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安慰剂处理从最初作为研究某种真实治疗效应的控制条件, 已演变为研究者直接关注的研究目标, 其实验范式也发生了相应变化。双盲随机设计关注真实的治疗是否优于安慰剂处理; 欺骗设计直接比较安慰剂处理效应和自然历史效应的差异, 关注安慰剂效应本身; 公开隐藏设计通过计算公开治疗效应和隐藏治疗效应之差来估计安慰剂效应的大小; 平衡范式可同时观察安慰剂效应和真实治疗效应; 强化范式通过条件性强化获得加强的安慰剂效应, 是研究其作用机制的优化方案; 本课题组建立的迁移强化范式, 研究安慰剂效应从痛觉到情绪的迁移, 是强化范式的重要补充。  相似文献   
依恋研究方法述评   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
依恋研究内容的丰富和发展是以其研究方法的发展为基础的.本文概述了依恋研究领域中与不同年龄阶段相对应的三种影响较大的研究方法,即陌生情境法、依恋Q-set以及成人依恋访谈,并对这些依恋研究方法的优缺点、及其方法之间的关系进行了评述.  相似文献   
In the present research, three experiments were conducted to examine the effects of anger and sadness on spontaneous trait inferences (STIs). Using a probe recognition paradigm, Experiment 1 revealed that angry participants made more errors in response to probes following trait‐implying behaviours than sad participants did. Using a false recognition paradigm, Experiments 2 and 3 revealed that angry participants made more errors in response to systematic pair trials than sad participants did. The three experiments provided convergent evidence that angry individuals were more inclined to form STIs than sad individuals were. The current research first demonstrated the different effects of specific negative mood states (anger vs. sadness) on STIs, providing further insight into the relationship between mood and STIs.  相似文献   
张红  任靖远  刘晨阳  罗劲 《心理学报》2019,51(6):688-698
尽管对从众效应已经开展了广泛的研究, 但对于创造性产品的评价是否存在从众效应仍有待探讨。本实验以原创性程度不同的两类创造性产品——“创新产品”和“革新产品” ——为材料, 采用“初次评价-从众诱导-延时再评”的实验程序, 研究了人们在创造性产品的两个基本维度——新颖性和实用性——的感知和评价上是否存在从众效应。结果发现, 两类产品在两个维度的评价上都存在从众效应; 但“创新产品”在实用性维度的评价上比“革新产品”更容易从众。实验进一步比较了被试在做出两个维度的评价时其确定性程度有无差异, 发现被试在对“创新产品”进行实用性评价时所伴随的不确定感较之革新产品更强, 这提示可能是对“创新产品”进行实用性判断时所具有的更大的不确定感导致了从众程度的增加。  相似文献   
Culture is thought to strongly influence the development of executive functions (EF), such that ethnic groups with similar cultural origins are generally assumed to exhibit comparable levels of EF performance. However, other characteristics, such as urbanization and Westernization, may also affect EF performance in societies comprising different ethnic groups, even if the ethnic groups share a similar cultural origin. The present study aimed to compare the perceptions of parents in three cities [China–Shenzhen (ZH group), China–Hong Kong (HK group), and Singapore (SG group)] regarding the EF performances of their children, all of whom share the same genetic and cultural (i.e., Chinese) origin. The study recruited 95 children aged 5–6 years (ZH group = 32; HK group = 32; SG group = 31). Their parents were invited to complete the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF). The ZH group had significantly lower BRIEF scores compared to both the HK and SG groups. However, the BRIEF scores of the HK and SG groups only differed significantly in terms of the Organization of Materials domain. The results suggest city-related differences in parents’ perceptions of their children’s EF performances, despite their similar genetic and cultural backgrounds. We additionally discuss further interpretations of our results and the limitations of this study.  相似文献   
