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采用自制的人文课程设置及人丈素质教育评价调查问卷了解护理专业学生对目前所开设的护理管理学课程的意见及对人文素质教育的评价和要求,以便为进一步深化护理教育中人文课程改革,构建适于提高护生人文知识水平以及促进人文素质内化的教学模式提供依据.  相似文献   
宫腔镜技术是现代妇科微创技术,宫腔镜技术的产生和发展是技术目的和技术手段矛盾发展的结果,宫腔镜技术的具体应用过程体现了马克思主义哲学原理的作用。以马克思主义哲学为指导,可使我们在对待宫腔镜应用中的具体问题时,高瞻远瞩,安全、有效地对患者实施诊治,同时,提高自己的综合素质。  相似文献   
结节性甲状腺肿手术路径质量管理成效研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文通过对比分析临床路径实施前后各项质量相关指标,研究临床路径模式在精细分科部门中结节性甲状腺肿手术患者质量管理的应用成效。结果显示临床路径在质量管理过程中取得显著成效,尤其是在缩短平均住院日方面,但对于费用的控制还有待进一步提高,因此应对实施中的临床路径进行不断地持续改进,为患者提供更优质的服务。  相似文献   
在中华民族文化出现复兴曙光之际,我们在当代文化建设中一定要努力弘扬中华文化。中华文化对世界的独特贡献就在于它崇尚道德的精神,这是中华文化的真正"国粹"。当前文化建设的核心是重新反思我们近百年来受到的西方价值观的影响,着力弘扬中华文化的群体和他人价值导向、义以为上的道义追求、义务为本的责任意识、等差礼让的人际伦理、人心自律的主体精神,只有重新弘扬中华文化的这些核心价值观,才会为民族唤回灵魂,才会为国家发展提供强大的动力和凝聚力,才会为社会提供强有力的粘合剂和调和液,真正重塑起我们的民族精神和国家精神。  相似文献   
This study examined the concordance between parental and youth's perceptions regarding open communication in their families and its association with youth's psychosocial adjustment. The relative importance of parental and adolescents' perceptions of open family communication in relation to youth's psychosocial adjustment was also investigated. Participants were 336 parent-youth dyads from inner-city low-income communities in an eastern city in the United States. Both parental and youth's perceptions of open communication in the family were categorized into "high" and "low" groups using a median split in scores. Four parent-youth concordance groups (i.e. high-high, high-low, low-high and low-low) were derived based on the combination of the levels of parental and youth's perceptions. Parental and youth's perceptions about open communication were modestly correlated (r = 0.129, p < 0.05). The level of concordance differed by youth gender with male adolescents and their parents being more likely to perceive lower levels of open communication (i.e. "low-low") than females and their parents (32% versus 19%, p < 0.05). In general, youth demonstrated poorer psychosocial adjustment if they perceived a lower level of open communication between them and their parents, independent of the level of their parents' perceptions (e.g. "high" or "low"). The findings suggest an important role of adolescents' own perceptions of the openness of the family communication in relation to adolescent psychosocial adjustment. Developmentally and gender appropriate intervention programs are needed to improve the openness of parent-adolescent communication, to help both parents and youth to recognize the significant preventive role of open communication in the family, especially, the socioeconomically disadvantaged families.  相似文献   
A scandal can evoke public outrage when it is widely publicized and involves an individual who is perceived to have a high level of cultural representativeness. Two experiments showed that when the scandalous target's moral character was highlighted, emotional responses towards the target were least negative when the scandal was widely circulated and when the target was seen as a representative of his culture. These results suggest that when a cultural symbol is implicated in a widely‐circulated scandal, the negative emotions directed towards the scandalous individual can be alleviated when the public remains confident in his or her commitment to morality.  相似文献   
Journal of Happiness Studies - Increasing well-being is a prominent worldwide goal that can be achieved primarily through social support and environmental factors. However, in times of social...  相似文献   
近年来,研究者利用眼动技术具有高时间精度的优势,探明不同年龄群体完成类比推理过程的眼动模式特点并得出其在进行类比推理时所使用的策略。基于类比推理的眼动研究发现了三种典型的类比推理策略——项目优先策略、结构匹配策略和语义限制策略。成人更多表现为项目优先策略,儿童更多表现为语义限制策略。未来研究可以优化类比推理眼动指标,尤其是全局扫视路径的计算方法,并重点关注特殊群体的类比推理眼动模式以及关注类比推理策略与其他认知能力的交互作用。  相似文献   
该研究利用功能磁共振脑成像(fMRI)技术,比较在新颖语言学习和母语学习过程中大脑皮层参与的异同。实验设置德语学习和汉语学习两个条件,采用跨通道联结学习范式,要求被试在听到听觉词汇后,按键判断屏幕上所呈现的图片是否与所听词汇匹配。行为数据显示,被试在六段实验后基本掌握了德语语音和语义之间的联结关系;脑成像数据显示,两种学习任务都激活了语言加工的主要脑区,而德语词汇学习过程相比汉语参照条件对应的颞叶激活强度与范围有较大的差异,并且比汉语条件表现出更显著的前额叶区域激活。  相似文献   
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