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聋人阅读过程中的视觉功能补偿现象是由于听觉信息的缺失,聋人的视觉功能会发生补偿性改变,表现为对副中央凹视野内文本信息的加工效率更高。本研究采用边界范式,测量聋人的副中央凹-中央凹重复效应,以探究聋人的副中央凹视觉功能补偿现象能否促进其中央凹的词汇识别过程。结果发现,聋人的副中央凹-中央凹重复效应出现在早期阅读指标凝视时间,而阅读能力匹配组只出现在晚期阅读指标总注视时间。因此,相比阅读能力匹配的健听读者,聋人的副中央凹-中央凹重复效应出现得更早,表现出副中央凹视觉功能补偿现象。  相似文献   
Norton等人[1]的研究表明,虽然人们相信更多地了解他人会产生更大的人际吸引力,但是平均而言,了解他人的信息越多反而会对对方产生更少的喜欢。所以,模糊性——对对方缺乏信息了解——会产生喜爱,但是,熟悉性——获取他人更多的信息,则反而会产生鄙视感。这种"越少越好"效应是由于不同点的阶式连接性质,一旦遇到两人间不同点的证据后继的信息更可能用来解释不同点的进一步证据,所以导致对对方喜欢程度的降低。国外研究者指出在实验室研究中,了解的信息和喜欢程度及在线的资料中约会前与约会后都呈现出负负关系,这同时也表明了不同点中介调节作用。本文鉴于国内研究此类文献几乎没有的现状,试图对Norton的研究进行验证,并试图作进一步的扩展。  相似文献   

Stimuli presented with targets in a detection task are later recognised more accurately than those presented with distractors, an unusual effect labelled the attentional boost effect (ABE). This effect may reflect an enhancement triggered by target detection, the inhibition of distractor rejection, or some combination of both. To test these possibilities, the present study adopted a baseline similar to that of Swallow and Jiang ([2014b]. The attentional boost effect really is a boost: evidence from a new baseline. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 76(5), 1298–1307); the goal was to separate target-induced enhancements from distractor-induced inhibition. An R/K procedure was applied to further explore the kind of memory that might be affected by target detection or distractor rejection. The results show that the memory advantage for target-paired words was robust relative to that of baseline words; this advantage was mainly observed in R responses. More importantly, a memory reduction was also observed for distractor-paired words relative to baseline words, though this reduction was only observed in R responses. These data led us to conclude that the ABE was triggered by both processes: target-induced enhancement and distractor-induced inhibition. Moreover, both processes were more likely to affect recollection-based recognition.  相似文献   
药物治疗的矛盾表现在药物的选择和联合、剂型和给药途径、剂量、给药方法和疗程上.而引起药物治疗矛盾的因素主要有病情因素(如病因、诱因、临床表现、并发症和伴发症等)、患者因素(如生理因素、特殊体质、社会人文因素及依从性等)、药物因素(如禁忌证和适应证、药效学、药代动力学、药物不良反应和药物相互作用等)和其他治疗措施(如手术、透析等)4个方面.我们可以通过调整治疗的重点、治疗的措施、治疗的目标或预期结果,以及调整治疗的方案入手解决矛盾,特别需要避免人为的制造、扩大或激化矛盾.  相似文献   
The recent H1N1 pandemic influenza stimulated numerous studies into the attitudes and intentions about the H1N1 vaccine. However, no study has investigated prospective predictors of vaccination behaviour. We conducted a two-wave longitudinal study among residents in four US cities during the course of the H1N1 outbreak, using Internet surveys to assess demographic, cognitive and emotional predictors of H1N1 vaccination behaviour. Surveys were conducted at two time points, before (Time 1) and after (Time 2) the H1N1 vaccine was widely available to the public. Results show that Time 2 vaccination rates, but not Time 1 vaccination intentions, tracked H1N1 prevalence across the four cities. Receipt of seasonal influenza vaccine in the previous year, worry, compliance with recommended interventions, household size and education assessed at Time 1 were significant prospective predictors of vaccination behaviour. Perception of the H1N1 vaccine, social influence and prioritised vaccine recipient status assessed at Time 2 also predicted vaccination behaviour. Critically, worry about H1N1 mediated the effects of both objective risk (prevalence at the city level) and perceived risk on vaccination behaviour. These results suggest that H1N1 vaccination behaviour appropriately reflected objective risk across regions, and worry acted as the mechanism by which vaccination behaviour followed objective risk.  相似文献   