异性友谊是一种重要的人际关系。已有研究考察了一般异性友谊的特点、影响和维系, 同时也考察了利友关系的心理特征和身心影响。异性朋友可能会对青少年和大学生的社会适应带来消极影响, 但这一影响可能具有文化差异。进化心理学取向的研究者主要考察了异性友谊的进化功能, 他们认为异性友谊能够帮助个体完成长期择偶目标或短期择偶目标, 同时还能够为个体提供重要的择偶信息。未来研究有必要结合新出现的友谊理论, 考察不同年龄阶段的异性友谊, 同时关注异性友谊中的个体差异变量, 比如人际性行为取向、暗黑三合一性格和择偶智力。  相似文献   
宽恕的结果包含两个方面, 一是就被冒犯者而言的结果, 二是就冒犯者而言的结果。就被冒犯者而言, 宽恕的积极结果已被广泛证实, 但就冒犯者的行为而言, 以往研究的结果并不一致。有研究指出, 宽恕会导致进一步伤害的发生, 但也有研究指出, 宽恕能够降低进一步伤害的可能性。出现这种不一致结论的原因在于, 不同研究对于宽恕与和解的关系、冒犯者的内心体验和双方人际互动的认识不一致, 但进一步分析可以发现, 认为宽恕会避免进一步伤害的证据更充分, 因此宽恕仍然是处理人际伤害的有效方式。但无论是被冒犯者还是冒犯者, 在做出宽恕决定或是接受他人的宽恕时, 仍有一些方面要加以注意。  相似文献   
The revival of virtue ethics has been accompanied by an increasing interest in Kant’s theory of virtue. Many scholars claim that virtue plays an important role in Kant’s moral theory. However, some worries and disagreements have arisen within the camp of contemporary virtue ethics concerning the Kantian concept of virtue. Some scholars have pointed out that Kantian virtue is at best nothing more than Aristotelian continence, that is, strength of will in the face of contrary emotions and appetites, and hence not a real virtue. In response to these criticisms and worries concerning Kant’s concept of virtue, this paper examines the question of whether Kant’s account of virtue is only a reformulation of Aristotle’s idea of continence. My analysis focuses on Kant’s concept of inner freedom, his ideas about latitude in the imperfect duties of virtue, and his notion of the perfection of virtue. I thus attempt to provide some evidence of the significant differences between Aristotelian continence and Kant’s virtue as strength. Then I explore the significance of Kant’s virtue as strength. Finally, I argue that Kant’s virtue as strength not only is not Aristotle’s idea of continence but also is located at a much higher level, that is, the state of inner freedom and the mental attitude of a human being’s soul.  相似文献   
选取40名老年人和38名年轻人做被试,以同时携带“年龄-性别”信息、体现着社会多重范畴的面孔作为靶子刺激,探究年龄或性别范畴中某一范畴发生变化时,多重社会范畴的类别化加工特性以及各个子范畴的类别化加工之间的相互关系。在此基础上进一步探讨了不同年龄(老年人-青年人)和性别(男性-女性)的认知者在面对社会多重范畴时相应的类别化加工过程是否存在差异。结果发现:当年龄或者性别中的某个社会范畴发生变化时,另一社会范畴的类别化加工未能达到完全自动化加工水平。具体地,年龄类别化加工的自动化程度高于性别;老年人对于面孔中的社会范畴信息的加工速度慢于年轻人;对老年面孔中的社会范畴信息进行加工需要耗费更多的认知资源;相对于老年女性而言,认知者更加偏好年轻女性的面孔。  相似文献   
青少年物质成瘾行为受到普遍的关注, 成瘾物质滥用的机制一直是学者们探讨和研究的焦点。门户理论提出青少年发展成严重药物滥用者的过程存在顺序和阶段特征, 合法物质的使用会增加发展为非法药物使用的风险, 这种顺序效应得到了实证研究的支持。本研究在综述以往研究的基础上发现, 基于门户理论视角下青少年药物使用存在顺序效应, 但以往研究仍然存在一些不足, 例如药物使用顺序的不固定, 解释范围有限, 内在机制不清楚以及各种影响因素缺乏整合等。未来可以扩展研究对象和范围, 以深入研究顺序效应的内在机制。  相似文献   
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