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We examined the moderating effect of regulatory foci on the efficacy of episodic future thinking in reducing delay discounting. We hypothesized that the impact of imagining positive future events (vs. recent positive events) on delay discounting of gains would be stronger for individuals with a high promotion focus than for those with a high prevention focus (Hypothesis 1). Conversely, the effects of imagining adverse future events (vs. recent negative events) on delay discounting of losses would be stronger for individuals with a high prevention focus than for those with a high promotion focus (Hypothesis 2). We conducted two experiments in which participants, randomly allocated to episodic future thinking (EFT) or episodic recent thinking (ERT) groups, completed a delayed discounting task of gain (Experiment 1) or loss (Experiment 2). Experiment 1 (N = 73) weakly supported Hypothesis 1; Experiment 2 (N = 99) did not support Hypothesis 2. Our findings suggest positive EFT is particularly effective for individuals with a high promotion focus compared to individuals with a high prevention focus, which further reveals how EFT attenuates delay discounting.  相似文献   
Procrastination is defined as postponing a task, anticipating adverse consequences in the future. In contrast, D. A. Rosenbaum and colleagues introduced the concept of “precrastination” in 2014, defining it as people doing a task early even when involving physical cost because they desire to minimize their cognitive load. This study aimed to organize and expand the new concept and advance understanding of precrastination in everyday situations and of the associations between precrastination and self-control. Using the scenario assumption method, we examined whether people would precrastinate or procrastinate a task to remove cognitive load and clear their mind even if there was physical cost/burden (Study 1), and whether they would precrastinate or procrastinate a painful event to remove emotional load stemming from a fear of pain (Study 2). The results showed that (a) people start tasks early in order to remove cognitive and emotional load; (b) people do not start tasks early when they involve physical cost, burden, or fear; (c) people with high self-control start tasks early to remove cognitive load even when involving physical cost; and (d) people with high self-control and low fear start tasks earlier to remove emotional load.  相似文献   
Treatment studies and particularly psychotherapeutic treatment studies of patients suffering from an adjustment disorder are very scarce, leading to insufficient evidence regarding the efficacy of treatment in this population. Whereas timely psychotherapy is known to be of benefit in the treatment of adjustment disorders, the ideal duration of psychotherapeutic interventions is not known. This study examined whether a brief 12-session focused psychodynamic psychotherapy may be as efficient as a longer intermediate-term (1?year) psychodynamic psychotherapy in treating patients suffering from an adjustment disorder. Subjects (n?=?66) were randomly assigned to either brief or intermediate psychotherapy. They were assessed by self-report measures and clinician’s evaluation at baseline, end of therapy, and 9?months after therapy was terminated. The results showed a good overall improvement in the whole group. Furthermore, brief psychotherapy was found to be as good as intermediate psychotherapy both at the end of treatment and at follow-up. Although our study was not designed to confirm the efficacy of dynamic psychotherapy in the treatment of adjustment disorders, our results suggest that brief interventions may be good enough in adjustment disorder, thus allowing treatment of a greater number of patients without compromising for the quality and suitability of treatment.  相似文献   
We administered a paper‐and‐pencil questionnaire to 133 female and 99 male Japanese high school students 13–18 years old (M = 15.9, SD = 1.57) from the Kansai area to examine cultural influences on their body image and body change behaviours. Our aim was to ascertain the independent and combined influences from traditional Japanese, modern Japanese, and Western values. Cluster analyses identified four ‘acculturative’ groups: ‘anti‐modern’, ‘traditional’, ‘pro‐modern/anti‐traditional’, and ‘pro‐Western/anti‐Japanese’. Pro‐modern and pro‐Western adolescents were most dissatisfied with their bodies, and pro‐Western adolescents were also most likely to attempt weight loss. The results demonstrate the value of assessing cultural interactions in Japan along three dimensions.  相似文献   
Pigeons were trained in a within-subjects design to discriminate durations of a filled interval (2 s and 8 s of light) and durations of an empty interval (2 s and 8 s bound by two 500-ms light markers). Filled intervals required a response to one set of comparisons (e.g., blue vs. yellow), whereas empty intervals required a response to a different set of comparisons (e.g., red vs. green). Psychophysical testing indicated that empty intervals were judged to be longer than equivalent durations of a filled interval. This finding was replicated when the anchor durations used during training were changed to 1 s and 4 s, or 4 s and 16 s. The difference between the point of subjective equality (PSE) for the empty intervals and the PSE for filled intervals increased as the magnitude of the anchor duration pairs increased. In addition, the difference limens (DL) for empty intervals were smaller than those for filled intervals, and they also increased as the magnitude of anchor duration pairs increased. An analysis of the Weber fractions (WF; i.e., DL/PSE) provided evidence for superimposition of the empty and filled timing functions across the different sets of anchor durations. These results suggest that the accumulation of subjective time was greater for empty intervals than for filled intervals. Within the framework of scalar timing theory, this difference in timing appeared to be the result of a clock rate difference rather than a switch latency difference.  相似文献   
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