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Independently of their age, individuals produce weak logical responses when they solve the Wason selection task. Many studies describe conditional reasoning, focusing on intra-individual and general processes. The role of meaning attributed to the situation or the linguistic interpretation of the rules have nevertheless been stressed by pragmatic studies. Few scattered studies show the role of collective situations, of subjects’ prior knowledge and of objects in solving the selection task. This paper goes back to the questions raised by the selection task and attempts to place past results into a cultural-historical theoretical framework, which defines a complex and evolving cognitive system, where human beings rely on social exchanges, equip themselves with cultural instruments, create intellectual tools, and give meaning to their experiences. Taking into account such a system is necessary to shed light upon the possibilities for the development of human thinking processes in order to solve selection tasks.  相似文献   
This study aimed at assessing the processing time of a natural scene in a fast categorization task of its context or “gist”. In Experiment 1, human subjects performed 4 go/no-go categorization tasks in succession with colour pictures of real-world scenes belonging to 2 natural categories: “Sea” and “mountain”, and 2 artificial categories: “Indoor” and “urban”. Experiment 2 used colour and grey-level scenes in the same tasks to assess the role of colour cues on performance. Pictures were flashed for 26 ms. Both experiments showed that the gist of real-world scenes can be extracted with high accuracy (>90%), short median RT (400-460 ms) and early responses triggered with latencies as short as 260-300 ms. Natural scenes were processed faster than artificial scenes. Categories for which colour could have a diagnostic value were processed faster in colour than in grey. Finally, processing speed is compared for scene and object categorization tasks.  相似文献   
Ecuyer-Dab I  Robert M 《Cognition》2004,91(3):221-257
Drawing on the theoretical and empirical foundations of two evolutionary models, we argue that, among humans and other mammals, a twofold selection process would parsimoniously account for sex-linked advantages in spatial contexts. In males, a superiority for both solving navigation-related spatial problems and understanding physical principles that apply to the behavior of projectiles could have been inherited from mating-oriented male competition involving extensive ranging and agonistic displays. In females, a form of superior spatial memory may have been shaped in relation to a costly reproduction system compelling them to safeguard their survival and that of their offspring by fostering low-risk strategies consisting of restricted navigation as well as concentration on nearby spatial cues. Based on the combined action of competition and survival pressures, we submit new predictions as to spatial sex differences in several species including humans.  相似文献   
In mammals, spatial sex differences may have coevolved with sex differences in the size of home ranges. This study first evaluated whether, in keeping with most mammals and traditional human (Homo sapiens) societies, home ranges are larger in male than in female Westerners. Second, it established whether navigation patterns are associated with a broader set of spatial abilities in men than in women. Results showed that current male home ranges surpass female home ranges. Ranging was also positively correlated with achievement in tests of mental rotation, surface development, and location memory among men only, whereas it was associated with embedded figures scores in both sexes. Overall, these findings substantiate the adaptive role of several spatial sex differences in humans.  相似文献   
Two studies were carried out to examine the persistence (Study 1) and characteristics (Study 2) of mathematics learning disability (MLD) in girls with Turner syndrome or fragile X during the primary school years (ages 5-9 years). In Study 1, the rate of MLD for each syndrome group exceeded the rate observed in a grade-matched comparison group, although the likelihood of MLD persisting through the primary school years was comparable for all three groups. In Study 2, formal and informal math skills were compared across the syndrome groups, a normative group, and children from the normative group who had MLD. Few differences were observed between the Turner syndrome and normative groups. Despite having rote counting and number representation skills comparable to those in the normative group, girls with fragile X had difficulty with counting rules (e.g., cardinality, number constancy). However, this difficulty did not distingush them from the MLD group. Overall, counting skills appear to distinguish the Turner syndrome and fragile X groups, suggesting that the specificity of math deficits emerges earlier for fragile X than Turner syndrome.  相似文献   
