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时间变量对大学新生人格特质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈妙 《心理科学》2007,30(6):1493-1496
以台湾地区某大学新生,从1998至2003共六届3141人为对象,分析人格改变情形,统计结果发现13项人格特质的赖氏人格量表中达显著差异的有6项,包括社会外向、攻击性、变异性、神经质、自卑感及虚伪性。性别分析达显著差异的共7项,包括活动性、客观性、协调性、攻击性、变异性、自卑感及神经质;男学生显著高于女学生的有活动性及攻击性,女学生显著高于男学生的有客观性、协调性、变异性、自卑感及神经质。结果显示在时间变量中,大学新生的人格的确发生了转变。  相似文献   
Previous studies have found that in American culture high-arousal positive states (HAP) such as excitement are valued more and low-arousal positive states (LAP) such as calm are valued less than they are in Chinese culture. What specific factors account for these differences? The authors predicted that when people and cultures aimed to influence others (i.e., assert personal needs and change others' behaviors to meet those needs), they would value HAP more and LAP less than when they aimed to adjust to others (i.e., suppress personal needs and change their own behaviors to meet others' needs). They test these predictions in 1 survey and 3 experimental studies. The findings suggest that within and across American and Chinese contexts, differences in ideal affect are due to specific interpersonal goals.  相似文献   
采用Bicomb及SPSS软件对第二十二届全国心理学大会进行统计分析,探讨中国心理学的研究现状及发展趋势。本届会议分为31个专题,共收录1295篇论文摘要,产生42个高频关键词。研究结果表明,中国心理学目前仍处在蓬勃发展期,门类分支较细,研究成果丰硕,研究机构主要以师范类院校及专业研究结构为主; 关键词共词分析发现中国心理学研究具有五个热点领域。未来应进一步做好纵向研究,采用更为先进的研究方法,并结合心理学分支领域的会议来判断中国心理学研究的现状及发展。  相似文献   
亲子互动研究及其进展   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
亲子互动研究是从父母与儿童互动的角度来研究父母与儿童的交往行为,在近几十年来越来越受到国内外研究者的关注。该文从亲子互动影响因素和亲子互动与儿童心理、行为发展的关系两个方面介绍了亲子互动的有关研究,同时又从有缺陷儿童的亲子互动和父亲在亲子互动中的作用介绍了亲子互动研究的进展。  相似文献   
Moderation analysis has many applications in social sciences. Most widely used estimation methods for moderation analysis assume that errors are normally distributed and homoscedastic. When these assumptions are not met, the results from a classical moderation analysis can be misleading. For more reliable moderation analysis, this article proposes two robust methods with a two-level regression model when the predictors do not contain measurement error. One method is based on maximum likelihood with Student's t distribution and the other is based on M-estimators with Huber-type weights. An algorithm for obtaining the robust estimators is developed. Consistent estimates of standard errors of the robust estimators are provided. The robust approaches are compared against normal-distribution-based maximum likelihood (NML) with respect to power and accuracy of parameter estimates through a simulation study. Results show that the robust approaches outperform NML under various distributional conditions. Application of the robust methods is illustrated through a real data example. An R program is developed and documented to facilitate the application of the robust methods.  相似文献   
为探讨初中生羞怯、疏离感、班级心理环境和手机依赖的关系,采用羞怯量表、青少年疏离感量表、班级心理环境量表和手机依赖指数量表对山东省两所学校的1077名初一至初三年级的学生进行调查。结果显示:(1)羞怯显著正向预测初中生手机依赖;(2)疏离感在初中生羞怯与手机依赖之间起完全中介作用;(3)班级心理环境对中介效应的后半段路径起调节作用,高班级心理环境会缓解疏离感对手机依赖的影响,但在极高疏离感水平下,高班级心理环境反而会加剧个体的手机依赖水平。研究有助于了解羞怯对手机依赖的复杂影响机制,对预防以及减少初中生手机依赖具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   
Why are American landscapes (e.g., housing developments, shopping malls) so uniform, despite the well-known American penchant for independence and uniqueness? We propose that this paradox can be explained by American mobility: Residential mobility fosters familiarity-seeking and familiarity-liking, while allowing individuals to pursue their personal goals and desires. We reason that people are drawn to familiar objects (e.g., familiar, national chain stores) when they move. We conducted 5 studies to test this idea at the levels of society, individuals, and situations. We found that (a) national chain stores do better in residentially mobile places than in residentially stable places (controlling for other economic and demographic factors; Study 1); (b) individuals who have moved a lot prefer familiar, national chain stores to unfamiliar stores (Studies 2a and 2b); and (c) a residential mobility mindset enhances the mere exposure and familiarity-liking effect (Studies 4 and 5). In Study 5, we demonstrated that the link between mobility and familiarity-liking was mediated by anxiety evoked by mobility.  相似文献   
We conducted two studies to explore psychological consequences of a mobile lifestyle. In Study 1, we found that participants who were randomly assigned to think about a mobile lifestyle used more loneliness and sadness-related words and anticipated having fewer friends in the future than those who thought about a stable lifestyle (or a typical day as a control). In Study 2, we replicated this finding with a non-college sample. In addition, we found that those in the mobility condition reported being more motivated to expand their social network. Finally, the effect of mobility on the motivation to expand social networks was mediated by anticipated loneliness and sadness.  相似文献   
采用自定步速阅读方法与图片核证范式(picture verification paradigm)探讨状态不确定独立否定句(如“裙子不是红色的”)的动态表征过程, 包括3个实验。结果发现:(1)在否定加工的初期, 即250 ms间隔时间条件下, 读者表征事件的否定状态; 肯定句已经通达事件的实际状态。(2)在否定加工的中期, 即750 ms间隔时间条件下, 读者仍然表征事件的否定状态, 但已开始对事件的备择选项进行搜索; 肯定句仍然保持对事件实际状态的表征。(3)在否定加工的后期, 即1500 ms间隔时间条件下, 读者表征否定标记与事件的否定状态, 同时完成对备择选项的搜索; 肯定句依旧保持对事件实际状态的表征。据此, 本文提出的锚激活与限制满足模型(anchor-based activation and satisfaction constrained model)得到初步证明。  相似文献   
采用Flanker范式,通过考察高低强迫倾向个体在Flanker任务上的差异,来研究强迫倾向个体信息加工方式的特点。研究结果显示,在Flanker任务中,高强迫倾向个体显示出较慢的反应速度,表现为更多的犹豫不觉的特性;高强迫倾向个体的信息加工方式以集中加工为主;高强迫倾向个体在信息加工的灵活性上存在不足,对情景的变化较不敏感。通过对强迫倾向个体的信息加工方式的研究,有助于丰富和发展强迫症的理论,同时为强迫症的临床治疗提供依据。  相似文献   
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