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Background Transition from comprehensive school to later educational tracks is challenging for many adolescents. The present three‐wave longitudinal study conducted in Finland considers this issue from the perspective of school burnout. Aims The study investigated the extent to which school‐related burnout (exhaustion, cynicism, and feelings of inadequacy) changes during the transition from comprehensive school to an academic or vocational track. Sample The participants of the present study were 658 ninth graders, who filled in questionnaires twice during their final term of comprehensive school and once after the transition to post‐comprehensive schooling. Methods The participants filled in the school burnout inventory and supplied background information on gender and academic achievement. The data have analysed by latent growth curve modelling. Results The results showed that adolescents on an academic track experienced more exhaustion at school than those on a vocational track. Moreover, among adolescents on an academic track both the level of cynicism and inadequacy at school increased across time. In turn, among adolescents on a vocational track inadequacy at school decreased across time while cynicism increased before the school transition and decreased thereafter. Girls experienced more overall school burnout than boys, and adolescents whose academic achievement was lower experienced a higher level of burnout than adolescents who did better at school. Conclusions The results support the stage‐environment fit theory according to which the nature of the environments in academic and vocational education are more important than the transition per se for changes in how adolescents think and feel about school (see Eccles & Midgley, 1989 ).  相似文献   
In the Finnish Adoption Study, a national sample of adoptees with high versus low genetic liability for schizophrenia spectrum disorders was indexed by DSM-III-R diagnoses of their biological, adopting-away mothers. The rearing-family environments of the adoptees were independently evaluated from global ratings of directly observed adoptive family relationships. The interaction of high genetic liability and dysfunction of the rearing families predicted highly significantly to schizophrenia spectrum disorder of the adoptees at 21-year follow-up. Either low genetic liability or healthy rearing protected against a spectrum outcomes for the adoptees. Initial adoptive parent diagnosis, as a proxy for rearing family dysfunction, predicted to adoptee outcome only as a trend.  相似文献   

People with haemophilia have been infected by HIV through blood products required for the treatment of their bleeds. In a recent study in Scotland their knowledge of HIV/AIDS and their behavioural changes were explored. It was found that people with severe haemophilia were better informed about HIV and AIDS than the mildly/moderately affected, bur only the knowledge of precautions in mildly/moderately affected patients was positively associated with their change of sexual practices. Mildly/moderately affected patients, who were less at risk of contracting HIV, reduced their treatment more than the severely affected patients. Only one third of patients applied safe-sex practices and a greater proportion of those who did not were single men, some of them HIV antibody positive.  相似文献   
In writing this paper I have gained much from discussions with Simo Knuuttila and Calvin Normore.  相似文献   
The present study investigated whether facial expressions modulate visual attention in 7-month-old infants. First, infants' looking duration to individually presented fearful, happy, and novel facial expressions was compared to looking duration to a control stimulus (scrambled face). The face with a novel expression was included to examine the hypothesis that the earlier findings of greater allocation of attention to fearful as compared to happy faces could be due to the novelty of fearful faces in infants' rearing environment. The infants looked longer at the fearful face than at the control stimulus, whereas no such difference was found between the other expressions and the control stimulus. Second, a gap/overlap paradigm was used to determine whether facial expressions affect the infants' ability to disengage their fixation from a centrally presented face and shift attention to a peripheral target. It was found that infants disengaged their fixation significantly less frequently from fearful faces than from control stimuli and happy faces. Novel facial expressions did not have a similar effect on attention disengagement. Thus, it seems that adult-like modulation of the disengagement of attention by threat-related stimuli can be observed early in life, and that the influence of emotionally salient (fearful) faces on visual attention is not simply attributable to the novelty of these expressions in infants' rearing environment.  相似文献   
Cortical operational synchrony during audio-visual speech integration   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Information from different sensory modalities is processed in different cortical regions. However, our daily perception is based on the overall impression resulting from the integration of information from multiple sensory modalities. At present it is not known how the human brain integrates information from different modalities into a unified percept. Using a robust phenomenon known as the McGurk effect it was shown in the present study that audio-visual synthesis takes place within a distributed and dynamic cortical networks with emergent properties. Various cortical sites within these networks interact with each other by means of so-called operational synchrony (Kaplan, Fingelkurts, Fingelkurts, & Darkhovsky, 1997). The temporal synchronization of cortical operations processing unimodal stimuli at different cortical sites reveals the importance of the temporal features of auditory and visual stimuli for audio-visual speech integration.  相似文献   
Practice effects on a visuomotor test (the Developmental Test of Visuo-Motor Integration), a timed visual discrimination test (the Underlining Test), and two problem-solving tests (the Porteus Mazes Test and the Tower of Hanoi Test) were analyzed. Children of two age groups (Ms: 7.7 and 11.6 yr.) were chosen to study the effect of age on practice effects. The tests were repeated nine times with test-retest intervals of 2 mo. The Developmental Test of Visuo-Motor Integration showed no practice effects, while the Porteus Mazes Test, the Underlining Test, and the Tower of Hanoi Test showed significant practice effects. Practice effects were larger for the older age group on all the tests, except the Developmental Test of Visuo-Motor Integration. The Developmental Test of Visuo-Motor Integration and the Underlining Test showed good reliability, but those of the problem-solving tasks were less satisfactory. The stability of all the tests, except the Tower of Hanoi Test, was good.  相似文献   
This article presents VQone, a graphical experiment builder, written as a MATLAB toolbox, developed for image and video quality ratings. VQone contains the main elements needed for the subjective image and video quality rating process. This includes building and conducting experiments and data analysis. All functions can be controlled through graphical user interfaces. The experiment builder includes many standardized image and video quality rating methods. Moreover, it enables the creation of new methods or modified versions from standard methods. VQone is distributed free of charge under the terms of the GNU general public license and allows code modifications to be made so that the program’s functions can be adjusted according to a user’s requirements. VQone is available for download from the project page (http://www.helsinki.fi/psychology/groups/visualcognition/).  相似文献   
The adolescent years, being a period of unique developmental changes, are of great interest in understanding suicidal behavior. The occurrence of completed suicide by age in 1-year age groups in adolescence and young adulthood was studied via official Finnish mortality statistics and the population statistics. Suicide rates increased sharply by age during adolescence, starting somewhat earlier among boys than among girls. During the periods of rapidly rising and high suicide rates in the 1970s and 1980s among boys, the increase in suicide rates started at a younger age than during a spell of lower rates in the 1960s.  相似文献   
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