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入道以来,遇到的最多的问题就是"什么是道?"这个问题很难回答.难回答的原因大致有二:第一个原因是老子在<道德经>开篇就告诉了我们"道可道非常道"以及"知者不言,言者不知",也告诉了我们"不可致诘";第二个原因是因为道是一个"独立而不改"的整体,它是一个不可分割的"一".  相似文献   
职业决策常分三类:理智型、直觉型及依赖型,但直觉型的内容不明。本研究用自编的职业决策问卷(其中直觉型策略细化为三种启发式)对516名近两年做过职业决策者作了调查。结果发现:除理智型策略外,受调查者还较多使用再认、满意化、排除法这三种启发式,较少使用依赖型策略;性别、学历、求职经验不同者使用的策略有不同程度的差异;理智型策略和满意化对人-职匹配有显著预测作用。这提示应合理认识人们使用的多种策略及其不同作用。  相似文献   
儿童早期的文字意识是儿童阅读能力发展最重要的两个预测变量之一,在幼儿时期表现为对文字的关注。研究以121名4-6岁幼儿为被试,采用TobiiT60眼动仪记录幼儿在图画书阅读过程中对文字注视的眼动。结果发现:1.幼儿在自主阅读情境下仍然首先关注图画、在阅读过程中主要关注图画,自主阅读情境中幼儿对文字的注视时间比例和注视次数比例远高于亲子阅读情境中的比例。2.年龄和文字面积是幼儿图画书自主阅读中文字注视的核心影响因素,幼儿对文字的注视比例随着年龄的增长而不断提高,文字面积通过年龄对幼儿的文字注视起作用。3.幼儿早期阅读能力经历了从图画到文字的发展过程,学前末期,幼儿逐渐成为一个初步的文字阅读者。  相似文献   
理智(intelligence)是杜威实践哲学中一个极为重要的概念。但是这种重要性至今还没有被学界所重视,几乎没有人对这个概念进行详细的论述和研究。这使得人们在释读杜威哲学的时候,容易把其理智概念想当然地归结于经验的一种功能,或者简单地等同于大写的理性,从而出现许多偏颇和不清晰的地方。从这个角度来说,厘清杜威理智概念的真实内涵,成为客观地理解杜威哲学的一个关键性环节。而且,笔者认为,杜威在经验世界的基础上重新阐释了理智与经验、冲动、习惯、思虑以及行为选择之间的整体性关系,进而突出了理智的实践性的德性内蕴,使它与传统意义上的理性、智慧以及算计等概念有了一种本质的区别,成为杜威哲学超越传统二元论的一个关键因素。  相似文献   
Ren J  Gao X 《Psychological reports》2012,110(1):149-165
Summary.-This study was designed to examine negative pragmatic transfer of the speech act of English compliments by Chinese who learn English as a foreign language and to estimate the correlation between the amount of negative pragmatic transfer and English proficiency of the Chinese learners. Frequencies of students' performance showed that both in the favored compliments and the response strategies, differences were evident between Chinese English learners and native English speakers. This indicated that Chinese learners had trouble with the "slang" or "idioms" of the target language and tended to transfer negatively their L1 pragmatic norms to their L2 communication. Moreover, the favored compliment response strategies used by two groups of Chinese learners--who had different levels of English proficiency--differed, and negative pragmatic transfer decreased as proficiency in English increased.  相似文献   
Atypical eletrodermal and cardiovascular response patterns in psychopathic individuals are thought to be biological indicators of fearless and disinhibition. This study investigated the relationship between psychopathic traits and these autonomic response patterns using a countdown task in 843 children (aged 9-10?years). Heart rate (HR) and non-specific skin conductance responses (NS-SCRs) were recorded while participants anticipated and reacted to 105?dB signaled or un-signaled white-noise bursts. Using multilevel regression models, both larger HR acceleration and fewer NS-SCR were found to be significantly associated with psychopathic traits during anticipation of signaled white-noise bursts. However, two divergent patterns appeared for HR and SCR: (1) larger HR acceleration was specific to the callousness-disinhibition factor of psychopathic traits while reduced NS-SCR was only associated with the manipulative-deceitfulness factor; (2) the negative association between the manipulative-deceitfulness factor and NS-SCR was only found in boys but not in girls. These findings replicated what has been found in psychopathic adults, suggesting that autonomic deficits present in children at risk may predispose them to later psychopathy. The divergent findings across psychopathic facets and sexes raised the possibility of different etiologies underlying psychopathy, which may in turn suggest multiple treatment strategies for boys and girls.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to identify meaningful subtypes of psychopathy among Chinese female offenders. A Latent Profile Analysis (LPA) based on the scores of the Levenson Self-Report Psychopathic Scale was performed in a sample of Chinese female prisoners (N?=?279, M age?=?45.43, SD?=?8.62). The LPA yielded three profiles: “low psychopathy group” (27.6%), “moderate psychopathy group” (66.7%), and “high egocentricity and antisocial group” (5.7%). These profiles differed on all outcome variables including anxiety, depression, reactive aggression, and proactive aggression. The high egocentricity and antisocial group had a greater risk for anxiety, recidivism, impulsiveness, and aggression. Overall, the findings support the existence of psychopathy subtypes in non-Western cultural contexts, suggest gender similarities in the manifestation of psychopathy traits, and further the understanding of psychopathy typologies.

ABSTRACT. This study tested the hypotheses that experiencing regret would result in ego-depletion, while finding benefits (i.e., “silver linings”) in the regret-eliciting events counteracted the ego-depletion effect. Using a modified gambling paradigm (Experiments 1, 2, and 4) and a retrospective method (Experiments 3 and 5), five experiments were conducted to induce regret. Results revealed that experiencing regret undermined performance on subsequent tasks, including a paper-and-pencil calculation task (Experiment 1), a Stroop task (Experiment 2), and a mental arithmetic task (Experiment 3). Furthermore, finding benefits in the regret-eliciting events improved subsequent performance (Experiments 4 and 5), and this improvement was mediated by participants’ perceived vitality (Experiment 4). This study extended the depletion model of self-regulation by considering emotions with self-conscious components (in our case, regret). Moreover, it provided a comprehensive understanding of how people felt and performed after experiencing regret and after finding benefits in the events that caused the regret.  相似文献   
The present study aimed to test the Sense Model of cross-linguistic masked translation priming asymmetry, proposed by Finkbeiner et al. (J Mem Lang 51:1–22, 2004), by manipulating the number of senses that bilingual participants associated with words from both languages. Three lexical decision experiments were conducted with Chinese-English bilinguals. In Experiment 1, polysemous L2 words and their L1 Chinese single-sense translation equivalents were selected as primes and targets. In Experiment 2, single-sense L1 words and their L2 translation equivalents with polysemous senses severed as primes and targets. We found translation priming effects in the L1–L2 direction, but not in the L2–L1 direction. In Experiment 3, presentation time of the L2 priming stimulus was prolonged, and significant translation priming effects were observed in the L2–L1 direction. These findings suggest that the Sense Model does not adequately explain cross-language translation priming asymmetry. The sense numbers of primes and targets, as well as the activation proportion of these senses between them, were possibly not the primary reason for cross-language translation priming asymmetry. The revised hierarchical model (Kroll and Stewart in J Mem Lang 33:149–174, 1994) and the BIA+ model (Dijkstra and van Heuven in Bilingualism Lang Cognit 5:175–197, 2002) better explain the cross-language translation priming asymmetry we found.  相似文献   
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