiliation at the hands of the other spouse and offer a plan for treatment, citing case materials.  相似文献   
Illegality 1988     
The author presents how the Holocaust appears symbolically in an obsessive-compulsive neurosis in 1988 in Budapest, through the therapy of a 16-year-old boy and his family. The behavior therapy that was first applied made the symptoms even more serious, supposedly because the index patient interpreted it as pursuit. The hypothesis supposed the appearance of the Holocaust in the third generation—as a family myth—and intervention based on this hypothesis brought an end to the neurotic symptoms. The knowledge of historical processes is very important in psychotherapeutic treatment.I would like to acknowledge my debt and my appreciation to Valeria Kiss, occupational therapist, Central National Institute, Budapest, who has had a major role in creating therapy, as co-therapist. I would like to thank Beata Susansky and Gareth Dewar for helping in translation and Andras Posman for helping with the figures of the genogram.  相似文献   
The case of Peter and Susan is an example of multiple crisis intervention at the Arbours Crisis Centre in London. Both were treated by psychoanalytic psychotherapy together with intensive interpersonal support in a live-in therapeutic milieu, with successful results.An extended discussion about the work of the Arbours Association in London will be published by Human Sciences Press as a chapter entitled, An Alternative Sanctuary: The Arbours Crisis Centre, in the forthcoming book,Healing Human Systems, edited by U. Reuveni and R. & J. Speck. For further information about the Centre write to: The Arbours Association, 41a Western Park, London N.8.  相似文献   
This study examined the manner in which the probability of delaying gratification is affected by the exchange values and the appetitive values of the rewards offered. Several delay-of-gratification questions were used, requiring a choice between an early small reward and a reward twice as great due at a later time. A total of 6,799 fourth- and sixth-grade Israeli public school pupils participated in the study. Results consistent across sexes, grades, and two delay conditions (now versus in a week from now and in a week versus in a month) indicated that the tendency to delay gratification is directly related to the exchange values of the rewards offered but inversely related to their appetitive values. Several implications of these results for the Value X Expectancy model of delay behavior were discussed.The present report is based on data collected as part of a nationwide study on educational achievement in public schools in Israel supported by the Van Leer Foundation (Holland) and the Ministry of Education of Israel.  相似文献   
The war situation compelled a reinvestigation into the characteristics, course, the outcome, and the variety of bereavement reactions in early childhood. In this study, the behaviors and changes reported by the mothers and teachers of 24 normal kibbutz children over a period of 1 to 16 months after bereavement are presented. The findings lead to one clear and central conclusion: The death of a father in war brings about a severe stress situation for the child at both the preschool and the middle-childhood age. The abrupt disequilibrium created by the death itself and the resulting changes in the family place very difficult demands on the adaptation and coping capacities of the child.In this sample of normal children with no special problems before the loss, ample evidence of acute emotional strain along with noticeable grief reactions were found in the early months of bereavement. A marked increase in the number and variety of symptomatic behavior changes testified to the seriousness of the threat to the child's sense of well-being after notification of the death. Ten of the 22 children between the ages of 2 and 10 years reacted to the trauma severely and were so markedly hindered in their daily functioning that psychological help was considered imperative. The disorganizing effect of the trauma of the loss of a father as reflected in this high percentage of disturbance in normal children indicates that without doubt a child who has lost a parent is a child at risk. It is therefore desirable if not imperative that there be more balance in the efforts to help bereaved families.1979, Fall  相似文献   
Nine hundred and ninety-eight kibbutz children aged 3 to 10 years were asked to indicate their personal choices in response to a projective test depicting a child in situations of distress and joy. The children selected their own parents as the most significant choice in all age groups, irrespective of the communal or family type of sleeping arrangement. This finding appears to confirm the contention that the family constitutes a primary emotional center for kibbutz children despite the fact that parents do not function as providers of material needs, and that children grow up in communal houses with a housemother responsible for childcare tasks usually associated with the mother in the nuclear family model.(1980, Spring)  相似文献   
Cette étude a pour objet la perception du temps chez des étudiants noirs américains de milieu socio-économique inférieur, par rapport à des étudiants de la classe moyenne. La perception du temps est étudiée en examinant les effets de la manipulation de l'éloignement temporel sur la probabilité subjective de succès à une épreuve, sur la valeur attribuée au succès et à l'échec et sur le degré d'aspiration. Deux groupes d'étudiants ont eu à choisir entre répondre à des questions de grande ou moyenne difficulté, au cours d'épreuves devant avoir lieu le jour même et un mois plus tard. Les épreuves furent présentées aux deux groupes en ordre temporel inverse. On obtient également des mesures de l'espérance de succès et de la valeur accordée au succès et à l'échec. Dans l'échantillon observé, l'éloignement temporel eut pour résultat d'abaisser le niveau d'aspiration des sujets alors que l'effet inverse avait été remarqué chez les étudiants de la classe moyenne. Une autre conséquence de cet éloignement fut une espérance de succès accrue pour les questions de difficulté moyenne, phénomène qui n'apparut pas pour les questions de grande difficulté. l'évaluation du succès et de l'échec ne fut pas affectée par l'éloignement temporel. En guise d'interprétation, on peut dire que les sujets noirs de milieu socio-économique inférieur ne manquent pas de perception instrumentale du temps (capacité de manipuler le temps), mais qu'ils perçoivent plutôt le temps comme un facteur d'un avantage insignifiant dans l'amélioration de leurs chances. Quelques implications des résultats et de la méthode sont également mentionnées.  相似文献   
Courage is a virtue which has been held in highest regard by all societies. In an age in which courage and its companions, human dignity and commitment, seem sadly lacking, it is imperative that we reacquaint ourselves with the implications of these attributes. In this paper we demonstrate the integral relationship between courage and intimacy and the importance of the concept of therapeutic caring to their development. We also introduce the theory of the double in which the self, in the act of intimacy, seeks to come together with its contradictory and disavowed attributes. These concepts are related to a psychotherapeutic paradigm in which we examine the requirements courage, intimacy, and caring impose upon practitioner and client.Paper presented at the 25th winter meeting of The American Academy of Psychoanalysis, New York City, December, 1981.  相似文献   
This is the first paper of a series of articles reporting the findings, life course, and psychiatric outcomes of a group of 34 families in which at least one member of the family developed a delusional system. In this study the author discusses chiefly several issues regarding the genesis, ways of reinforcement, and perpetuation of the delusional ideation which, despite their great contributory importance to the success of treatment of the paranoid patient, seem neglected in the professional literature. The author draws attention to two basic findings that appeared consistently in the study group of 34 paranoid patients: (1) there is always a basis of truth and reality behind every delusional system; and (2) authentic past and current interpersonal transactions play a dominant role in generating and activating the paranoid beliefs.  相似文献   
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