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Construct of job performance: Evidence from Chinese military soldiers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The construct of job performance has been one of the important topics in job performance research. The present study investigated the construct of job performance among Chinese military soldiers using both qualitative and quantitative methods. First, after interviewing 95 officers and soldiers, we categorized and conceptualized eight sets of typical behavioural incidents related to soldiers' job performance, and designed a questionnaire measuring job performance. Then, using a sample of 1402 Chinese soldiers, questionnaire reliability and validity were tested, and then the questionnaire was revised. The construct of job performance was further refined using confirmatory factor analyses and regression analyses using another sample of 1068 soldiers. The results showed that Chinese military soldiers' job performance consisted of two dimensions of task performance and contextual performance. Furthermore, task performance had three subfactors: military training, task accomplishment and work capability, whereas contextual performance encompassed four factors: helping others, love of learning, promoting organizational benefit and self-discipline. Task performance and contextual performance contributed independently to overall job performance.  相似文献   
宋官东  杨志天  崔淼 《心理科学》2008,31(1):249-252
分析了米尔格拉姆"服从"实验中被试的心理行为特点;阐述了米尔格拉姆"服从"实验中被试行为的多重性质;揭示了服从是"主体在特定社会情境中,通过对客体提供的社会信息的概括、判断和推理,为寻求奖赏或免受惩罚而产生的与客体一致的行为或态度"的本质;提出了服从行为"期望理论"的数学模型和服从行为转化的基本历程函数图.  相似文献   
时间知觉是指对刺激的同时性、时间顺序和持续性的认知加工, 表现为时距和时序两个方面。注意机制可以解释实际时间和主观时间之间的差异:注意的增强会延长对时距的估计, 受注意的刺激会被知觉为提早出现。相关的注意理论模型有AGM模型, 系统仿真模型和AUM模型。未来需关注神经科学方面的证据, 进一步推动时间知觉脑机制和跨通道信息整合的研究。  相似文献   
语文教学中的内隐学习   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
缪小春  杨金鑫 《心理科学》2004,27(3):524-527
本文作者根据语文教学的目的,语文教学的结果和语文教学的内容特点,认为内隐学习在语文教学中,特别是汉语教学中,可起重要作用。然后.介绍了他们对这个问题进行的阔查和实验研究。实验证实,内隐学习和外显学习的效果没有磬异,或内隐学习的效果优于外显学习。而且,内隐学习具有较好的保持效果。因此,作者提出应充分重视内隐学习在语文教学中的作用。  相似文献   
睡眠剥夺对连续作业的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
将18名青年被试随机分为三组,Sd21h、SD45h和SD69h,SD前后用内田—克莱佩林测试。结果为:(1)SD后组间比较,UK作业量、错误数、后期增减率各组之间有显著差异;订正数各组之间没有显著差异;(2)SD前后自身比较,各组UK总量、后一部分总量、错误数和后期增减率有显著差异;订正数无显著差异;SD21组前一部分总量有显著差异;而SD45和SD69组前一部分总量无显著差异。该结果表明,SD后警赏水平下降,在SD45小时后下降更为明显;UK测验中的后期增减率可较好地反映SD后警赏水平的变化。  相似文献   
面对启蒙运动所造成的个体与共同体分裂的现代社会困境,黑格尔以其合理性的原则致力于实现主观自由与客观自由,即市民社会与政治国家之间的和解。这种"和解"需要"伦理"的内在支撑,即市民社会的成员为了促进并维持基于"理念"而建立起来的社会,必须恪守一套义务,参与共同体的生活;而共同体也致力于充分实现个体自身的自主性。在此基础上,达到个体与共同体的和谐共生。  相似文献   
In two studies, we examined whether (a) conceptions of Jesus would differ between Koreans and Americans, and whether (b) national differences in self-reported personality and well-being are mediated by the cultural norm for personality and well-being. Because there is only one Jesus, different conceptions held by Koreans and Americans are likely to reflect cultural construction processes. In Study 1, we asked Korean and American participants to engage in a free association task with Jesus as a target. Americans associated Jesus with primarily positive connotations (“awesome”) and rarely with negative connotations (“pain”), whereas Koreans associated Jesus with both positive and negative connotations. In Study 2, we asked Korean and American participants to rate Jesus and themselves using personality and well-being scales. Americans rated both Jesus and themselves as more extraverted, agreeable, conscientious, open, and happier than did Koreans. Most important, national differences in self-reported agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness, and happiness were partially mediated by conceptions of Jesus.  相似文献   
家庭治疗自上个世纪80年代末引入我国以来深受各领域研究者的关注,其关注的焦点之一就是家庭治疗与我国的文化适应性问题。而孝道,是几千年来中华民族传统美德的重要组成部分,被看作是中国文化的最突出的特色。探讨家庭治疗与孝道之关系,可从中发现对家庭治疗在国内施行的一些启示。  相似文献   
翻译与修订个体相对剥夺感问卷(Personal Relative Deprivation Scale,PRDS),并在大学生群体中进行了信效度检验。探索性因子分析结果显示,原问卷中两个反向计分的项目在主因子载荷很低,删除这两个项目后的PRDS-3各项目鉴别力良好; 探索性因子分析和验证性因子分析均显示PRDS-3符合单维度结构; PRDS-3重测信度为0.89,在不同样本间的内部一致性系数为0.77-0.81; PRDS-3得分与相对剥夺感、经济相对剥夺感、焦虑、压力、抑郁、攻击性等效标具有中高程度的相关关系(r>0.4,p<0.01)。PRDS-3得分与社会比较倾向的能力维度显著相关(r=0.46,p<0.01),且能部分地中介能力社会比较倾向对物质主义和生活满意度的影响。综上,可以认为,中文版PRDS-3信效度指标良好,符合测量学要求,可作为相对剥夺感的评估工具。  相似文献   
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