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This study examined the effect of an acute exercise program of different exercise conditions on state anxiety among older adults. 73 healthy subjects were recruited and randomly assigned to either water exercise group (n = 36) or land exercise group (n = 37). State anxiety was assessed before exercise and following exercise. Subjects in the water exercise performed a 70-min. exercise program consisting of a 10-min. warm-up, a 20-min. brisk walking, a 20-min. rhythmic dancing, a 10-min. resistance training, and a 10-min. cool down exercise. The land exercise program contained a 10-min. warm up and a 30-min. combined endurance and resistance exercise, followed by a 10-min. cool down exercise. Analysis showed that both exercise groups scored significantly (p<.001) lower on anxiety after exercise, but there was no significant interaction for group by trial for scores on state anxiety. The data indicate that elderly persons who participate in these types of exercise report lower state anxiety.  相似文献   
Levels of convergence were examined among three personality instruments: the Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire-4+ (PDQ-4+), the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis II Personality Disorders Questionnaire (SCID-IIQ) and the Multi-source Assessment of Personality Pathology (MAPP). Each personality questionnaire was administered three times in an alternating sequence over nine consecutive weekdays to a sample of college students. There was some degree of convergence among the three instruments, but there were also substantial empirical differences between them. The data suggest three related conclusions: (1) in general, the self-report version of the MAPP is more conservative than the other two questionnaires, (2) these questionnaires are not interchangeable measures of personality disorders, and (3) the breadth of measurement provided varies as a function of both the questionnaire and the personality disorder being measured.  相似文献   
Abstract: This study examined the relationship between support reciprocity in friendships and depression among elementary school and high school students, taking specific account of the quality of parent‐child relationships. The participants were 340 first‐year high school students and 317 sixth‐year elementary school students, all of whom completed questionnaires measuring levels of depression and support receiving and support giving in the relationship with their best friend. In addition, high school students answered questions about their parents’ child‐rearing attitudes. Consistent with predictions, it was shown that support reciprocity correlated significantly with lower depression among high school students but not among elementary school students. Moreover, it was found that for high school students who perceived their parents as caring and affectionate, support reciprocity related significantly to lower depression but not for those who perceived their parents as distant and dismissive.  相似文献   
The present study examined the hypothesis that in situations that threaten self‐esteem, people with independent self‐construal show more ingroup favouritism, whereas people with interdependent self‐construal do not. Using a minimal group paradigm, consistent with the hypothesis, the results showed that self‐construal and threats to self‐esteem have an interactive effect on ingroup favouritism. Individuals with independent self‐construal showed more ingroup favouritism when their self‐esteem was threatened than when it was not threatened, whereas individuals with interdependent self‐construal exhibited less ingroup favouritism when their self‐esteem was threatened than when it was not threatened. These findings suggest that independent/interdependent self‐construal moderates the use of ingroup favouritism for maintaining and enhancing self‐evaluation.  相似文献   
Learning and performing music draw on a host of cognitive abilities, and previous research has postulated that musicians might have advantages in related cognitive processes. One such aspect of cognition that may be related to musical training is executive functions (EFs), a set of top-down processes that regulate behavior and cognition according to task demands. Previous studies investigating the link between musical training and EFs have yielded mixed results and are difficult to compare. In part, this is because most studies have looked at only one specific cognitive process, and even studies looking at the same process have used different experimental tasks. Furthermore, most correlational studies have used different “musician” and “non-musician” categorizations for their comparisons, so generalizing the findings is difficult. The present study provides a more comprehensive assessment of how individual differences in musical training relate to latent measures of three separable aspects of EFs. We administered a well-validated EF battery containing multiple tasks tapping the EF components of inhibition, shifting, and working memory updating (Friedman et al. in Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 137, 201–225, 2008), as well as a comprehensive, continuous measure of musical training and sophistication (Müllensiefen et al., in PLoS ONE, 9, e89642, 2014). Musical training correlated with some individual EF tasks involving inhibition and working memory updating, but not with individual tasks involving shifting. However, musical training only predicted the latent variable of working memory updating, but not the latent variables of inhibition or shifting after controlling for IQ, socioeconomic status, and handedness. Although these data are correlational, they nonetheless suggest that musical experience places particularly strong demands specifically on working memory updating processes.  相似文献   
Following five trials of part-list free recall learning and six trials of whole-list free recall learning, Ss were asked to recall the part-list items on two successive trials. Experimental Ss whose whole list contained all of the part-list items recalled more part-list items than did control Ss whose whole list contained none of the part-list items. The data are inconsistent with current notion of subjective organization.  相似文献   
Ss were presented with lists of memory items containing one temporal pause. After each list, Ss were asked to classify a test item as positive or negative based on the memory information. In Experiments I and II, the test item was to be classified as positive if it occurred in the memory set at all, and mean reaction times for the decision were longer than for a no-pause control. In Experiment III, a positive response was required provided that the test item was in a relevant portion of the list as defined by a postlist cue. Reaction times were longer and showed a somewhat different pattern than for a no-pause control. An interpretation was offered based on the hypothetical existence of two simultaneously executed serial scans, one "exhaustive" and the other "self-terminating," as defined by S. Sternberg.  相似文献   
Ss decided whether or not a test digit had occurred in a previously presented memory set. Decision time increased with the size of the memory set at equal linear rates for positive and negative responses. Positive decision times were sensitive to the serial position of the test digit. Together, these results are incompatible with serial-exhaustive models; some modifications are necessary in order to accommodate the obtained results.  相似文献   
The goal of this study was to propose a framework to describe the analogical process in the context of creation. We conducted retrospective interviews with two contemporary artists in their forties using portfolios of their past works so that they could recall their creation processes in detail. We found that the artists often use analogical modification to produce new series of artwork. Analogical modification is a cognitive process used to generate a new target, in the context of creation, by changing values of a source to make differences during analogical mapping. We found three types of analogical modification, namely, subject modification, structure modification, and concept modification. Creative vision, which is formed through many years of creative activity and consists of long-term intentions or goals for creation, plays an important role in guiding the use of analogical modification. The process of artistic creation can be better understood using the framework of the interaction between activities in different time spans, such as analogical modification and creative vision.  相似文献   
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