The present study was designed to assess object identification ("what") and location ("where") skills among girls with fragile X or Turner syndrome and girls with neither disorder. Participants completed standardized subtests of visual perception and tasks of visuospatial "what" and "where" memory. Girls with fragile X had average performance on most object identification tasks, yet 53% failed to accurately recreate the gestalt of a design during the "where" memory task. Fewer than 7% of girls in the Turner or comparison group made this error. Girls with Turner syndrome had lower scores and longer response times on object perception tasks and had poorer recall of location for internal features of the design on the "where" memory task, relative to girls in the comparison or fragile X group. When limiting analyses to IQ-matched samples, correlations between math and visual perception tasks emerged, but only for girls with fragile X. These results reflect important differences between two cognitive phenotypes and have implications for the role of visuospatial processing in early math performance.  相似文献   
Some interpersonal verbs show an implicit causality bias in favour of their subject or their object. Such a bias is generally seen in offline continuation tasks where participants are required to finish a fragment containing the verb (e.g., Peter annoyed Jane because ...). The implicit causality bias has been ascribed to the subject's focusing on the initiator of the event denoted by the verb. According to this "focusing theory" the implicit cause has a higher level of activation, at least after the connective "because" has been read. Recently, the focusing theory has been criticized by researchers who used a probe recognition or reading-time methodology. However no clear alternative has been proposed to explain the offline continuation data. In this paper, we report three experiments using an online continuation task, which showed that subjects took more time to imagine an ending when the fragment to be completed contained an anaphor that was incongruent with the verbal bias (e.g., Peter annoyed Jane because she ...). This result suggests that the offline continuation data could reflect the cognitive effort associated with finding a predicate with an agent incongruent with the implicit causality bias of a verb. In the discussion, we suggest that this effort could be related to the number of constraints that an incongruent clause must satisfy to be consistent with the causal structure of the discourse.  相似文献   
Both low parental IQ and stress have been shown to be associated with parenting difficulties and adverse child outcomes. We examined stress in parents with low IQ as a potential contributor to their documented parenting problems. Eighty-two mothers with intellectual disabilities (IQ < 80; labelled as having mental retardation) were given the Parenting Stress Index and they were found to be enduring very high levels of overall stress (95th percentile), stress related to child characteristics (95th percentile), and stress related to other life experiences (90th percentile) as compared to the normative test group. We divided the 82 mothers with intellectual disabilities into three groups depending on the age of their children. The mothers with school-age children reported significantly higher stress than parents of infant/toddler and preschool children. A hierarchical regression analysis revealed that child age and living in a crowded environment were significant predictors of parenting stress. The results confirm that mothers with intellectual disabilities experience extreme stress that, together with other factors, may hinder adequate parenting.  相似文献   
In order to investigate the nature of the processes that promote the observational learning of conservation, nonconservers were allowed or not visual access to the conservation stimuli while an adult model verbalized the conservation rule. In addition, after each demonstration the subjects were submitted to one of four conditions. The first three conditions involved a short pause during which the observers respectively kept seeing the stimuli, had to visualize them mentally, and had to visualize mentally some irrelevant stimuli; no interruption occurred in the fourth condition. As predicted, the withdrawal of visual information at the time of rule exemplification was accompanied with lower learning scores. However, equivalent acquisition was found with respect to each of the conditions in which the subjects were invited to examine specific stimuli after rule modeling. Altogether these data were discussed in terms of the greater and lesser extent to which the conditions permitted the children, during the observational training, to practice covertly the modeled solution.  相似文献   
In a depth process the unconscious presents images of destruction. In my analytic work with a female Mexican artist, the themes of destruction and creation alive in her psyche echo the motifs of the pre-Hispanic myth of Coyolxauhqui. I will illustrate the mythological amplifications of the patient's personal material with illustrations of her paintings. I will also discuss how this myth operates in a male patient, and between the masculine and feminine in Mexican culture. Similar images by the German artist Anselm Kiefer refer to the dismembering of the newly discovered lands and government violence against the youth of Mexico.  相似文献   
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