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The use of alcohol by women during pregnancy is a continuing problem. In this review the behavioral effects of prenatal alcohol from animal models are described and related to studies of children and adults with FASD. Studies with monkeys and rodents show that prenatal alcohol exposure adversely affects neonatal orienting, attention and motor maturity, as well as activity level, executive function, response inhibition, and sensory processing later in life. The primate moderate dose behavioral findings fill an important gap between human correlational data and rodent mechanistic research. These animal findings are directly translatable to human findings. Moreover, primate studies that manipulated prenatal alcohol exposure and prenatal stress independently show that prenatal stress exacerbates prenatal alcohol-induced behavioral impairments, underscoring the need to consider stress-induced effects in fetal alcohol research. Studies in rodents and primates show long-term effects of prenatal and developmental alcohol exposure on dopamine system functioning, which could underpin the behavioral effects.  相似文献   
Sexualization of girls and women in America is rampant and has many negative consequences. Women, however, often report enjoying being sexually admired by men. Given this paradox, it is unclear whether such enjoyment represents an authentic empowerment of women's sexuality or is related to traditional feminine norms and sexist beliefs. In Studies 1 and 2, the authors developed and tested the eight-item Enjoyment of Sexualization Scale (ESS). It had good reliability and was differentiated from related constructs including body surveillance, body shame, self-sexualizing behaviors, and appearance-contingent self-esteem. In Study 3, endorsement of traditional gender norms, endorsement of benevolent sexism, and endorsement of hostile sexism were all positively related to the ESS. Moreover, women who both enjoyed sexualization and engaged in self-objectification reported more negative eating attitudes. Overall, there was little support for positive effects of enjoying sexualization. The extent to which enjoying sexualization actually empowers women or contributes to their oppression is discussed.  相似文献   
Focusing on the relation between discourse and subject formation, the poststructuralistic reiterations and resignifications within the concept of ambivalence provide important aspects for a contemporary conceptualization of ambivalence, especially within the framework of educational theory (Bildungstheorie). From this point of view the paper explores firstly the notion of ??ambivalence?? in the context of Derrida??s theory and practice of deconstruction and secondly the relation between ??ambivalence?? and ??ambiguity?? considering Derrida??s theory of ??différance?? and Butler??s theory of ??performativity??. Finally the article outlines the meaning of ??ambivalence?? in Butler??s theory of the subjectivation process.  相似文献   
The SIAM yes-no task is an efficient bias-free adaptive procedure for estimating absolute thresholds, though it arguably requires further evaluation prior to its adoption into mainstream psychological research. We report two experiments undertaken in the auditory and gustatory modalities designed to assess the accuracy and efficiency of the SIAM method. In the first experiment, estimates of absolute thresholds for 1000-Hz tones obtained using a two-alternative forced choice adaptive procedure were compared to those obtained using both the SIAM yes-no task and a modification of the SIAM task incorporating the method of free response, the SIAM-rapid. In Experiment 2, we compared absolute thresholds for sucrose in solution obtained with either a two-alternative forced choice adaptive procedure or the SIAM yes-no task. Both experiments demonstrated the efficiency and validity of the SIAM approach, with SIAM thresholds proving to be equivalent to those obtained in the two-alternative forced choice tasks and to those reported in the literature.  相似文献   
Intergroup contact, particularly close personal contact, has been shown to improve intergroup relations, mainly by reducing negative attitudes and emotions toward outgroups. We argue that contact can also increase intergroup prosocial behavior. More specifically, we predict that different forms of contact will differentially impact on prosocial behavior directed at individual outgroup members and outgroups as a whole. Data of two studies (N1 = 264, N2 = 185), conducted with workgroups in two organizations, show that personal contact is a better predictor of prosocial behavior directed at individual outgroup members, whereas task‐oriented contact is a better predictor of prosocial behavior directed at an outgroup as a whole. Additionally, Study 2 provides evidence that empathy mediates the path from personal contact to individual‐directed prosocial behavior, whereas reward (but not cost) considerations mediate the path from task‐oriented contact to outgroup‐directed prosocial behavior. Implications for research on intergroup contact and prosocial behavior are discussed. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This paper investigated attitudes and stereotypes about what feminist women, primarily from the United States, believed about a number of practices associated with attachment parenting which is theorized to be both feminist and non-feminist. The goals of this study were to determine whether feminists endorsed attachment parenting and whether stereotypes of feminists’ beliefs corresponded to actual feminists’ attitudes. Women were recruited online, primarily through blogs, to complete an online survey about feminism and mothering. Four hundred and thirty one women comprised the sample for the current investigation and included heterosexual-identified feminist mothers (n?=?147), feminist non-mothers (n?=?75), non-feminist mothers (n?=?143), and non-feminist non-mothers (n?=?66). Participants were asked to rate their own attitudes towards specific practices associated with attachment parenting and to indicate their perceptions of the beliefs of the typical feminist. Results indicated that feminists were more supportive of attachment parenting practices than were non-feminists. Non-feminists, particularly mothers, held misperceptions about the typical feminist, seeing them as largely uninterested in the time-intensive and hands-on practices associated with attachment parenting. Feminist mothers also held stereotypes about feminists and saw themselves as somewhat atypical feminists who were more interested in attachment parenting than they thought was typical of feminists. Our data indicated that feminists did endorse attachment parenting and that stereotypes of feminists related to attachment parenting are untrue. Furthermore, the role of feminism in the identity of feminist mothers and whether attachment parenting is truly a feminist way to parent are discussed.  相似文献   
GSR records were obtained for four groups of 20 Ss. Group I was presented with a series of four different lights (amber, blue, green, and white) appearing 20 times each, in apparent random order. The procedure was similar for the other three groups except that in group 2, a novel stimulus (a red light) appeared instead of the sixth amber light; in group 3, it appeared instead of the 16th amber light; and, in group 4, it appeared instead of the 16th amber light. Typical GSR adaptation phenomena were observed in all groups. The introduction of the novel stimulus appeared to have no effect on the course of GSR adaptation.  相似文献   
In two experiments, the integration over spatial extent in taste was investigated for threshold sensitivity to NaCl and for suprathreshold intensity perception of saltiness. The area of stimulation was doubled by adding either an ipsilateral or a bilateral stimulus. The two stimuli could be of equal or unequal intensity. The data showed that at threshold level a probability summation model applied to all bilateral and most of the ipsilateral stimulus combinations. Probability summation failed to predict detection probability when two stimuli with different intensities were presented at the same tongue side. For suprathreshold stimuli, the magnitude of the saltiness sensation as estimated by a line-length method depended on the level of stimulation. The possible peripheral interaction mechanisms and central factors contributing to the taste response were discussed.  相似文献   
This study investigated how people integrate different kinds of knowledge in coming to understand the functions of components of a physical system. Twenty-three undergraduates worked on a hypothesis-testing task in which they constructed test circuits to decide the identity of electrical components hidden inside boxes. The students' problem-solving was driven by qualitative causal models that included ideas about cause and effect, task demands, and functions of circuits and circuit components. There was a hierarchy of four causal models, with higher levels representing increasing understanding and supporting increasingly successful problem solution. These causal models were associated with characteristic experimentation strategies, including strategies for generating evidence, interpreting evidence, and managing memory requirements. Some of these strategies followed directly from the causal model a student held, whereas others appeared to be more general. The level of understanding a student eventually attained about this physical system was a function of both domain knowledge and proficiency in experimentation strategies.  相似文献   
GSR records were obtained for 20 Ss presented with a series of 80 stimuli (four lights alternating in apparent random sequence). Records were obtained, also, for 20 Ss in each of two groups, using the same procedure: in Group 1, a tone was substituted for one of the lights, early in the sequence, and in Group 2, it was substituted later in the sequence. The tone, the novel stimulus, produced significant changes in the GSR adaptation patterns of the two groups.  相似文献   
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