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周骏  徐淑媛  董圣鸿 《心理学探新》2011,31(3):265-269,288
评价除了了解学习者的学习情况外,同时还应该提供学习者学习状况的诊断信息,以利于教学与学习。评价应该以认知心理学对学习过程的研究,作为编制测验的实质理论依据,进行认知诊断评估。本文针对认知诊断的心理学基础:知识的习得、知识诱发、知识表征、知识结构等进行梳理,以便测验开发者对认知诊断评估有更清晰的认识。  相似文献   
该研究探讨老年人的自我防御策略是记忆忽视还是自我免疫,并考察自尊水平在老年人自我相关信息加工中的作用.实验1发现不同自尊老年人对积极特质词和消极特质词的回忆量无显著差异.实验2发现高自尊组对消极自我描述句一致性判断的反应时显著长于对积极自我描述句一致性判断的反应时,低自尊者的反应时差异不显著.结果证明老年人自我防御策略是自我免疫而不是记忆忽视,高自尊者表现出更多的自我免疫加工.  相似文献   
十六大以来,以胡锦涛为总书记的中央领导集体,从构建社会主义和谐社会的总体战略出发,提出了建立和谐宗教关系的理论;强调要充分发挥宗教在促进社会和谐方面的积极作用,发挥宗教界人士和信教群众在促进经济社会发展中的积极作用;进一步明确了宗教工作在党和国家工作中的地位,要求加强和改善党对宗教工作的领导,形成了对宗教问题的新认识和新观点。  相似文献   
任务难度对前瞻记忆TAP效应影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
前瞻记忆中的TAP效应是指,当进行中任务和前瞻任务加工类型一致时,前瞻记忆成绩要好于两者工类型不一致时.该研究采用双重任务范式,以大学生为被试,探讨了进行中任务难度对前瞻记忆TAP效应的影响,以揭示注意资源在TAP效应产生中的关键作用.结果表明:当进行中任务难度较低时,没有出现TAP效应,即进行中任务和前瞻任务的加工类型是否一致不会对前瞻记忆成绩产生显著影响;当进行中任务难度较高时,TAP效应部分出现.进一步说,当进行中任务加工类型为语义型时,语义型的前瞻任务成绩要显著好于结构型的前瞻任务成绩;而当进行中任务加工类型为结构型时,前瞻任务的加工类型没有对前瞻记忆成绩产生显著影响.  相似文献   
先前研究发现远距离规则能够被内隐地习得和迁移,表明内隐学习获得的知识是底层的抽象规则,那么这一抽象规则的习得和迁移是否会受到先前知识经验的限制?研究采用汉语声调的远距离水平映射规则为材料,通过创设不符合平仄知识经验的任意声调水平映射规则,在控制组块和重复结构等表面特征的条件下,探讨先前知识经验是否限制了远距离水平映射规则的内隐学习和迁移。结果发现相对于符合平仄知识经验的汉语声调水平映射规则,被试不能够内隐地习得和迁移任意声调的水平映射规则,表明先前知识经验在远距离水平映射规则内隐学习过程中发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   
Study 1 was conducted to examine the contribution of the joint condition of supervisor close monitoring and the presence of creative coworkers to employees' creativity. In addition to replicating Study 1's results, Study 2 examined (a) the joint condition of supervisor developmental feedback and presence of creative coworkers and (b) whether creative personality moderated the contributions of the 2 joint conditions. Converging results from the 2 field studies demonstrated that when creative coworkers were present, the less supervisors engaged in close monitoring, the more employees exhibited creativity. Study 2 also found that the contribution of this joint condition was stronger for employees with less creative personalities and that when creative coworkers were present, the more supervisors provided developmental feedback, the more employees exhibited creativity.  相似文献   
This study investigated the responses of 14 giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) to 5 enrichment items (3 manipulable objects, 2 feeding devices) that possess different properties affording varying behavioral opportunities. Enrichment items were quantitatively described by using 12 properties. Pandas displayed no preferences among the 5 enrichment treatments, all of which had similar positive effects on behavioral measures of well-being (behavioral diversity, stereotypy). However, each item promoted a distinct behavioral profile, readily mapped onto the enrichment's properties. These results suggest that it may be important to stimulate behavioral diversity but that specific behaviors or enrichment properties are not required. The unique behavioral topography seen with these enrichments also suggests that providing multiple enrichments with varying properties will maximize overall behavioral diversity.  相似文献   
A problem with interpretations of differences in mathematic achievement between students from Asian countries and those from the United States is the seemingly implicit assumption of the cultural homogeneity of Asian societies. Researchers rarely measure the effects of variables within cultures that are hypothesized to be related to differences across cultures. In the present study, the authors examined the effects of socioeconomic status (SES) and quality of instruction on Chinese students' (1st, 3rd, and 5th grades) understanding of distance, time, and speed. The results indicated that (a) low SES in China can impede the development of children's mathematical cognition and (b) higher SES does not guarantee better performance. The implication is that the gap in mathematical performance between socioeconomically advantaged and disadvantaged children can be narrowed or even eliminated through instructional practices that focus on the systematic training of children's mathematical thinking.  相似文献   
Serotonin (5-HT) modulates numerous processes in the central nervous system that are relevant to neuropsychiatric function and dysfunction. It exerts significant effects on anxiety, mood, impulsivity, sleep, ingestive behavior, reward systems, and psychosis. Serotonergic dysfunction has been implicated in several psychiatric conditions but efforts to more clearly understand the mechanisms of this influence have been hampered by the complexity of this system at the receptor level. There are at least 14 distinct receptors that mediate the effects of 5-HT as well as several enzymes that control its synthesis and metabolism. Pharmacologic agents that target specific receptors have provided clues regarding the function of these receptors in the human brain. 5-HT is also an important modulator of neural development and several groups have employed a genetic strategy relevant to behavior. Several inactivation mutations of specific 5-HT receptors have been generated producing interesting behavioral phenotypes related to anxiety, depression, drug abuse, psychosis, and cognition. In many cases, knockout mice have been used to confirm what has already been suspected based on pharmacologic studies. In other instances, mutations have demonstrated new functions of serotonergic genes in development and behavior.  相似文献   
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