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张明 《现代哲学》2020,(2):58-63
辩证理解马克思主义与中国传统文化的关系问题,需要从马克思主义在中国传播与发展的整体历史进程和近代以来中国社会巨大的历史变革的高度出发,以更宽阔深远的历史视角加以把握。从马克思主义与中国传统文化的初次碰撞角度看,二者之间的内在差异性,其使基于本民族传统来比附、解释源自异域的马克思主义理论成为特定历史条件下的“路径依赖”。中国传统文化并不存在所谓截然的断裂性,其仍然以显性或隐性形式对现实发挥影响,其对于马克思主义中国化影响存在正反两个维度。推进马克思主义与传统文化的深度融合,就是要超越单纯从形式层面理解二者的融合问题——传统文化供给马克思主义中国化的形式表达,而且需要进一步实现二者在实质性理论内容层面的交融。  相似文献   
预览效应是一种在已经存在的多个旧客体中优先选择多个新客体, 对新客体表现出优先加工的现象。文章综述了预览效应认知神经机制的两种主要观点:(1)旧客体抑制观点, 认为预览效应是由于对旧客体的抑制; (2)新客体突现捕获注意观点, 认为预览效应是由于新客体出现伴随着亮度突然增加捕获注意。这两种观点之间的主要争论在于:预览效应与新旧客体亮度变化的关系; 新旧客体的颜色关系是否影响对目标的搜索; 在一些因素的作用下, 旧客体形状变化是否还会破坏预览效应。文章指出, 预览效应是旧客体抑制机制与新客体突现捕获注意机制共同作用的结果。  相似文献   
This short-term longitudinal study examined the contribution of infant behavioral reactivity and maternal parenting self-efficacy to first-time mothers’ (total n = 32) separation anxiety. Infants’ behavioral reactivity indexed by gaze and facial affect were observed in the conditions of routine play and maternal still face at 3 months. Mothers reported their self-perceived parenting efficacy at 3 months and separation anxiety at 6 months. Results revealed that infants’ frequent gazing at their mother, greater negative affect, and less positive affect observed during the still face, but not during the routine play, contributed to heightened maternal separation anxiety. In addition to a direct link between low maternal parenting self-efficacy and high maternal separation anxiety, maternal parenting self-efficacy buffered against the impact of infant negative reactivity on maternal separation anxiety. The role of infant reactivity and maternal self-efficacy in parenting was discussed.  相似文献   
The present study examined whether the scale called Coping Strategies in Chinese Social Context (CSCSC) developed in this paper is better at predicting individual mental health than the COPE Scale, which focuses on 'active-passive' coping. Two hundred and 51 university students were recruited and measured on the CSCSC, COPE and five mental health inventories. The results demonstrated that the CSCSC predicted mental health better than the COPE. 'Active-prosocial' and 'passive-prosocial' are two suitable coping strategies, whereas 'passive-antisocial' is not a suitable coping strategy. Studies exploring coping processes in Chinese culture should consider social interactions and connection with others as a significant aspect of coping.  相似文献   
This paper re-examines the relevance of three academic norms to contemporary academic life – communism, universalism and disinterestedness – based on the work of Robert Merton. The results of a web-based survey elicited responses to a series of value statements and were analysed using the weighted average method and through cross-tabulation. Results indicate strong support for communism as an academic norm defined in relation to sharing research results and teaching materials as opposed to protecting intellectual copyright and withholding access. There is more limited support for universalism based on the belief that academic knowledge should transcend national, political, or religious boundaries. Disinterestedness, defined in terms of personal detachment from truth claims, is the least popular contemporary academic norm. Here, the impact of a performative culture is linked to the need for a large number of academics to align their research interests with funding opportunities. The paper concludes by considering the claims of an alternate set of contemporary academic norms including capitalism, particularism and interestedness.  相似文献   
物理问题创造性解决是一个发散思维和聚合思维交替运行的过程,而表象对问题的创造性解决具有重要作用。本研究通过自编的物理问题对天津市某中学109名高二理科学生进行物理问题创造性解决测验,探讨高中理科学生物理问题创造性解决中的表象特征。验证了表象与物理问题创造性解决中的发散思维具有显著的正相关,与聚合思维无显著相关。对109名高二理科学生K聚类分析发现:物理问题解决过程中,高创造性和中等程度创造性的学生人数较少,而低创造性的学生人数较多;表象丰富性很高和较高的学生较少,表象丰富性较低的学生较多。  相似文献   
李明 《心理科学》2013,36(5):1181-1186
现代公共管理日益重视公共服务动机,但如何激励公共服务动机,却悬而未决。针对已有研究的局限,采用公益投资博弈的实验范式,考察了激励类型、性别和PSM水平对动机-绩效关系的影响。发现:1)PSM能显著预测公益投资绩效;2)金钱激励撤销后对所有被试均造成了不良后果(动机挤出);4)荣誉激励能显著提升男性被试的公益投资绩效,且不造成消极后果;但会给女性带来PSM的挤出。未来研究还应考察PSM是否存在内隐层面,并应当考虑文化适合性。  相似文献   
英文词、汉字词、早期文字和图画的认知加工比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张积家  王娟  刘鸣 《心理学报》2011,43(4):347-363
采用四种任务考察英文词、汉字词、甲骨文、东巴文和图画在知觉加工和语言加工中的特点, 揭示不同类型符号的认知机制。实验1采用知觉相似度判断和语义一致性判断考察符号在知觉加工和语义加工中的特点; 实验2考察符号在命名与分类中的表现。结果表明:(1)不同类型符号在知觉相似度判断和语义一致性判断中表现不同。符号相似的顺序与文字演化的顺序一致。(2)不同类型符号的命名与分类反应具有不对称性:英文词和汉字词的命名快于分类, 甲骨文、东巴文和图画的分类快于命名。(3)无论是命名还是分类, 对汉字词和图画的反应均快于对东巴文和甲骨文的反应。对英文词命名快于对甲骨文和东巴文命名, 对英文词分类慢于对东巴文分类。(4)英文词、汉字词和图画的命名与分类反应具有不对称性:对英文词、汉字词命名快于对图画命名, 对图画分类快于对英文词、汉字词分类。甲骨文和东巴文的命名与分类反应具有不对称性:对甲骨文命名快于对东巴文命名, 对东巴文分类快于对甲骨文分类。所以如此, 既与符号的外形特征和区别性特征有关, 又与符号记录语言的方式以及对符号的熟悉度有关。研究结果为确定文字发展和演变的规律及甲骨文与东巴文的性质提供了心理学依据。  相似文献   
拥挤效应指对外周视野内目标刺激的识别受到该刺激周围无关刺激干扰的现象。大部分研究者认为拥挤效应发生在特征加工水平, 是由刺激特征间的过度整合引起的, 并基于此提出多种理论假设, 包括特征整合、重心解释、强制平均以及相应的量化模型, 但这些模型还缺乏直接的支持性证据。未来的研究应该结合ERP技术, 采用多种刺激(如运动刺激等等), 考察时间和空间维度上的拥挤效应的产生机制。  相似文献   
赵明 《学海》2007,(4):22-25
司法改革的政治语境 当代中国正处于一个全面变革的时代,无论是人们外在的行为方式,还是内在的心理结构,都在发生着或明或暗、或隐或显的深刻变化.涉及到政治、经济、文化等各个领域的社会转型已经是正在发生的事实.  相似文献   
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