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Science and Engineering Ethics - Scientific authorship serves to identify and acknowledge individuals who “contribute significantly” to published research. However, specific authorship...  相似文献   
The present study aims to extend the scope of understanding on the relationships between environmental factors and burnout symptoms by targeting and including more extensive occupational demanding variables related to therapist burnout. The present study includes not only common occupational stressors (e.g., working hours, role overload and role conflict) but also variables reflecting the quality of relationship with clients (e.g., case load and negative clientele) that have not been dealt with before in meta‐analytic studies. A meta‐analysis was conducted on 27 original studies published from the year 2006 to 2018. The findings showed that, among environmental factors, role overload had the most significant positive correlations with exhaustion. In addition, negative clientele had the most significant positive correlations with depersonalisation and reduced accomplishment. Furthermore, caseload and low income had relatively weak relations with therapist burnout. Based on these results, implications and limitations of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

Several eye-movement studies have revealed flexibility in the parafoveal processing of character-order information in Chinese reading. In particular, studies show that processing a two-character word in a sentence benefits more from parafoveal preview of a nonword created by transposing rather than replacing its two characters. One issue that has not been investigated is whether the contextual predictability of the target word influences this processing of character order information. However, such a finding would provide novel evidence for an early influence of context on lexical processing in Chinese reading. Accordingly, we investigated this issue in an eye-movement experiment using the boundary paradigm and sentences containing two-character target words with high or low contextual predictability. Prior to the reader’s gaze crossing an invisible boundary, each target word was shown normally (i.e. a valid preview) or with its two characters either transposed or replaced by unrelated characters to create invalid nonword previews. These invalid previews reverted to the target word once the reader’s gaze crossed the invisible boundary. The results showed larger preview benefits (i.e. a decrease in fixation times) for target words following transposed-character than substituted-character previews, revealing a transposed-character effect similar to that in previous research. In addition, a word predictability effect (shorter fixation times for words with high than low predictability) was observed following both valid and transposed-character previews, but not substituted-character previews. The findings therefore reveal that context can influence an early stage of lexical processing in Chinese reading during which character order is processed flexibly.

《无神论》是美国马丁(MICHAEL MARTIN)教授写的一部名著,副标题《哲学的合理性证明》,1990年出版。书前有一篇颇长的《绪论》,针对一些有神论者的批评,作了扼要的回应,从中可以看出当代西方宗教神学是如何抨击无神论的,以及他对这些抨击所作的逻辑反驳和对无神论的合理性证明。我特别感兴趣的问题,还有作者无意中透露出来的美国的意识形态和宗教自由问题。作者回忆说,他幼年受家庭影响,倾向无神论,但同时知道,无神论在美国民众的心目中是很坏的,因为“他们大多数人都信仰上帝”。记得“三年级的一天,我向一个有同情心的指导顾问透露…  相似文献   
高官支持、带头搞伪科学、封建迷信,影响很坏高官们这些做法之所以影响很坏,是由于以下一些因素在起作用。(一)组织性和纪律观念的误用全国解放半个多世纪了。现在我国广大干部都是在党的教育下成长起来的,有的本身就是共产党员,他们都有很强的组织性和纪律观念,一般对上级领导人的批示和指示都不打折扣地贯彻执行。这无疑是对的。但另一方面,党的民主集中制原则规定,个人服从组织,少数服从多数,下级服从上级,全党服从中央;同时还规定,党员“对党的决议和政策如有不同意见,在坚决执行的前提下,可以声明保留,并且可以把自己的意见向党的上级…  相似文献   
Previous studies have shown that the prosocial behavior of individuals may be promoted or inhibited by the presence of others. This study hypothesizes that prosocial behavior relates to the relationships among present individuals, beyond their number. This study examines whether there is a significant difference in an individual's prosocial behavior in the presence of different types of others (strangers or friends) and whether this effect is mediated by the perception of face. Two studies that used different methods of data collection were conducted. It was found that the presence of friends promotes prosocial behavior more than does the presence of strangers. In addition, perceived face plays a mediating role between the presence of different types of people and prosocial behavior.  相似文献   
The multilevel logistic regression model (M-logit) is the standard model for modeling multilevel data with binary outcomes. However, many assumptions and restrictions should be considered when applying this model for unbiased estimation. To overcome these limitations, we proposed a multilevel CART (M-CART) algorithm which combines the M-logit and single level CART (S-CART) within the framework of the expectation-maximization. Simulation results showed that the proposed M-CART provided substantial improvements on classification accuracy, sensitivity, and specific over the M-logit, S-CART, and single level logistic regression model when modeling multilevel data with binary outcomes. This benefit of using M-CART was consistently found across different conditions of sample size, intra-class correlation, and when relationships between predictors and outcomes were nonlinear and nonadditive.  相似文献   
目的:检验儿童青少年正念量表(CAMM)在中国青少年群体中应用的信效度,为青少年正念研究提供科学工具。方法:选取310名中学生(样本1)进行条目分析和探索性因素分析,再选取309名中学生(样本2)进行验证性因素分析、效标效度、增量效度和信度分析。结果:中文版CAMM抽取2个因素最为合适,并具有良好的结构效度、效标效度、增量效度及较高的信度。结论:中文版CAMM具有良好的心理测量学指标,可以在中国青少年群体中使用。  相似文献   
One's ability to properly regulate emotion is critical to psychological and physical well‐being. Among various strategies to regulate emotion, cognitive reappraisal has been shown to modulate both emotional experience and emotional memory. However, most studies of reappraisal have focused on reappraisal of negative situations, with reappraisal of positive emotion receiving considerably less attention. In addition, the effects of reappraisal on emotional reactions to stimuli are typically only assessed either immediately or after a short delay, and it remains unclear whether reappraisal effects persist over longer time periods. We investigated the effect of cognitive reappraisal on emotional reactions and long‐term episodic memory for positive and negative stimuli. Men and women viewed emotionally negative, positive, and neutral pictures while they were instructed to either increase, decrease, or maintain the initial emotional reactions elicited by the pictures. Subjective ratings of emotional valence and arousal were assessed during the regulation task and again after 1 week. Memory for the pictures was assessed with free recall. Results indicated that pictures accompanied by instructions to increase emotion were better recalled than pictures reappraised to decrease emotion. Modulation of emotional arousal elicited by stimuli persisted over a week, but this effect was observed only for men. These findings suggest that cognitive reappraisal can have long‐lasting effects on emotional reactions to stimuli. However, the sex differences observed for the effects of reappraisal on emotional reactions highlight the importance of considering individual differences in the effects of regulation.  相似文献   
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