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董妍  王琦  邢采 《心理科学》2012,35(2):487-493
积极情绪与身体健康、心理健康和社会适应有密切的关系。首先,积极情绪不仅能够降低传染性疾病的感染风险,能够影响非传染性疾病病情、病程及死亡率。其次,积极情绪能够降低个体的心理易感性,使个体更好的应对负性或压力事件。最后,现有的研究表明积极情绪和社会交往存在相互促进的关系。现存的直接效应模型和压力缓冲模型解释了积极情绪直接和间接促进健康的机制。未来的研究还需在研究方法和模型完善等方面进一步改进。  相似文献   
Over the last decade or so, the Internet has become a privileged media for advertisement. Despite this increase in popularity, several studies suggested that Internet users ‘avoid’ looking at ads (what is often referred to as the banner blindness phenomena). This conclusion, however, rests mostly on indirect evidence that participants do not remember the ad content. Therefore, it is unclear whether participants actually fixated the ads and how their gaze behaviour is related to memory for the ad. In the present study, we investigated whether Internet users avoid looking at ads inserted on a non‐search website using an analysis of eye movements, and if the ad content is kept in memory. Our results show that most participants fixate the ads at least once during their website visit. Moreover, even though the congruency between the ad and the editorial content had no effect on fixation duration on the ad, congruent ads were better memorised than incongruent ads. This study provides a novel and systematic method for assessing the processing and retention of advertisements during a website visit. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
People frequently escalate their commitment to failing endeavors. Explanations for such behavior typically involve loss aversion, failure to recognize other alternatives, and concerns with justifying prior actions; all of these factors produce recommitment to previous decisions with the goal of erasing losses and vindicating these decisions. Solutions to escalation of commitment have therefore focused on external oversight and divided responsibility during decision making to attenuate loss aversion, blindness to alternatives, and justification biases. However, these solutions require substantial resources and have additional adverse effects. The present studies tested an alternative method for de-escalating commitment: activating broad motivations for growth and advancement (promotion). This approach should reduce concerns with loss and increase perceptions of alternatives, thereby attenuating justification motives. In two studies featuring hypothetical financial decisions, activating promotion motivations reduced recommitment to poorly performing investments as compared with both not activating any additional motivations and activating motivations for safety and security (prevention).  相似文献   
回顾直肠癌手术的发展史,追求根治与功能相互对立统一的发展过程。低位直肠癌保肛手术经历了长时间的对立、演化、发展,如今已经不再是手术技巧的问题,而是如何掌握保肛原则的问题。只有树立辩证唯物主义的世界观和方法论并用于实践,才能有助于进一步提高直肠癌的手术疗效。  相似文献   
周骏  徐淑媛  董圣鸿 《心理学探新》2011,31(3):265-269,288
评价除了了解学习者的学习情况外,同时还应该提供学习者学习状况的诊断信息,以利于教学与学习。评价应该以认知心理学对学习过程的研究,作为编制测验的实质理论依据,进行认知诊断评估。本文针对认知诊断的心理学基础:知识的习得、知识诱发、知识表征、知识结构等进行梳理,以便测验开发者对认知诊断评估有更清晰的认识。  相似文献   
本文以《辩中边论》、《大般若经》第二会卷488和《大智度论》为中心,对瑜伽行派和《般若经》以及中观派所说之十六空的含义进行了具体的比较,并从四个方面对三者阐释的异同做了细致的分析和总结,指出唯识学者对十六空的阐释侧重于有情能所的角度来说,对于空性、真如则侧重于有的角度加以诠释;而《般若经》和中观派则偏重于从一切法平等和空的角度来说。另外,本文还特别指出了龙树在其《大智度论》中也从有情妄执的角度来谈论空,对于第一义空也从肯定和真实有的角度加以阐释。由此可略窥唯识与中观在空义阐释上的会通与歧异之处。  相似文献   
The allocation of sufficient participants into different experimental groups for various research purposes under given constraints is an important practical problem faced by researchers. We address the problem of sample size determination between two independent groups for unequal and/or unknown variances when both the power and the differential cost are taken into consideration. We apply the well‐known Welch approximate test to derive various sample size allocation ratios by minimizing the total cost or, equivalently, maximizing the statistical power. Two types of hypotheses including superiority/non‐inferiority and equivalence of two means are each considered in the process of sample size planning. A simulation study is carried out and the proposed method is validated in terms of Type I error rate and statistical power. As a result, the simulation study reveals that the proposed sample size formulas are very satisfactory under various variances and sample size allocation ratios. Finally, a flowchart, tables, and figures of several sample size allocations are presented for practical reference.  相似文献   
When the underlying variances are unknown or/and unequal, using the conventional F test is problematic in the two‐factor hierarchical data structure. Prompted by the approximate test statistics (Welch and Alexander–Govern methods), the authors develop four new heterogeneous test statistics to test factor A and factor B nested within A for the unbalanced fixed‐effect two‐stage nested design under variance heterogeneity. The actual significance levels and statistical power of the test statistics were compared in a simulation study. The results show that the proposed procedures maintain better Type I error rate control and have greater statistical power than those obtained by the conventional F test in various conditions. Therefore, the proposed test statistics are recommended in terms of robustness and easy implementation.  相似文献   
Multigroup structural equation modelling (SEM) is a technique frequently used to evaluate measurement invariance in social and behavioural science research. Before version 9.2, SAS was incapable of handling multigroup SEM. However, this limitation is resolved in PROC TCALIS in SAS 9.2. For the purpose of illustration, this paper provides a step-by-step guide to programming the tests of measurement invariance and partial invariance using PROC TCALIS for multigroup SEM with mean structures. Fit indices and parameter estimates are validated, thus providing an alternative tool for researchers conducting both applied and simulated studies. Other new features (e.g., different types of modelling languages and estimation methods) and limitations (e.g., ordered-categorical SEM and multilevel SEM) of the TCALIS procedure are also briefly discussed.  相似文献   
消化性溃疡是消化系统常见多发病,20世纪在此领域有两个重要的发现,即有效的抑酸药质子泵抑制剂和幽门螺杆菌的发现,对其过去几十年的发病率和死亡率产生了巨大影响。尽管有了重大进展,这种疾病仍然是当前一个重要的临床问题,主要是因为越来越多的广泛使用非甾体抗炎药(NSAID)和低剂量阿司匹林药物。本文从流行病学角度来纵观其近年来的发病情况及其特点,以提供给同道参考。  相似文献   
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