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法则关系方法在研究中的应用及其问题思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重要概念之间的理论关系或合理关系的连锁系统被称作是一个法则关系。法则关系包括原有模型、前因变量或结果变量。应用结构方程模型来检验法则关系中各组成部分之间的法则有效性,从而对原模型作进一步修正,该方法能够更加科学地揭示出多变量间的因果关系。文中还提到了应用法则关系方法时需要注意的问题,并指出未来的研究应当着重于进一步构建其理论框架、借助其来有效地开发和验证测量工具、以及探索该方法效度的影响因素等方向。  相似文献   
创伤后心理复原的生理机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
心理复原是个体在经历对生命具有威胁的事件或严重的创伤后仍然能回复到良好适应状况的现象。对心理复原生理机制的研究存在两种研究取向:或从个人能力的角度,或从发展结果的角度。创伤记忆的抑制、大脑的可塑性、神经生物的调节以及基因、气质、情绪调节、认知过程、早期经验等保护因子的影响机制是研究的主要内容。文章最后对今后的研究进行了展望  相似文献   
本文对日本学校心理学的构建背景、学科性质和宗旨作了介绍后,详细阐述了日本学校心理士的资格认定、培养要求、群体类型及发挥的主要作用、承担的主要工作等,并对当前日本学校心理士制度运作中存在的两个主要问题作了述评,指出日本学校心理士制度如完善资格认证体系、注重理论与实际结合、加强同行之间的交流学习等做法对于建设中国的学校心理学具有较大借鉴价值。  相似文献   
采用错误联接的实验范式考察汉字记忆中的码相加效应。实验1采用形码加义码,结果发现对义似形似组的特征诱字错误再认率显著高于义异形似组的。实验2采用形码加音码.结果发现对音似形似组的诱字的错误再认率显著高于音异形似组的。研究表明汉语记忆中的错误联接存在码相加效应。研究结果可用激活混淆来源理论解释。  相似文献   
责任心的多元内涵与结构及其理论整合   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
责任心研究, 在心理学不同领域有类似的对象、相近的内涵, 但又有不同的概念界定、研究方法和测量工具, 研究结果迥异。文章首先回顾了已有研究对责任心内涵和结构的探索, 试图从整体上把握责任心研究在各领域成果间的关联;其次, 对人格领域、道德领域和认知领域中与责任心相关的的理论进行了分析;最后, 基于对责任三角模型优势和局限的分析, 并结合先前理论的启示, 尝试提出了一个更具综合性的责任心三侧面理论模型, 并探讨了该模型在理论上可能具有的特征。  相似文献   
When planning a study, sample size determination is one of the most important tasks facing the researcher. The size will depend on the purpose of the study, the cost limitations, and the nature of the data. By specifying the standard deviation ratio and/or the sample size ratio, the present study considers the problem of heterogeneous variances and non‐normality for Yuen's two‐group test and develops sample size formulas to minimize the total cost or maximize the power of the test. For a given power, the sample size allocation ratio can be manipulated so that the proposed formulas can minimize the total cost, the total sample size, or the sum of total sample size and total cost. On the other hand, for a given total cost, the optimum sample size allocation ratio can maximize the statistical power of the test. After the sample size is determined, the present simulation applies Yuen's test to the sample generated, and then the procedure is validated in terms of Type I errors and power. Simulation results show that the proposed formulas can control Type I errors and achieve the desired power under the various conditions specified. Finally, the implications for determining sample sizes in experimental studies and future research are discussed.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to investigate and compare the mechanisms of brain activity, as revealed by a combination of the visuospatial attention shifting paradigm and event-related potentials (ERP) in children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD) and typically developing children. Twenty-eight DCD children and 26 typically developing children were recorded with regard to their behavioral performance and ERP measures during a variant of the endogenous Posner paradigm, in which they should react to visual targets preceded by spatial cues or presented uncued. Children with DCD showed longer reaction time and a deficit in inhibitory response capacity when compared to typically developing children. The electrophysiological characteristics also showed distinct modulatory effects upon attentional orienting, anticipatory mechanisms, and cognitive-to-motor transfer in children with DCD: longer cue-P3 and target-N1 latency, smaller target-P3 amplitude, an elongated interval between N2 and the motor response (N2-RT), and small areas on contingent negative variation (CNV). The combined analysis of behavioral performance and ERP data suggested that children with DCD had deficits of slower target identification (N1), less ability in interhemispheric (P3) and cognitive-to-motor transfer speed (N2-RT), as well as a less mature anticipatory and executive process (CNV).  相似文献   
黎明 《中国道教》2009,(2):45-46
八段锦是我国古代民间流行最广的导引术之一,分为两大类:坐式八段锦与立式八段锦,即文八段锦(坐式静功)和武八段锦(站式动功). 坐式八段锦主要起源于八仙之一钟离权所传之八段锦.钟离八段锦因吕洞宾手书于石壁而得以流传下来.  相似文献   
老庄是否具有仁道观?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
仁义是儒家思想体系的基本纲领和核心范畴,从表面上看,老庄反对仁义,但事实上,老庄反对的只是有名无实、流于形式的仁义,反对将仁义作为谋利的工具,而追求超越血缘关系、不分亲疏、无所偏爱的"至仁"。与儒家相比,老庄的仁道观更有很多超越之处。  相似文献   
记忆提取研究的新进展   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
张明  陈骐 《心理科学进展》2002,10(2):133-146
该文从3个方面回顾了记忆提取研究领域内的最新进展:(1)记忆编码和提取之间的关系,主要针对提取过程的自动性和控制性及相应的神经机制进行了讨论;(2)基于记忆提取的抑制机制,主要涉及指向性遗忘、提取-练习范式的研究及负启动范式在记忆提取研究中的应用;(3)工作记忆能力与记忆提取之间的关系,主要集中于工作记忆能力与控制性记忆提取及记忆提取中的抑制机制之间的关系。  相似文献   
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