We conducted a field study to investigate how goal orientation traits and two variants of self-efficacy affect the goal-setting process and, in turn, performance. Participants were 255 college students enrolled in psychology or biochemistry courses at a large east-coast university in the People's Republic of China. Structural equation modeling analyses largely supported the argument that self-efficacy defined as a trait interacts with goal orientation traits, whereas self-efficacy defined as a state mediates the trait effects in the goal-setting process. The specific Trait × Trait interaction form was consistent with Dweck's original goal orientation theory and Brockner's behavior plasticity theory.  相似文献   
Recent research on employee commitment has adopted a multifoci framework, arguing that it is important to distinguish between commitments to particular targets such as supervisors, coworkers, and the organization itself. However, there remain questions about the relative importance of different commitments for predicting outcomes and about possible interactive effects among multiple commitments. To address these questions, the authors collected data from 279 employees as well as their supervisors and coworkers. The authors found robust effects for affective commitment to supervisors, showing that it was significantly related to turnover intentions, task performance, and citizenship behaviors incremental to affective commitment to the organization and coworkers. In addition, a 3-way commitment interaction predicted task performance and citizenship behaviors directed toward the supervisor.  相似文献   
论移植医学新角色——移植协调员的工作职责   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着移植医学的蓬勃发展,许多国家纷纷制定了人体器官捐赠和移植法令,建立了移植协调机构等配套管理措施和制度。随之,一个新型的专业角色——移植协调员应运而生。在研究国外移植协调员的工作基础上,借鉴国外的经验和模式,根据我国实际状况,提出我国移植协调员的工作职责。  相似文献   
打坐是一种席地端坐时将两腿交叉相压并调息入静的锻炼方式。打坐行为历史悠久,具有良好的健身作用,近年还发现对心脑血管疾病有一定治疗康复作用。但在中国由于打坐经常被认为属于宗教修炼而被普通大众忽视。本文将打坐与宗教分离开来,通过现代医学理论从调整呼吸、入静、远程缺血预适应保护等对神经系统、内脏功能(肺、消化系统、心血管系统及淋巴循环功能)的影响方面探讨了打坐的健身机制,为进一步研究并向大众推广这种安全有效的健身方法提供一管之见。特别是对心血管系统的保护作用值得进一步研究利用。  相似文献   
Emotion exerts varied influences on memory. While task-relevant item memory is often enhanced by emotion, associative memory is generally impaired. Unitization is known to improve associative memory, but its effects and mechanisms in protecting associative memory from emotional interference are rather obscure. The current study investigated associative memory by employing experimental manipulation of unitization (vs. nonunitization) encoding strategy and stimulus emotion (neutral, intrinsic negative, and extrinsic negative), combined with event-related potential (ERP) signatures of familiarity (FN400 old/new effects) and recollection (parietal late positive component/LPC old/new effects) in memory recognition. Both behavioral and ERP indices of associative recognition from the nonunitization group confirmed emotional interference in associative memory. Importantly, it was primarily intrinsic (vs. extrinsic) emotion that impeded associative memory. Unitization encoding improved memory performance in general, accompanied by enhanced recollection process and induction of familiarity process, which is typically not involved in associative memory recognition and was indeed absent in the nonunitization group. Importantly, unitization helped to preserve behavioral performance (specifically, response speed though not recognition strength) from interference by intrinsic emotion while largely reversed the detriment of intrinsic emotion on ERP indices of familiarity and recollection processes. Interestingly, a synergy between intrinsic emotion and unitization encoding was observed, which could underpin the facilitation of familiarity process in associative recognition of emotional pairs. Overall, current findings highlight interference by intrinsic emotion in associative memory, which is nonetheless responsive to mitigation by unitization encoding.  相似文献   
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