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An attempt was made to combine the two information-theory based laws relating speed and accuracy, Hick's law and Fitts' law, in a task where subjects were asked to repetitively aim at randomly indicated alternative targets from a home position.  相似文献   
Subjects were given a passage to read for meaning while at the same time checking off any misspellings. Critical words in the text were mutilated by either deleting or substituting letters. In half of these mutilations, an ascender in the word was removed, resulting in a large change in the overall shape of the word. In the first experiment, it was found that mutilations involving the substitution of letters were more likely to be noticed than mutilations involving deletions. For both types of mutilation, alterations to word shape were more often noticed than alterations that preserved word shape. When word shape cues were eliminated by using mixed-case stimuli in Experiment 2, the shape effect was abolished. The results are interpreted as evidence for a supraletter feature corresponding to word shape.  相似文献   
Four experiments are presented in which printed texts are read for their meaning. Some of the texts were mutilated by altering the size of selected letters. In Experiments 1, 2, and 3, the number of words mutilated per passage and the number of letters changed per word were both manipulated. In all three experiments, reading was slowed as a function of the number of words changed per passage, while the number of letters changed per word had a much smaller effect. The interaction between the number of words and number of letters changed was not significant in any of the experiments. It is difficult to explain these results merely in terms of changes in the discriminability of letters. In Experiment 2 all uppercase text was used, which argues against an explanation in terms of supraletter features such as word envelope. We propose an explanation in terms of visual attention and the perceptual grouping required prior to feature recognition. The last experiment supports this explanation through the counterintuitive finding that adding letters of intermediate size can improve legibility by allowing grouping processes to associate large and small letters as belonging to the same word object.  相似文献   
Consistent effects of time of day have been observed in digit span/sequence performance, and in the immediate memory for information presented in prose. However, studies using syntactically unstructured word lists have yielded inconsistent results. Three experiments were conducted that examined the free recall of 15 word lists. In all three, immediate recall from the pre-recency positions was found to be superior in the morning to the afternoon. This superiority disappeared after a 20-min delay (Experiment 1) and under articulatory suppression (Experiment III), but was unaffected by a manipulation that equated recall order (Experiment II). Immediate recall from the recency positions showed a W-shaped trend over the day (Experiment I) that might account for the inconsistencies previously reported. It is suggested that the changes in recall from the pre-recency positions may reflect a decrease in maintenance, and increase in elaboration, over the day. Such a change in processing strategy could itself reflect an increase in attentional selectivity associated with the changes in basal arousal level commonly held to occur over the day.  相似文献   
A growing literature suggests that adversity is associated with later altered brain function, particularly within the corticolimbic system that supports emotion processing and salience detection (e.g., amygdala, prefrontal cortex [PFC]). Although neighborhood socioeconomic disadvantage has been shown to predict maladaptive behavioral outcomes, particularly for boys, most of the research linking adversity to corticolimbic function has focused on family‐level adversities. Moreover, although animal models and studies of normative brain development suggest that there may be sensitive periods during which adversity exerts stronger effects on corticolimbic development, little prospective evidence exists in humans. Using two low‐income samples of boys (n = 167; n = 77), Census‐derived neighborhood disadvantage during early childhood, but not adolescence, was uniquely associated with greater amygdala, but not PFC, reactivity to ambiguous neutral faces in adolescence and young adulthood. These associations remained after accounting for several family‐level adversities (e.g., low family income, harsh parenting), highlighting the independent and developmentally specific neural effects of the neighborhood context. Furthermore, in both samples, indicators measuring income and poverty status of neighbors were predictive of amygdala function, suggesting that neighborhood economic resources may be critical to brain development.  相似文献   
Previous research indicates that alcohol intoxication impairs inhibitory control and that the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (rDLPFC) is a functional brain region important for exercising control over thoughts and behaviour. At the same time, the extent to which changes in inhibitory control following initial intoxication mediate subsequent drinking behaviours has not been elucidated fully. Ascertaining the extent to which inhibitory control impairments drive alcohol consumption, we applied continuous theta burst transcranial magnetic stimulation (rDLPFC cTBS vs. control) to isolate how inhibitory control impairments (measured using the Stop-Signal task) shape ad libitum alcohol consumption in a pseudo taste test. Twenty participants (13 males) took part in a within-participants design; their age ranged between 18 and 27 years (M = 20.95, SD = 2.74). Results indicate that following rDLPFC cTBS participants’ inhibitory control was impaired, and ad libitum consumption increased. The relationship between stimulation and consumption did not appear to be mediated by inhibitory control in the present study. Overall, findings suggest that applying TMS to the rDLPFC may inhibit neural activity and increase alcohol consumption. Future research with greater power is recommended to determine the extent to which inhibitory control is the primary mechanism by which the rDLPFC exerts influence over alcohol consumption, and the degree to which other cognitive processes may play a role.  相似文献   
Brown (1976) has provided an analysis of the effect of the memorability of an item on the confidence with which it is accepted or rejected in a test of recognition or recall. When the subject has no clear recollection of the inclusion of an item in an input list, he is assumed to evaluate its memorability in the context of the experiment before he decides whether to accept or reject it. If the judged memorability is high, the absence of a clear recollection is stronger evidence against the item than if it is low. A specific prediction is that memorable distractors in a recognition test will be more confidently rejected than non-memorable ones. This prediction was tested and confirmed in three experiments in which recognition was tested by 4-category rating. Except in Experiment I, items memorable to individual subjects were identified by administering a questionnaire. For example, in Experiment III forenames of immediate family were assumed to have high memorability. This experiment also included word frequency as a variable. Low-frequency distractors were rejected significantly more firmly than high-frequency distractors: extraction of memorable names enhanced this effect. The relationship of memorability to word frequency is discussed.  相似文献   
A brief review of the literature, and three experiments, are presented which investigated time of day effects in human performance at simple repetitive tasks (i.e. tasks involving little or no ‘working memory’ load) The goal was to differentiate between a ‘capacity’ based explanation of the effects, concerned with changes in the general rate of information processing, and a ‘strategy’ based one concerned with the amount of information processed at each decision point. The strategy based explanation appeared to be the more suitable, accounting for the surprising heterogeneity in time of day function that was found for such tasks in the literature, and for the results of the three experiments. It would appear that there might be a general tendency for people to become faster but less accurate as the day wears on.  相似文献   
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